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  1. #1
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    Maps of Cariele, Caerlinien

    Greetings all. My tabletop group has been adventuring in - and are now rulers of - the realm of Cariele. This campaign has been going on for over 3 years now, but alas, none of us are artists or terribly creative when it comes to making maps.

    Caerlinien, by its description, is one of the most important cities in the north; it guards a critical trade highway, abuts goblin and elven realms, is the trade stronghold of the strongest guilder in the north, and has been a fortress for the Anuireans for millenia. I'm surprised, then, by the lack of maps or more detailed information on this city!

    I was wondering if anyone, in their adventures in this area, had come up with maps of any of the important northern cities or a map of the region itself; and if so, if they would be willing to share. Thanks in advance; our campaign would be much enriched with some maps to build off of.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Closest I have is a map of boeruine someone uploaded to the site, sorry.
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  3. #3
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    While not the region I was looking for, that is still a very nice map! Thanks for sharing regardless, I've saved it in case we head in that direction at some point. That's not in the downloads section but probably should be.

    I have seen Osoerde drawn in a style similar to that, do you have any others like this?

  4. #4
    Hello Jerrith

    I do not remember seeing anything developped about Cariele so far...

    I could try to draw something, but I wouldn't know what to put on the map since this domain has only one page of description in the setting, and no special landmark on the Anuire map... If you have some ideas of what should be in the different provinces (based on your campaign) I could give it a try. Do not expect too much though, I am still a beginner at mapping stuff.

    On the other hand, if you are looking for city maps to "recycle" for your campaign, I can suggest that you lurk at the Cartographers' Guild. This is a forum by and for map afficionados and is very Fantasy-oriented. There is a sub-forum focusing on city maps and most posters do not mind people using their creations for their games.

  5. #5
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerrith View Post
    While not the region I was looking for, that is still a very nice map! Thanks for sharing regardless, I've saved it in case we head in that direction at some point. That's not in the downloads section but probably should be.

    I have seen Osoerde drawn in a style similar to that, do you have any others like this?
    I had a quick look to find the thread that they were all listed on and failed - but it looks like it was drawn by 'Morg'.

    Some maps were on:

    The other similar maps I have are
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  6. #6
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    Excellent! Thank you, Andrew

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  7. #7
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    sorry I got cut off last night, some more maps.
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  8. #8
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    only one more, taeghas keeps failing and Kay's map of Cerilia is too big
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  9. #9
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    Thanks for all those maps Andrew! Since is gone, those maps should definitely be archived in the downloads section for posterity, if possible. Most of the other sites linked to in the old maps threads no longer exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabrice View Post
    Hello Jerrith

    I do not remember seeing anything developped about Cariele so far...

    I could try to draw something, but I wouldn't know what to put on the map since this domain has only one page of description in the setting, and no special landmark on the Anuire map... If you have some ideas of what should be in the different provinces (based on your campaign) I could give it a try. Do not expect too much though, I am still a beginner at mapping stuff.

    On the other hand, if you are looking for city maps to "recycle" for your campaign, I can suggest that you lurk at the Cartographers' Guild. This is a forum by and for map afficionados and is very Fantasy-oriented. There is a sub-forum focusing on city maps and most posters do not mind people using their creations for their games.
    That's an incredibly generous offer, Fabrice! Let me fill you in as best as I can. As for the lack of details, that's the problem we are having; that there is so little information we don't even have a template to work with. Here's some of the facts known, along with assumptions of mine:

    Basic Geography
    It's part of the ancient Aelvinnwode, next to the Stonecrown Mountains. I imagine a lot of old-growth forests hidden away in the mountains, and the land has several hills throughout until it finally flattens past Caerlinien and the Ruide River, which is seeking the lowest point to flow through. There are probably some unmarked creeks and streams, considering the mountains and rivers abutting the territory. Most of the player's secrets seem to use smaller minor rivers as province borders, and I can easily imagine a small river coming down from the mountain and following the border of Mountainsedge north and then east. Perhaps a branch goes west as well, which might give Caerlinien either the river running through it, a defensive advantage of being flanked by the river on two sides, or even in the middle of the split, using it as a moat (with the use of some manmade alterations to the river's flow).

    The player's secrets of Talinie shows off another Anuirean realm logging in the Aelvinnwode, and gives a good perspective about what the provinces might look like in greater detail.

