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  1. #1
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Playing Around with the Map of Aduria

    I decided to play around with placing tribal and political regions on the map of Aduria. I tried to transfer the old Gen Con map names and locations to this one.

    I am trying to play with parallels of earth with respect to location and placement. Not that its my goal but was my reasoning for making some of the boundaries. The boundaries aren't final I am just playing around and would like some feedback to help me flesh it out for myself.

    Masetia I figure is a Mesopotamian-Egyptian like tribe with Pheonecian-like city states that spread around even to other continents beyond Cerilia and Aduria. Southern settlements in Cerilia where Khinasi are seem to justify this. I went with river valleys as main sources of centralization. The north is Nile like and the south is fertile crescent-like. A necropolis governed by a lost one sound cool?

    The Gold Coast follows down from Masetia into an Ethiopian like area and the rest of the southern part more african cultures could be set with appropriate geography.

    Djinni-Persia is an arabian adventures flavor I'd guess. I am not sure of the final border next to the Yuan-ti being so far north, maybe instead having the Yuan-ti go way south and use the mountains as a natural border. I don't know if I even like this idea of a culture here because of the Basarji come from Djapar and I'd think that would be the big Arabian adventures location outside of Khinasi. Also the fact that there is no desert would leave an Arabian culture short. I always considered a dark Aztec kind of civilization that was corrupted by Azrai maybe lead by a lost one.

    Yuan-ti Empire I figure could use the exotic looking geography with the lakes and mountains and the desert is likely a tribal nomads land of some sort. Maybe the M'bolan tribes not sure would be in that desert. I am very unsure of what to do with the Yuan-ti.

    M'bolan Tribes where I placed them seem to follow being Iberian Algerian. With the great desert to the south maybe even nomadic tribes there.

    Beastmen I figure dominate the area in the borders where the name is but like the goblins and elves in cerilia have locations and interactions within the lines of the other political-cultural regions. Likely the main demi-human humanoid race(s) of Aduria. I get a feeling they are a conglomeration of different race types like lion men, wolf men, or any assortment of undefinable features. Likely from the corruption of the shadow. I'd say take any local beasts in Aduria and they could have been turned humanoid by Azrai for more forces.

    Andu and Anuirean Colonies I figure is where the Eleanor of Aquataine expansion would have been along with some of the other tribes of the Andu being there. Of course the reconquista of the Anuirean empire gives this location the name of the old Anuirean colonies too. I have some work on Eleanor and Aquataine but it was done isolated from the rest of the Adurian regions. Its mostly conceptual at the moment.

    South Andu a region I figured could be a place where Rjurik and Andu meet along with the beastmen. Not sure if I like it, but i do want something there to tie in with the Mhora tribe being where I put them.

    Mhora I put here to tie in with the Celts. I get the feeling this tribe is very much like Scotland and having ties to the celts by proximity and likely intermingling would make sense. As they are a tribe of Andu the mixture of the two become Mhora a very Briton-like outcome.

    Celts as it says in the Gen Con map unconquered. So I have some ideas to radicalize this island from what standard Birthright brings us even extending those ideas to radicalize the shadow world. What I am conceptualizing is a Pict-Gaelic culture. I am kinda on the side of describing them as so fierce they make the modern Vos look like kittens I mean not even Azrai could touch them. Also I like they idea of tieing in some Arthurian myth, less of the French Briton stuff of Roele of uniting the land as one, and playing on the romance and archaeic feel of an earlier age where magic is raw and less polished. Also I like the idea of tying in Eleanor with this setting somehow as a Gweniviere. For the most part the south is more like the Mhora but definitely not recognizable as Anuirean and the further north you get the more archaic they are up to the north most very Pict savages or brutes. I think Conan was based on the Welsh which are part of this setting who through the sword and sorcery line is a formidable warrior of this setting base. The romans couldn't defeat the Caledonians or Picts, nor could the Anglo-saxons, nor the Vikings as the north regions of Briton and the Scottish highlands have remained a fiercely independant land. They even took the Viking ships and made them better and created their own sea empire. Now this is a very confederated version of the mixed tribes and cultural changes in that historical region and can be misleading to over simplify and homogenize the peoples therein. But that is basically what makes up Scotland. Aside from my personal bias of being descended from these people I like having the comparison I made earlier of them to the Cerilian Vos. There are some other stuff I have in mind but I'd rather get into that after some feedback.

    Rjurik I tried to get them a scandinavian look for regions. Norway in the north, Finland south part of the peninsula and Sweden the rest of the South.

