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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The Prince and the Archduke

    At first it seems a gross mis-match. While Boeruine is certainly not a weak power, he still cannot compete with the might of Avanil in open combat. Why hasn’t the Prince struck out and destroyed his greatest enemy? Certainly it would not be easy to destroy Boeruine, but it could be done. What defenses and strategies does Boeruine have? When the war comes, what options does he possess? Here are a few of my ideas.

    Firstly, Boeruine’s empire consists of:

    The Duchy of Boeruine (6 provinces, 36 province levels, 36 law levels)
    External Law Holdings (3 in Talinie, 4 in Tuornen, 2 in the Imperial City)
    Talinie (7 provinces, 18 province levels, 10 law levels, 33 temple levels, vassal
    mage with 28+ source levels)
    The Hidden Temple of Cuiraécen (16+ temple levels)
    The Boeruine Trading Guild (26 guild levels)
    Mage Arlen Innis (17 source levels)

    In comparison, Avan’s empire consists of:

    The Principality of Avanil (9 provinces, 37 levels, 37 law levels)
    External Law Holdings (6 in Brosengae, 14 in Taeghas, 6 in Mieres, 3 in Diemed, 4 in
    Tuornen, 3 in the Imperial City)
    The Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn (58 temple levels)
    The Prince’s Pride (35 guild levels)
    The Duchy of Brosengae (3 provinces, 12 levels, 6 law levels, 29 guild levels)
    The County of Taeghas (8 provinces, 3 law levels, 52 source levels)
    The Imperial Colony of Mieres (8 provinces, 8 law levels, 24 guild levels)

    Strategies and possible allies for Boeruine:
    1. The Archduke’s “ace in his sleeve” is the duchess of Brosengae, whose well-timed betrayal of the Prince could devastate Avan’s offensive. In fact, all of the Prince’s vassal states (Brosengae, Taeghas and Mieres) are rather unwilling and would enjoy a return to their freedom if it could be arranged.
    2. Already the Arch-Duke has given troops to aid in the defense of Dhoesone. Haelyn’s Bastion of Truth in that realm is a daughter-church of the Northern Imperial Temple; this realm is probably the best candidate for a future Boeruinese client state, provided Mhoried and Taurhievel can be distracted (though with Savane Mhoried on the throne in the elf realm, this would be more easily arranged).
    3. Boeruine has always had close ties with the Rjurik states to the north, a wise Arch-Duke would work to solidify these contacts. Halskapa is about to fall into a state of civil war and if Boeruine is careful, it can play the role of king-maker. A Halskapan vassal or ally would cut trade ties to Avanil, aid Boeruine in wars and provide other assistance. Halskapans might also sign over Dantier Island (which they officially claim) to Boeruine, which would make an excellent freeport for Anuire-Rjurik tradeThe Boeruinese might also be able make Stjordvik into a vassal and find an ally in the raiders of Rjuvik.
    4. Even if the Halskapans don’t come over to the Boeruinese side, Dantier Island could be annexed and become a port and naval station. It was settled by Anuireans (Bannier, Andien and Sons) who might be sympathetic to Boeruine.
    5. A potent secret ally might be found in the pirate clans of Aerele and Baerghos Island. Deals might be worked out with letters of marque, access to ports, and fiscal or military assistance in return for either free passage of Boeruinese shipping or even closer ties. Part of the Boeruinese navy could “defect” and become pirates along the western coast. The pirates could begin this work long before a formal declaration of war was declared.
    6. In Tuornen, the House Ghonallison is a strong Boeruinese ally and the Archduke has the support of the northern peasants. If Avan and Alam could be brought together, Tuornen would have to turn to Boeruine for support. A proxy war between Alamie/Avanil and Tuornen/Boeruine could be fought.
    7. Thurazor has allied with Boeruine in the past and might be a possible future ally as well. The goblin tribes could even cross the Five Peaks and attack Alamie, throwing the balance of any proxy conflict there in return for gold up front and the right to plunder.
    8. Farther afield, Boeruine would find supporters wherever Avanil expands or threatens. If Diemed becomes an Avan proxy, Medoere, Ilien, Endier and Roesone might join an alliance with Avan. If Avan throws his support behind William Moergan, Jaison Raenech will be looking for allies (though Ghoere is a more probable ally). Endier will be drawn into any conflict in the old duchy of Alamie, at the very least as a trading point and neutral ground for all participants at the most as a full ally and participant. Kalien might be willing to side with Boeruine if promised the province of Tuor’s Hold and support against Avan.

    How have other folks handled the coming Boeruine-Avanil war? Did the Archduke simply lose or was there a true fight? Who won? How did this conflict relate to the other conflagrations boiling in Cerilia (the civil war in Osoerde, the coming rampage of the Spider, Diemed's attack on Medoere, Ghoere trying to conquer the world, the possible rampage of the Gorgon, the looming civil war in Halskapa and Jankaping, etc)?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
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    aberdeen, scotland
    Well there are a number of problems with a war between avanil and boeruine the passes threw the mountains being one.

    Neither wants to weaken themselves to the point when they are vulnerable to others.

