House of Rodel

Fear is the key

House Rodelovisk or House Rodel is the most important house of Rzhlev since it is the house of tsarina Marisha Rodelovisk. The house has been founded by former tsar Rodel's father Gregor Molev and spawns from House Molev. This was intended to be a replacement for the Zvetejian line that was founded by Rzhlev's original conqueror Viktor the Tyrant.

Marisha is supposed to be the last one of her line, as her brothers died during battles and her sister disappeared two weeks before Rodel himself died, in 521 MR.

[top]Prominent members

Gregor Molev is considered the forefather of the House, but the family patriarch is tsar Rodel. He had 3 sons and two daughters:
Marisha is the only alive member of the line, officially speaking. Although the tsarina had many lovers, she never intended to marry. Some say that she had a son with Nikoli Brokeslav of the Belinik Tsarevic but no one spreads rumors about the tsarina and lives long enough to gain proof.

[top]Other families and domains

Marisha considers all the other families as her vassals, including House Lazz, even if they are technically "allies" only. She does not give special treatment to House Molev being a cadet branch promoted to main branch after Rodel's investiture.

[top]Rodelovisk characters

A character from this line should have high charisma and a major bloodline of Vorynn. Favored classes are fighter and any kind of arcane spellcaster, save for bards. Knowledge (arcana) would be Marisha's legacy for sure. Any true son of Rodel is proficient with Lead, Warcraft and Intimidation. The weapon of choice of the family is the bastard sword.

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