    Brecht is a little small and not sure if I like it there or elsewhere. I figure they should be given similar place to that of where they are now. Maybe even take away the Norway part of Rjurik and give to them.

    Considering that I was mostly going for regions of origin this map may be different as of modern Aduria. I am not sure how to translate it. Maybe giving the Celts some expansion room and bringing about more of the Eleanor thing. Hmmm... I just came up with that as I typed. I am liking it so far.

    A controversial idea I have regarding Eleanor is her bloodline. I figure she is very closely tied to the Roele line her's being 80ish. I like giving her the long life ability so she may have even been at Deismaar or knew Roele. I like the idea that she is the bride every lord vying for the Iron Throne wants. Very much borrowed from the historical Eleanor. Of course then comes Arktour or whatever version of a name I come up with for Arthur from Celtland and perhaps something can happen.

    Anyway I hope you enjoy my ideas, not very original for the most part. I am just trying to bring things together in a way that satisfies me and working through ideas with this community has been fun and helpful.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Shoot I forgot the attachement.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  3. #3
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    At 08:02 AM 6/3/2011, Magian wrote:

    >Masetia I figure is a Mesopotamian-Egyptian like tribe with
    >Pheonecian-like city states that spread around even to other
    >continents beyond Cerilia and Aduria. Southern settlements in
    >Cerilia where Khinasi are seem to justify this. I went with river
    >valleys as main sources of centralization. The north is Nile like
    >and the south is fertile crescent-like. A necropolis governed by a
    >lost one sound cool?

    Sounds cool to me. Any ideas regarding the nature of the
    Lost? Since the Magian is one of that group, and so is the Raven,
    there`s a lot of diversity possible. Of course, both those
    characters seem to have acquired a bloodline in one way or
    another. I`ve always thought it best to describe the Lost as a sort
    of proto-bloodline. That is, having something like a blood ability
    (though not necessarily one based on those in the BR materials) and
    maybe a bloodline score (that doesn`t transfer to offspring--no
    bloodline strength?) along with the ability to cast true magic. In
    essence, that means magical ability should probably be a
    characteristic of such an NPC. Other than that, though, s/he could
    be as diverse as any awnshegh.

    >Djinni-Persia is an arabian adventures flavor I`d guess. I am not
    >sure of the final border next to the Yuan-ti being so far north,
    >maybe instead having the Yuan-ti go way south and use the mountains
    >as a natural border. I don`t know if I even like this idea of a
    >culture here because of the Basarji come from Djapar and I`d think
    >that would be the big Arabian adventures location outside of
    >Khinasi. Also the fact that there is no desert would leave an
    >Arabian culture short. I always considered a dark Aztec kind of
    >civilization that was corrupted by Azrai maybe lead by a lost one.

    If you use a member of the Lost for the Meso-/Egyptian culture, it
    might be a little redundant to have one in the Persian one. Since
    the Lost can be of just about any kind, it need not necessarily be
    redundant, but your description of the region as being Djinni-Persia
    does seem to have a really interesting possibility... what about one
    of the more powerful elemental creatures? Planar monsters are (and
    should be) extra rare in BR, but one or two showing up is perfectly
    fine, and a powerful one might very well rise to rule a kingdome.

    >Yuan-ti Empire I figure could use the exotic looking geography with
    >the lakes and mountains and the desert is likely a tribal nomads
    >land of some sort. Maybe the M`bolan tribes not sure would be in
    >that desert. I am very unsure of what to do with the Yuan-ti.

    For a very long time, I`ve been muddling around with the idea of
    including yuan-ti into a BR campaign. The problem is that they are
    just so Asian creatures in tone, and we don`t really have a parallel
    in the regular BR texts. There`s nothing about that type of monster
    that means they absolutely have to be Asian, of course. A
    Westernized version of snake-men is perfectly plausible, but since
    the background in D&D of the creature is so Asian, including them
    without considering their overall cultural significance seems
    problematic. Having them exist on their own island or something
    seems like the best idea. The plan I`ve been mulling over is having
    them exist on one of the Dragon Isles where they are ruled by an
    awnshegh called The Naga. (Nagas are similarly Asian/Indian in
    theme, and so should be located away from Cerilia.)


  4. #4
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Dernit Gary I thought the map I transfered the areas from was more well known. Here it is attached.

    I figured it was the original concepts of what to put down on Aduria. With that I was trying to see what it would look like to add some rough ideas to where they could go on the new map and try to flesh it out more.

    I don't think any of the ideas I brought up are very original I simply built upon the major headings on this old map and expanded a little conceptually.

