Player Tips
Player tips
Birthright can be a very challenging game to play - there are 5 distinct human races, many of the races differ to the normal D&D socially and mechanically, games are often built around diplomacy rather than damage rolls, magic works differently, and the player may need to manage a realm, not just their own character.
This page is designed as an index sheet for hints for players thinking of playing a birthright game.
A few obvious areas where tips could be helpful are laid out below, to add a tip please add a link below to direct people to your hint page.
Please add a Brownish banner to your page when you create it and, if need be, a Fanfic or Observation banner. The category for player tips is 'Tips'
[top]Character Creation Tips
A brief note on Barbarian characters in Vosgaard, Rjurik, the goblin lands and elsewhere.
A brief note on Druids in Rjurik and less welcoming lands.
A brief note on how to make a master of the blade (or bow, etc) and the role of a warrior in the world of Aebrynis.
A note on magicians in Cerilia.
A brief note on playing a noble in Birthright.
A brief note on designing and playing a paladin in Cerilia including a review of different paladin classes.
A brief note on playing a priest of the new gods - or the old.
A brief note on designing and playing a ranger in Rjurik, Vosgaard, and elsewhere.
A brief note on designing a rogue character in Brechtur, Rjurik, and elsewhere
A brief note on playing a bard, the beloved of the Rjurik and scorned of the Khinasi.
See Also: Digging the Dwarf
A note on playing one of the Cerilian Dwarves, a people born of rock and honor.
See Also: Embracing the Elf
A brief note on playing a Sidhe, Cerilia's wildest and most unpredictable folk
See Also: Gracing the Goblin
A brief note on the civilized (and not so civilized) goblins of Cerilia
See Also: Alive in Anuire
A brief note on playing an Anuirean in Anuire and less fortunate areas.
See Also: Braving the Brecht
A brief note on playing the most daring of all humans, the Brecht
See Also: Cunning of the Khinasi
A brief note on the only civilized people of Cerilia, the glorious Khinasi
See Also: The Rjurik Code
A brief note on playing a Rjurik character, the folk who understand the bonds of brotherhood and loyalty.
See Also: Surviving the Vos
A brief note on playing one warriorborn and the weaklings that leach from the warriors about them.
[top]Character Motivation
See Also: Master or Minion
Do you want to play a regent or not? Pros and cons discussed.
See Also: Money and Mayhem
A brief note on the impact of running a realm's treasury on adventure possibilities.
[top]Realm Play
See Also: Gold and Glory
What your realm can do with its gold
See Also: Reaping the Regency roll
How to survive a low bloodline and still run a realm, and how to make the most of a high bloodline.
See Also: Domain action summary
You're king/guild master/high priest/archmage. Great! So what can you do with the title? This page summarises the possible domain actions and what they mean in both mechanical and role-play terms.
[top]Blood and Honor
See Also: How to build your bloodline
A brief note on ways to make the most of your bloodline.
See Also: Escaping the awnshehlien
A brief note on how to deal with blood challenges and the dangers of the awnsheghlien without - and within
[top]Other tips
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, 05-30-2007 at 10:32 PM
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