    I see boeruine as a more capable general than Avan who is a better politician.

    Avan's allies are not as loyal as boeruines.

    People wont want Avan to win so you might have strange forces aiding Boeruine should things turn against him.

    Boeruines mage is a darned site better than Avan.

    I have dealt with the Boeruine-Avanil war a few times. It descended into a terrible bloodbath that swept up all of Anuire. Each time it also ended about the same with Boeruine holding the west coast having taken taeghus while much of the rest of anuire was a devestated wasteland at the mercy of outside forces like the gorgon and manslayer who are more than happy to take advantage of the situation. Nobody won anuire lost but the greater boeruine west coast protected by the mountains and forests suffered least.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ausrick's Avatar
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    This is all good information! It would be nice to have different DM's experiences with how a war with Boeruine and Avanil went down, or for that matter other realms as well, and what sort of influences and stategies occurred. In my campaign, the players are removed by some distance from the Iron Throne, but if things heat up in that direction it would be nice to have some back ground ideas for how the rumors of distant war eventually heat up and fan into the flames that will even draw in remote isolationist regents. Especially if I can put the PC's in a position where they dont' know which one to support, because either way they could be putting their realm's neck on the line and they would need to watch out for opportunistic Awnsheghlien.

  4. #4
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    As was stated, there are very few ways through the Seamist Mountains. It looks to me that the only ways through are:

    Daulton to Coere
    Nentril to Seamist
    Rhuobhe's Realm
    Monsedge to Dhalaese

    If Brosengae were to rebel and bring her fleet into the Arnienbae along with Boeruines, then Avan would be bottled up. The only way through would then be Nentril to Seamist. If Brosengae rebelled while the majority of Avan's armies were in Taeghas, they could quickly starve.

    While Taeghas is a loyal follower of Avan, he isn't much for mundane things. The Count appears to simply want to study magic and be left alone. Anything that starts to hurt his magical learning, ie wars that cause source damage, would make him rather unhappy and liable to try to stop fighting.

    In the couple of simulations that I ran, Avan would lose. Mostly because he could not rely upon his vassals. Mieres would keep promising things, but his ships would always be in the wrong place at the right time. Brosengae would flounder around and sometimes openly rebel. Taeghas would just try to not be the main battle ground.

    In the case that Brosengae rebels, Boeruine would land his forces in Bindier and march on Avan. Otherwise the battles would be skirmishes in Taeghas, and sometimes Tuornen. But the result was always the same - Avan would not be able to carry on the war to a victory and would be forced to yield, granting independence to Mieres, Taeghas and Brosengae.

    In each simulation, I also had Rhuobhe run rampant, wiping out people in every bordering province.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    But Talinie is ally of Boeruine,not vassal!

  6. #6
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    I think it an odd assumption that all of Avan's vassals and allies should suddenly abandon him on the eve of battle, and stand by Avan's old enemies - even more so beacause Avan is said to be quite good at politics and intigue.

    So that makes the whole castle a bit shaky, since its built upon a heap of "ifs"
    DM of Ruins of Empire II PbeM

  7. #7
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    I would daresay that Avan's central position in Anuire and high profile also makes him vulnerable. He aspires to the Iron Thone, which should pretty much mean that no other major power wants to oblige him.

    So if Avan starts to look like he's going to take down Boeruine, then a host of other realms would probably make problems for him. If only to keep the status quo.
    DM of Ruins of Empire II PbeM

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Victoria BC Canada
    Is there a pass from Nentril to Seamist?
    O hark, O hear! How thin and clear,
    And thinner, clearer, farther going!
    O sweet and far from cliff and scar
    The Horns of Sielwode faintly blowing!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    New Haven, CT
    Quote Originally Posted by Green Knight
    I think it an odd assumption that all of Avan's vassals and allies should suddenly abandon him on the eve of battle, and stand by Avan's old enemies - even more so beacause Avan is said to be quite good at politics and intigue.
    Yup, correct. We know, though, that Vaumel really just wants to be left alone and run his own corrupt enterprises. He only cleans up a little when the auditors arrive, then goes back to his evil ways. Unless Avan arrives in Seaward with an army, Vaumel isn't likely to risk his neck much.

    Brosengae is canon unreliable entirely, so we know she will backstab at the best convenience (maybe literally).

    And Khorien in canon was said to not want to rule, thus he gave up all his law in Taeghas in exchange for sources in Avanil. While I have him support Avan for the most part in my simulations, his lack of worldliness haunts his abilities.

    But then, it's all 'ifs'. A couple die rolls difference here and there and things may go the other way.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
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    IMC, rather than having those two nations rattling sabres over the border like they usually do, Avan has effectively won and now controls both realms and (for the most part) both sets of allies - not that either Prince/ Duke is around to enjoy the victory - Avan's daughter (with Bourine's younger son) is now the regent of the largest realm in Anuire.
    This was achieved mainly due to three events - the killing of Rhoubhe, misdirected orders to the Bourine units and a timely assassination of Bourine.

    Now my players have just got to hope that Avan's duaghter is as sweet and harmless as she appears ;-)

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