    As for there being 2 lost on Aduria and that having a danger of being redundant I'd argue that making the Raven and Magian so close together are more redundant. I would think that each empire in Aduria is head by one of the lost from the description I read in the BR boxed set atlas flight from the shadow. I don't think the Masetian zone is populated by that race or culture. I'd say its all ruins and places of adventure and exploration and possible conquest. I would think the Gold Coast cultures could have started to move in and claim some of it. So the necropolis would be a lost lording over a place of ruin possibly to expand later or well whatever reason. Something to work on there.

    I am not sure I like the Djinni-Persia located in the south cause I always liked them being on Djapar. I always considered Aztec and a darker corrupt version of that historical reference.

    The Yuan-ti I'd think would also be a dark version and possibly a corrupted and cursed race also lead by a lost over lord.

    I haven't really thought about how I'd deal with the lost. Personally I have my version of the Magian as not one of the lost, he's from another continent as are his followers that came over with him that are from another culture not yet even explored. Officially that is.

    Right now for the lost I'd think the necropolis lord would be very steeped into necromancy. Thats about all I have right now.

    Almost forgot I'd probably have a lost overlord in the beastmen lands too. A loose chaotic confederation probably with Awnie lords and such. This would probably bring out the more chaotic evil essence of the shadow in these lands and how they are organized. Lesser in the domain department, nothing like an empire, but a vast region spanning the inner continent and guarding the great lakes in the center of the continent.

    As far as the lost having bloodlines we could simply say they were at Deismaar, which I believe they were. Even if not, then the lands choice would be used as a default way to spread the divine essence for any expansion. That is assuming the logic that the king and the land are one. With mebhaighl coursing through the world like life blood to a Gaia like planet why not? After all, what we've seen is only the mebhaighl that mortal magics can tap. A more fragile and subject to destruction sphere of magic imo.

    Regarding the Yuan-ti I am not sure I like them being an entire empire that is so expansive it rivals the size of Cerilia. Then again maybe the empire has fallen, the lost lord that controlled it stuck in the shadow world and its a loose web of small kingdoms and mostly ruins and treacherous magics hidden. Maybe another frontier for the domain and adventure levels of play.
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    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  5. #5
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    The map is new to me too!

    In terms of bloodlines it is easy for Aduria - the hosts of Azrai marched north, fought at Deismaar, and likely retreated south, add in colonisation, bloodtheft, etc and I'd expect as many scions south of the Straits of Aerele as north.

    In terms of the Yuan-ti empire, one fix is to break it down into competing states like the current 'Anuirean empire'. I'd consider making them quite introverted culturally so that they mainly compete with each other and don't look outside for more than places to raid, harvest slaves from, etc.
    Last edited by AndrewTall; 02-19-2012 at 10:12 PM. Reason: correct spelling

  6. #6
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    I don't have all the zones labeled but I played around with the idea of the Djinni-Persia with elements and regions. Not sure if I like the idea just playing around with it. The mountain kingdoms I put as earth, just south of there air I figure cause of strong winds from the sea, water with the lakes area, and the great dessert as fire. Maybe the Djinn can be awnsheghlien or something. I am pretty blank on that idea. However I'd want to be more Shai'ir with elements and Djinn if I use it in Aduria and go another way with Djafra.

    I moved the Yuan-ti down with the river states in the south.

    Aquataine I was thinking either where I have it or on the other side of the two rivers. I figure for beastmen the marsh regions could have lizardmen. Maybe have lizardmen lands in the other marsh areas of Aduria.

    The Masetian wastes is where Deismaar was and the Egypt like ruins, tombs, and wonders. I figure an old-kingdom spot could be placed in that river that goes into the mountains like a valley of the kings.

    I don't like the idea of African where the Gold Coast is supposed to be, something I have to work out I guess. If anything maybe a Shaka-Zulu type empire if I did. Maybe a former of that more broken up now after Deismaar. I guess I go that route because of the idea of the Andu tribes fleeing the corrupt empires of the shadow.

    Still so many places to work out but with feedback I may be able to work it out.

    Celts I am not sure I want them to branch out. I like the idea of the Mhora having been influenced by them. Intermingling on the mainland where I have it bordered off and some Andu influence with iron or bronze age weapons and armor in the south kingdom of the isle. This would likely be an Arthur-like kingdom. Not sure if some Mhora stayed and or the Celts moved to the mainland and expanded. I have two concepts for Ersheghlien on the Celtic Isle. Also I am going for this land being untouched by the shadow. That is the reason this tribe didn't flee, they were "protected."

