The Rjuven were one of the ancient tribes of Aduria that fled the coming of the Shadow. The patron deity of the Rjuven was Reynir the Valiant, also called the Hunter. After the Battle of Deismaar, Reynir's place was taken by Erik, his former arch-druid and the Rjuven began to call themselves, and their nation, the Rjurik.
Rumours say that some Rjuven still live in Aduria, but so few Cerilians travel beyond the north coast of that benighted continent that any truth to this rumour will be revealed only slowly.
The name now mostly applies to the modern language of the Rjurik people.
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Rumours say that some Rjuven still live in Aduria, but so few Cerilians travel beyond the north coast of that benighted continent that any truth to this rumour will be revealed only slowly.
The name now mostly applies to the modern language of the Rjurik people.
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Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 12:07 PM 0 Comments, 13,474 Views |
, 08-11-2008 at 12:44 AM