Anuire » Northern Marches » Dhoesone
Baroness Fhiele Dhoesone
Wooden goods, lumber, animal hides
GB Income:
GB (Province GB; Law GB)
RP Income:
RP (Province RP; Law RP)
GB (Army GB; Fortifications GB; Court GB)
14 GB
33'21 RP
Dhoesone is a land where the forces of decomposition threaten to pull the realm apart into a dozen directions. Changes in Anuirean culture, long connections to the Rjurik culture, the conflict between elf and man, the rough wilderness and its particular dangers, all of these things and more beset the realm and its a full time job for the baroness to create the semblance of a realm.
The ruler of Dhoesone must be skilled in diplomacy to persuade the rival factions of the realm to unite - or strong enough militarily to crush those that would oppose them.
- New regent's Letters upon Coronation
- Some candid and helpful advice from the Dhoesone court
[top]Life and Society
The large expanses of Dhoesone give way to some diversity of terrain. Windswept moor, birch and oak forest, coastal life on the Tael Firth, and upland living in the foothills of the Silverhead Mountains give the people many different lifestyles to occupy their days.
The people of the moor are shepherds, ever wary of dangers. This hardy breed is only vaguely Anuirean, many having descended directly from Rjurik stock, and others seeking to emulate the adaptation to the cold winds and harsh climate. Just across the Northbyrn River, all semblance of Anuirean culture ends, and a true Rjurik culture blossoms. Many of the people marry back and forth across this political boundary.
The people of the coast have a curious mixture of Anuirean and Rjurik culture. The sea route from Nolien to Nowelton, in Talinie, keeps Anuirean news and ideas flowing into the country. Fishing, trading, and the life of the sea is common to both Rjurik and Anuirean cultures, but they bring such a different sensibility and technology, that the hybrid culture of the moor and forest is not seen here. Rather, fisherman and sailors tend to be either Rjurik and work in their own tradition, or Anuirean and use the techniques and technology of Anuire.
The forests are a scene of great conflict, many of the people live in fear of guilds, goblins or elves. It is in the forest where the conflicts in Dhoesone are most acute and most intense.
[top]The Land
Dhoesone is a sprawling realm of moors, hills and forests. Lightly populated for the most part, the realm has a wild feel far from the civilized air of most of Anuire. Dhoesone is home not only to Anuirean villagers and the like, but also nomadic Rjurik, goblin clans and elusive sidhe, none of whom consider themselves part of any Anuirean realm. Since Fhiele, a half-elf, took the throne the number of nomads has increased sharply as many of her people recoiled from a sidhe queen and retreated into ancient ways.
The south coast of Dhoesone is noted for a multitude of rocky inlets and also sweeping beaches of golden sand, although the ocean is said to be chill enough to make a boy of any man.
The mighty Northbryn river forms Dhoesone's western border. The river is fast flowing near its source deep in the Silverheart mountains, but slower and calmer in southern Dhoesone. The river is rich in fish, turtles, eels and even fresh-water clams in places. Plant-life is abundant within and alongside the river and it is home to many folk from fishers to bargemen who transport goods between the coast and hilly northern provinces.
The majority of the realm's grains are grown in the floodplains of the river, while the hills in the north provide much of the realms mineral wealth. In the hillier areas sheep are common, indeed more sheep than people live in the western provinces and the area exports much mutton and wool.
The east of Dhoesone is heavily forested, indeed the border with Tuarheviel is often a matter of local perspective rather than geographical fact; before Fhiele became baroness the border was a matter of frequent contention between the folk of Dhoesone and Tuarheviel. Farms in the west tend to have smaller plots of land, and raise livestock such as goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits and the like.
Dhoesone is a land of short summers and long winters. Rain is frequent as is fog; snowstorms are common in winter and most folk only travel when absolutely necessary. The weather has left an inviolable tradition of sanctuary in times of harsh weather and a series of shelters are maintained by the baroness across the land.
Rare but feared hazards in winter are storms known as the breath of Karesha. These sudden intense blizzards sweep down from the north without warning, even the once legendary Downs Rovers were said to flee before such storms for without sturdy shelter or magic only those most blessed by Sera with luck can survive them.