    The parent states of Rjurik and Brecht I don't know what to do. Maybe just have those who didn't flee still there? That would beg the question of the Andu regions in the same way. Refer to previous map for parent states.

    Those are the ideas I've come up with the past few days.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  7. #7
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Old Maps On New Map Interpretation

    Using the old Adurian map of Gen Con 1998 and Ian Hoskin's map with political regions delineated I tried to closely interpret the areas with the new Richard Baker's sketch (I think its his) of Aduira.

    Looking that the similar land features and borders I tried transposing them from the old maps onto the new one. My intent was to use Richard's loose ideas as a foundation for inspiration for my endeavor to further my efforts at creating Aduria.

    The maps on this thread prior to this one were an exercise in tribal origins of some of the tribes now on Cerilia and ideas tied to the Adurian expansion locals.

    I have attached the 2 old maps with the interpretations on the new map.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  8. #8
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Aduria Map with Tribal and Imperial Regions (Historical regions)

    This map has the areas I think could be considered specific tribal regions of origin. Also I divided up some of the areas I think are imperial to perhaps get a better idea of how to manage those areas of vast land.

    Why go through with mapping out the tribal origins if they were conquered by the old empires of the Shadow? It has historical value, and any pockets that may remain or even entire kingdoms of the old tribes could still be around like in the Khinasi states there are some traces of Masetians and their ruins not to mention possible ersheghlien that could inhabit these locations. Also it is a way for me to reason out mapping a current map of political areas for Aduria once I decide to get into the magnification of each area. Keep in mind most of these tribal areas are a comparable size to Anuire, thus are large and need some attention to develop.

    Masetia: I divided it up into upper and lower to reflect the differences in the Egyptian-like region of Upper and the Mesopotamia/Phoenician-like city states and the less settled lands of the Lower. I figure the lower Masetia has been taken over by the Ghana Empire up to the point of the wastelands since Deismaar or even leading up to it.

    Ghana and Mali Empires: I am using these names to reflect the source of historical empires of the regions of the African Gold Coast that I am currently thinking of using for a basis for these cultural regions of Aduria.

    Andu: I think this is the likely place of origin and colonial expansion of Anuire. I have come to an addendum regarding the Mhoru and that is they are mixed with a tribe of Celts that settled in the Andu region. So the Mhoru are up in the Andu region but have traces of the Celtic culture that differ from the other tribes there.

    Brecht: I am not fully decided on if I want this area to be so small but it is isolated like the basin they are currently in so it does fit.

    Rjurik: I like the idea of having the northern coast like a Norway, the southern part of the peninsula as a Finland, and the southern basin for like a Sweden giving this region a Scandinavian look. I have come up with an ershegh for this area. I like them being close to the Celt isles cause of their culture ties in with each other.

    Celts: Are pretty much what I've settled on for this region. I have some ideas that I like. For example I would call this island the stronghold of old magic and a close primal tie to the land and its people.

    Vos: I decided to put them here since they are the old tribe of magic regarding the humans and are steeped with large humanoid regions neighboring them like in Vosgaard of today. Making them the southern-most tribe that fled also gives a good reason for Azrai to have corrupted them. Also the Isle of the Celts and it looking like it broke off the content plays into this with my ideas for that land. I considered putting the Vos where I have the Plains Beastmen, but decided to leave the lakes to be protected by them instead.

    The Beastmen Tribes: I am still working on this idea but tried to divide up the geography into managable sizes. I have a notion that something with that lake and a source of power, magic, corruption or any combination of those or other ideas has something to do with the Beastmen. Originally I was thinking the Vos could have used it for their divinations, but ya never know, they do have a border on the smaller lake.

    The M'bolan tribes: I have no idea what I could do with these guys. The only source we have is that little dot on the Gen Con map of 1998. I figure some of these tribes are nomadic and have contests in the Great Desert with the Yuan-ti Empire. The other regions I figured would provide a good support for economy and resources for the nomadic lands. Its kind of a reverse engineering but it does look good after I put the lines on the map. Now to find a style and culture for the M'bolan. As I took a moment to think of it, Algeria and Morroco may have a fit here. Maybe even Tunisia or shall I say Carthage!