    1) Caerlinien is in the exact center of Cariele, where the three provinces intersect. Given its name (Caer) and its long-term importance as protector of the northern roads and passes, I picture it as quite the bastion, with a central keep built on some manner of raised ground (since the area is still quite hilly, only slowly leveling off from the Stonecrowns).
    1b) Cariele is the farthest north Anuirean duchy, and the only road into the old Rjurik territories and colonies (including Dhoesone). It's hard to adequately emphasize how important this bastion would have been to the Anuirean rulers throughout the period of the empire; a base, garrison, and waystation for imperial troops watching both the elves and the goblins on both sides, the rjurik to the north, and the vulnerable pass.
    1c) It's also of central importance to trade. It's Bireon's base of operations, and all the source material has roads emanating out from Caerlinien directly. I imagine the city itself probably has an old middle surrounded by thick walls, with a large portion of it more recently built outside the walls.

    2) No other cities are mentioned, but both Riverford and Mhelliviene are at a weighty population of 5. No other province in the north surpasses this, and only the capitals of the heartland nations of Mhoried and Ghoere can pass it with 6. Based on this, I imagine the provinces to be well-settled, with maintained roads and plentiful villages, especially thick along the main trade highway.

    The Stonecrown Mountains
    1) There's an important pass in the Stonecrown Mountains, Mhelliviene. It's described as a "small, hilly gap," a "narrow mountain pass," and a "gorge."
    1b) What I always found odd was that throughout the millenia, Anuireans have put all their effort in this gap when the map of Anuire seems to show a large open area in the mountains just a few miles to the west, in Puinol. It might be a map error - the above description also mentions this narrow opening, when the main map seems to show the entire province opens up.

    2) There will be ruins of walls/fortresses in the pass. The adventure Seeking Bloodsilver deals extensively with these ruins.

    1) "Roads cross the land," probably for moving lumber. I imagine that there will be many fields of stumps and clearings when before it was all trees - Riverford should be the most cleared, as mentioned in the material, although it over 50% of the province should still be covered in a mix of old-growth forest and planted trees to match the province type.

    2) The Dhoesone material describes "one of the largest roads in Anuire" that runs up through Cariele to Sonnelind.
    2b) Bridges were never really described in the source material, but given the name 'Riverford,' I assume that the river is fairly shallow and/or narrow in at least one point. The player's secrets of Tuarhievel show a bridge crossing the Ruide river into Dhoesone, so I imagine the larger highway of Cariele would have one as well.

    3) The highway that leads up to Sonnelind (and beyond?) also goes south through the mountains in the Mhelliviene pass.

    4) The Tuarhievel material describes a road that leads from Caerlinien to Cwmbheir. In the player's secrets of Tuarhievel, a map shows a bridge crossing that river border, and the road on the Tuarhievel side follows the border between Avallaigh and Bhindraith. This bridge is called, in an epic moment of inspiration, "Cariele Bridge."

    5) Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance also has a road leading into Thurazor along the provinces adjacent to the river.

    Ruide River
    1) Here's what the atlas has on the Ruide River:
    "Rising from the cold, clear waters of the Fhallaghlach, the Ruide River winds past the Gorgon's Crown and the northern reaches of the Aelvinnwode to the Tael Firth. The Ruide is swift and dangerous through the Giantdowns, and becomes navigable only under the eaves of the elven domain of Tuarhievel. The Anuirean merchants from Cariele and Dhoesone use the Ruide as a highway for trade, even though the goblins of Thurazor demand heavy tolls."

    2) I'll be honest, the rivers of Birthright have always boggled me. I never know where there is a bridge if any, and how wide the rivers actually are. Some places are named after fords, while in the same breath describes using the river for trade. I imagine that there is at least one village along the river, where the highway crosses it. According to the information about using the river for trade, it probably has a mooring for boats too. If there's a ford, a ferry, or a bridge, I have NO idea. We have large trade ships docking there so our campaign is way off from the canon for this crazy river.

    Potential Plot Hooks or Markers

    There is a "group of nymphs whose leader has a fascination for humans" that dwell near Cariele Bridge in the Avallaigh province of Tuarhievel, luring away handsome caravan guards.

    Tuarfaesting, an elven stronghold, is located in the southwestern corner of Bhindraith in Taurhievel, at the base of the northward-flowing river that separates Cariele and Tuarhievel. It's described as bordering both Cariele and Markazor.
    Last edited by Jerrith; 05-14-2010 at 07:24 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall View Post
    sorry I got cut off last night, some more maps.
    Do you have the key to that Proudglaive DM map, by chance?

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