[top]Provinces of Dhoesone
Bjondrig is where the highlands and the moors give way to lowlands and coastal plains. As such, Bjondrig is much more like Nolien or Ustkjuvil than it is like Riveside or the other highlands. The count is Thjobald Bjondrig.
[top]Giant's Fastness
Romiene is a windswept moor inhabited by more sheep than people. Its countess is Clumine Dhoesone, who also serves as Court Astrologer of Dhoesone.
Soniele is a forested province where the encroachment of the guilds is well regulated and administered by the count, Daeric Dhoesone. It certainly helps that Daeric owns a considerable part of the land, and he is willing to forgo the incomes of forestry to protect the land.
[top]Important Figures
Fhiele Dhoesone, Baroness of Dhoesone
Rhuimach Taeline, Captain General of Dhoesone, Lord of Taeline
Helaene Dosiere, Chancellor of Dhoesone
Clumine Dhoesone, Countess of Romiene
Daeric Dhoesone, Count of Soniele
Thjobald Bjondrig, Count of Bjondrig
Günther Brandt, Archdruid of the Oaken Grove of Erik
James Ardannt, Haelyn's Bastion of Truth
Interesting people in Dhoesone
[top]Fighting Orders
[top]Plots and Rumors
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- Dhoesone campaign example
- Fhiele Dhoesone plots and rumours
- Oaken Grove plots and rumors in Dhoesone
- Haelyn's Bastion of Truth Dhoesone plots
- Northern Reformed Church of Sarimie Dhoesone plots
- Mheallie Bireon's Dhoesone plots
- Storm's plots in Dhoesone
- Plans of the Northern Imports and Exports
- Upper Anuire Traders Dhoesone plots
- Bannier Andien's Dhoesone plots
- Gheallie Sidhe Dhoesone plots
[top]Domain Holding Table
Province | Law | Temple | Guild | Source |
Bjondrig (1/4) | SH (1) | OA (1) | SH (1) | CD (4) |
FD (0) | ||||
Dharilein (1/4) | FD (1) | HBT (1) | AD (1) | CD (4) |
AD (0) | ||||
Giant's Fastness (1/5) | Gth (1) | HBT (1) | Gth (1) | DD (5) |
FD (0) | ||||
Hidaele (2/3) | FD (1) | HBT (2) | BA (2) | CD (3) |
BA (0) | ||||
Nolien (3/2) | FD (2) | NRC (3) | SH (3) | CD (2) |
SH (0) | HBT(0) | |||
Riveside (2/3) | FD (1) | OA (2) | SH (2) | CD (3) |
SH (0) | ||||
Romiene (1/4) | BA (1) | OA (1) | BA (1) | CD (4) |
FD (0) | ||||
Ruidewash (2/5) | FD (1) | HBT (1) | AD (2) | DD (5) |
AD (0) | NRC (1) | |||
Sidhuire (2/5) | FD (1) | HBT (2) | AD (2) | DD (5) |
AD (0) | NRC (0) | |||
Soniele (1/6) | Gth (1) | OA (1) | Gth (1) | DD (6) |
FD (0) | ||||
Sonnelind (4/3) | FD (3) | NRC (3) | MB (2) | DD (3) |
MB (1) | HBT (1) | AD (2) | ||
Tradebhein (2/5) | FD (1) | NRC (2) | MB (2) | DD (5) |
MB (1) | HBT (0) | |||
Abbreviations: FD=Fhiele Dhoesone (Dhoesone); GTh=Gaelin Thuried (Upper Anuire Traders); AD=Adaere Doneim (Northern Imports and Exports); SH=Storm Holtson (Stjordvik Traders); BA=Bannier Andien (Andien and Sons); MB=Mheallie Bireon (Northlands Exchange); NRC=Larra Nielems (Northern Reformed Church of Sarimie); HBT=James Ardannt (Haelyn's Bastion of Truth); OA=Günther Brandt (Oaken Grove of Erik); CD=Clumine Dhoesone; DD=Daeric Dhoesone. |
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Created by Last edited by , 09-23-2016 at 03:50 AM 0 Comments, 54,697 Views |
, 09-14-2009 at 04:14 AM
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