    Yuan-ti Empire: Like the Beastmen tribes I divided this up for management purposes and perhaps it works out to have a tri-imperial state. 3 kings that under Azrai were united. I didn't realize how many variations there are with this monster type. I looked them up and some wiki articles have variations that are related. This really fits in with the bloodform and corruption of Azrai and can be plugged into a caste system for the empire. Some Awnsheghlien could also come out of it. Also the Yuan-ti have workable relations with lizard folk which could come in useful for dominion over other regions or dealing with the beastmen. I had an idea that the Yuan-ti are an ancient race or perhaps are a fallen human tribe corrupted by Azrai or both. For a culture I am thinking maybe Aztec and the Yuan-ti could lord over their old human tribes and use them as sacrifice. I think that fits the corrupt empire of the shadow motif. The Middle Empire is in contest with the M'bolan nomads in the Great Desert for control of the large river that flows through there.

    Persia: I have divided it up into 3 regions again for management. Since Persia was a vast empire there are a variety of cultures that could be borrowed to reflect variations of this empire. I haven't decided on anything yet, but a western India could be one, then obviously a more Persian one, and then a Asia Minor culture could be another. I definitely have some studying to do on this one.

    To conclude I hope this is interesting to read if anything. This is my first attempt at Aduria and I haven't read anyone else's work on it yet to keep my ideas for this expansion my own. That is outside of the Birthright design team's ideas shared to the public. I am sure many of us on this community have already fleshed out their Aduria and likely beyond. To me this project is fun and probably a good idea for the community to work on like they did with the 3E BRCS. Possibly even more important as we can see that Birthright doesn't rely on an edition of D&D rules that are as fickle as a corporate scheme to make money. That is to say it changes like the wind, but the setting doesn't except along the timelines we play out. Certainly with most or even all players settled on their own Aduria this is likely a futile notion, but fun none the less to ponder. The threads have had a few suggestions of a living Birthright and I think expanding Aebrynis would be a great boost for anything like it. Where better to start expanding the foundations for a living Birthright than Aduria? Again I rant.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Jaleela's Avatar
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    Who created the Gen Con map? I've never seen it before.

    Also I thought the concept for the Masetians was Greco/Roman not Egyptian.

    I pictured them more Greco/Etruscan-Samnite.
    Last edited by Jaleela; 06-10-2011 at 11:09 AM.
    d'estre bons et leaulx amis et vrais ensemble et de servir l'un 'autre envers et contre tous

  10. #10
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaleela View Post
    Who created the Gen Con map? I've never seen it before.
    If I recall correctly I found it on the net around the year 1998. I saw it and snagged it up cause it sure was a gem. Again IIRC the source may have been the WotC site or some announcement like that or from someone here at After some thought I wonder if it was Anakin Miller that pointed it out to me. It was so long ago things get all fuzzy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaleela View Post
    Also I thought the concept for the Masetians was Greco/Roman not Egyptian.

    I pictured them more Greco/Etruscan-Samnite.
    I don't know if there ever was an official concept of the Masetians released. There was some discussions on the mailing list and forums in the direction of Greco-Roman foundations. Other than that just a few mentions here and there in the printed materials with most traces left in the Khinasi states and the destroyed homelands on Aduria.

    At this point I am engaging merely in my speculation and conjecture while attempting to be creative and find my own picture of what Aduria (Masetians namely in this reply) could be.

    Where I came up with Mesopotamia-Egyptian was a play on words with Masetian. After that I looked for a suitable spot on Aduria where the maps attached earlier made reference to the location of this tribe. From there I tried transferring the fertile crescent into the corner of northern Aduria.

    After a bit of thought of the Greco-Roman roots, perhaps a new play on words could bring a more accurate foundation for the Masetians. Mediterranean could be the basis for the city states of those various sea faring people. This would allow for all the hints of historic cultural references that have been attributed to the Masetians. Now to build on this we can treat the Great Sea of the South as the Aebrynis version of the Mediterranean Sea.

    There is evidence the Masetians had some settlements on Cerilia in the region where the Khinasi states are, so it could be they may have had other settlements around Aduria and maybe even Djafra or the isles. But since the empires in the south of Aduria were expansionist maybe they were destroyed. The Basarji seem to be a very large influence being from Djafra and settling the isles, the Khinasi states, and it would appear the Djinni-Persia empire in Aduria.

    These could be the reasons the different versions of the Masetian city-states (that being Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Phonetician) didn't make their own empires that reflect their counterparts on historical earth. Perhaps all they managed to do was become a conglomeration of various cultures trading peacefully and then along came the shadow, Deismaar, and their homelands destruction on northern Aduria. Those that may have survived were conquered and absorbed by the neighboring powers and ruins and traces of lineage are all that remain. With them not being very homogenized as a people any conquering culture could quickly absorb the remnants of survivors I'd think further strengthening the idea of the Masetians having many cultural roots.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

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