Brechtür » Eastern Basin States » Berhagen
The thinly populated Barony of Berghagen serves as a cornerstone and buffer region for the breadbasket states of the Brecht lands. It is a rough realm, and its people are a reflection of their land.
[top]Life and Society
Hunting, trapping, and fishing are the major occupations of the people of Berhagen. In addition, every able-bodied man and woman must serve two years in the Berkannen, or Berhagen levy.
[top]The Land
Berhagen won its independence from the Anuirean Empire in 978 HC, after a small military campaign between the loyalist grafs and the families tied to the Van Schaeffen's family.
[top]Plots and Rumours
[top]Important Figures
[top]Domain Holding Table
Province | Law | Temple | Guild | Source |
Bierlev (2/3) | LS (1) | PA (2) | TL (2) | RG (3) |
Cluhagen (2/5) | LS (1) | PA (1) | TL (2) | RG (1) |
Elfhaben (3/6) | LS (2) | PA (2) | TL (3) | RG (1) |
Holstadt (4/4) | LS (4) | MF (3) | TL (2) | - |
Ilfressen (3/4) | LS (3) | MF (2) | TL (2) | - |
Karljappen (2/6) | LS (1) | MF (1) | KA (1) | - |
Sevlakol (2/3) | LS (1) | PA (1) | TL (1) | RG (1) |
Tiess (1/6) | LS (0) | - | KA (1) | - |
Ulfsted (2/5) | LS (1) | - | KA (1) | - |
Abbreviations: LS = Ludwig von Schaeffen (Berhagen); MF = Fortunes' Forethought (Matilend Freiss); PA = Pieter Astridsen (Old Father of Forests); TL = Tanbeir Lossen (Furveldt Trepkin); KA = Kelda Auslawsen (Mountain Brigands); RG = Rheulan Greencloack (Rheulgard). |
- Law: Baron Ludwig von Schaeffen keeps a tight rein on the meagre law holdings of Berhagen. All his holdings are fortified, and he continually guards against invasion - both military and political - from Molochev and Rzhlev, his sworn enemies in the Vos lands.
- Temples:Two temples see to the health of the Berhagen people. Fortune's Forethought, led by Matilend Freiss, looks over the coastland settlers, while the scattered followers of Erik worship under Pieter Astridsen, of the Old Father of Forests.
- Guilds: The trappers and fur traders of Berhagen control the legal guild holdings, and are, in turn, controlled by the baron. Ludwing's chief vassal is a young Brecht trader named Tanbeir Lossen, who shows potential as a merchant and a conniver. Traders in the realm endure predations by the Mountain Brigands, led by Keld Auslawsen.
- Sources: Berhagen's magical energy remains, for the most part, untapped. Rheulaan Greencloak of Rheulgard controls some of the energy. The death of the old High Mage of Berhagen has recently left many sources untapped.
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, 07-06-2009 at 06:23 AM
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