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Thread: Campaign Areas

  1. #1
    The Gulf States' PBEM and Wildland's PBEM, the most recent games posted on this forum, have broken with tradition and have not based their games solely on the five traditional regions of Anuire but upon a mixture of the those regions.

    In both cases this makes for a more interesting game, potentially at least, as the different cultures mingle, interact, and conflict. A welcome departure from the norm.

    However even with these differences they conform with the norm of the macro game - regional power (even if the regions are nonconventional).

    Have there been any 'micro' games that encompass only a few realms? The Roesone book gives more than enough details to sport a campaign within that realm alone. I could easily envision each Count within Roesone ruling their own county. Of course it becomes more interesting when a Count is unblooded. How does Abbatuor fend off the blooded scions of Anuire? With the various intrigues from Ghoere and Diemed, and possibly Aerenwe, Roesone alone could provide an interesting PBEM campaign background.

    While the Counts would vie for power within the realm wielding the power of their county against the Baron the Archprelate would also have to consider the demands of his parish/county priests/prelates. Guilds would be interesting as well as the different county guildmasters contend against the Grand Guildmaster.


  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I'm interested in "scaling" of domain rules at different sizes, and have long wanted to run a game where the characters controlled a single holding -- and a scale where *** thousands of gold pieces a month !!! *** was a big deal. Or where weekly turns might be appropriate.

    I don't have references on my fingertips, but lt.-level regents of small vassals with single holdings is a semi-traditional intro and lead in when Something Happens to their lieges.

    There have been long-running tabletop micro and nano-level (individual character level games). Anakin had a character-level Mieres PBEM site before the first Shattered Dreams, and I think Hoskin's College of Sorcery was character-level.

    I've seen smaller geographic scopes, South Coast, Giant Downs as stand-alone PBEM campaigns.

    From my 2nd PBEM as a player I had been grappling with unblooded rules -- obviously some type of pre-Deismaar governing was going on for inter-continental migrations and wars (though there was direct intervention and heavy-handed leadings by gods on both sides mutating events). I wanted more general base rules for pre-Deismaar, and other continents interaction, with a superstructure of the Blooded on top of it. I felt there was too much blooded-centric rules and not enough on what the rest of the population was and could do.

    The BRCS does offer mechanics to run non-blooded realms. Many actions that required RP (agitate, diplomacy, rule holdings beyond level 1, trade routes ...) can just have gold and court actions thrown at them. RP is a modifier, but not an essential ingredient. (My objection now, just no pleasing some people, is that the rules have too little emphasis on the accidental heirs of the gods -- as evidenced by the accumulation of leftover rp, but this should be exported to another thread.)

    To be continued,


  3. #3
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "Landsturning" <brnetboard@BIRTHRIGHT.NET>

    Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 11:14 AM

    > I`m interested in "scaling" of domain rules at different

    > sizes, and have long wanted to run a game where the characters

    > controlled a single holding -- and a scale where *** thousands of

    > gold pieces a month &#33;&#33;&#33; *** was a big deal. Or

    > where weekly turns might be appropriate.

    When I have used provincial lords and imperial levels of calculation I

    figure that local lords and imperial overlords 1/2 calculation as I would

    the standard level of a regent. The Count of Bellem for example would be

    getting 2 RP and around 1 GB per season.

    Kenneth Gauck

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    real cheesy, but Im thinking how it would be to think of non-blodded as capable of spending one Rp per year. and everyone would renew there spent Rp after one year from the time they last spent it.

    (1/year, gain a Rp) .. this could in turne be used as a struction on Rp of blooded characters, as thay can take Rp of there people to use as thay se fit. (there normal way of geting Rp, as shown in the book).

    in order to use this one Rp intelectualy, and not automaticly, you can buy a feat. lol

    othervise you never know when you use it. it just hapens. and not when you need it the most.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Osprey's Avatar
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    A better variant might be to use something like the level-based variant in the BRCS, allowing non-blooded characters a seasonal collection max. of 1 RP per level. However, they still need provinces or holdings to produce this RP, whcih makes sense - RP can only come as a result of rulership (or possibly bloodlthest, if you use the BRCS bloodtheft rules).

  6. #6
    Senior Member teloft's Avatar
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    there is the variand where you can get part of your Xp in Rp.. or even some Rp bonuses for doing something wery well.

    Rp would probebly be something good to your local comunety. earning there respect and goodwill.

    and i dont like levels to interfear with Rp,

    I would rather have the howl Rp thing for non blodded charisma based.

    but a nonblodded character sould never have more power then 1/5 to a blodded one, no mather what. &#39;in the filed of Rp&#39;


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