The Scholar class below is in the Medieval Player's Manual. The Medieval Player's Manual is a guide to medieval magic, divine power, and other medieval period information useful to make a more authentic medieval setting, or to add a more medieval feeling to a fantasy setting. The Scholar class is declared Open Content by Green Ronin Publishing. Therefore, the text below can be reproduced in its entirety. So long as the line in item 15 in the Medieval Player's Manual OGL is included.
Scholars study the nature of the world, the mysteries of theology, and the nuances of the law. They are most commonly found in libraries, colleges, and other academic locales. Most of their times is spent with books, letters, and disputation with other scholars.
Bonus Book Feat:
At first, fourth, seventh, tenth, thirteenth, sixteenth, and nineteenth level the scholar gets a bonus Book feat. The scholar must meet the prerequisites for the feat, including any special conditions.
Trained Memory:
The scholar is trained to memorize knowledge by rote. If you memorize something, you can recite it back perfectly at any later date. The time taken depends on the thing to be memorized, but in general it takes three times as long to memorize a poetic text as it takes to read it, because the meter and rhyme assist memorization, and ten times as long to memorize prose.
Alchemy or Astrology Feat:
At second, fifth, and eighth levels a scholar gains one of the Astrology Feats or Alchemy Feats for free. The scholar must qualify for the feat normally.
Scholars pick up a lot of bits of information in the course of their studies. Instead of a attempting a Knowledge check, a scholar may make a special lore check with a bonus equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information anything one might know with a Knowledge check, even if the scholar doesn?t have ranks in the skill in question.
They may not take ten or twenty on these checks, as this knowledge is in bits, completely unformalized. They may only use Lore to substitute for individual skill checks; it does not fulfill prerequisites, nor can it be used as the basis for disputations, or any other extended uses of Knowledge skills. This ability stacks with the loremaster?s Lore ability and the bard?s Bardic Knowledge ability.
Skill Focus:
At third, sixth, and ninth level the scholar gains a free Skill Focus feat. This feat must be used with a Knowledge skill, but may be taken with any specifi c Knowledge skill the scholar knows. The scholar may not take Skill Focus twice for the same skill.
Clear Explanation:
From eleventh level a scholar can explain what he knows with such clarity and enthusiasm that even the ignorant can follow it and make use of the ability.
In game terms, the scholar may explain any of his skills (not just his Knowledge skills) to someone with whom he shares a language, and that person may use the skill as if he had it at the same level as the scholar. This only lasts for as long as the scholar is there and explaining, but a scholar may explain to one person as a free action. Explaining to two characters is a full-round action, and usually redundant, as it means that the scholar cannot act. Exclusive skills may be shared in this manner, and skills which cannot be used untrained can be used by characters with no ranks in the skill, as long as the scholar is explaining things. This is an extraordinary ability.
Deep Knowledge:
At twelfth, fifteenth, and eighteenth levels the scholar gains deep knowledge of a single Knowledge skill. This skill must be one in which the scholar has the Skill Focus feat. Deep Knowledge gives a bonus of +6 to the skill, which overlaps (does not stack) with the bonus from Skill Focus.
Memory Palace:
From fourteenth level the scholar?s memory is so well trained that he forgets nothing, even if he only encountered it once, and briefly. The GM must remind the player if he appears to have forgotten something important, because the character has not. In addition, the character may take twenty on any Knowledge check concerned with recalling pieces of information. Note that disputation checks, checks to make astrological predictions, and checks to perform alchemical procedures are not concerned with recalling facts, and other checks may not be. This is an extraordinary ability.
Instant Understanding:
From seventeenth level the scholar can understand situations and writings instantly. Skill checks to analyze a situation may be made as a free action, and the scholar need not spend any time studying the situation first; merely observing it is enough. This also applies if he is told about the situation, although inaccuracies in the description will often cause inaccuracies in his understanding.
On a good roll, one which beats the DC to understand a situation at all by five or more, the scholar gains insight into aspects of the situation or theory which would normally be hidden. His understanding goes beyond what the evidence seems to support. This includes spotting inaccuracies in a report, even if he has no other knowledge of the situation, or being able to fill in gaps in the report from his own knowledge.
Instant understanding is an extraordinary ability.
Full Understanding:
At twentieth level the scholar gains an extraordinary insight into the world around him. When presented with a situation or theory he instantly, without the need for a die roll, fully understands everything that is going on, including secrets. This does not necessarily let him do anything about it, but knowledge often is power.
This understanding cannot be easily communicated to others, as it is an inner understanding for which the scholar does not necessarily have words in his language. It also only applies to things that the scholar has directly experienced. Thus, if he sees a stone fall, he knows exactly how it is seeking its natural place, and how the air is moving around it, where it will hit, and when, but if he reads an account of something that happened in a distant country, he knows only what that account would entail, not whether it is correct. Of course, if the account entails something impossible, then the scholar can know that it is false.
Full understanding is, to a certain extent, a special Charism, a divine gift. Thus, it is an extraordinary ability. If the scholar is in a state of grace, his understanding can see through any magic which seeks to hide the truth, but this ability is lost if he sins. His ability to see through mundane deceptions, on the other hand, remains independent of the state of his soul.
Scholars study the nature of the world, the mysteries of theology, and the nuances of the law. They are most commonly found in libraries, colleges, and other academic locales. Most of their times is spent with books, letters, and disputation with other scholars.
[top]Class Features Table
Base | Fort | Ref | Will | ||
Level | Attack Bonus | Save | Save | Save | Special |
1 st | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Bonus Book Feat, Trained Memory |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | Alchemy or Astrology Feat, Lore |
3rd | +1 | +1 | +1 | +3 | Skill Focus (Knowledge) |
4th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Bonus Book Feat |
5th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Alchemy or Astrology Feat |
6th | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Skill Focus (Knowledge) |
7th | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | Bonus Book Feat |
8th | +4 | +2 | +2 | +6 | Alchemy or Astrology Feat |
9th | +4 | +3 | +3 | +6 | Skill Focus (Knowledge) |
10th | +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | Bonus Book Feat |
11th | +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | Clear Explanation |
12th | +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | Deep Knowledge |
13th | +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | Bonus Book Feat |
14th | +7/+2 | +4 | +4 | +9 | Memory Palace |
15th | +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +9 | Deep Knowledge |
16th | +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | Bonus Book Feat |
17th | +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | Instant Understanding |
18th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | Deep Knowledge |
19th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | Bonus Book Feat |
20th | +10/+5 | +6 | +6 | +12 | Full Understanding |
Bonus Book Feat:
At first, fourth, seventh, tenth, thirteenth, sixteenth, and nineteenth level the scholar gets a bonus Book feat. The scholar must meet the prerequisites for the feat, including any special conditions.
Trained Memory:
The scholar is trained to memorize knowledge by rote. If you memorize something, you can recite it back perfectly at any later date. The time taken depends on the thing to be memorized, but in general it takes three times as long to memorize a poetic text as it takes to read it, because the meter and rhyme assist memorization, and ten times as long to memorize prose.
Alchemy or Astrology Feat:
At second, fifth, and eighth levels a scholar gains one of the Astrology Feats or Alchemy Feats for free. The scholar must qualify for the feat normally.
Scholars pick up a lot of bits of information in the course of their studies. Instead of a attempting a Knowledge check, a scholar may make a special lore check with a bonus equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information anything one might know with a Knowledge check, even if the scholar doesn?t have ranks in the skill in question.
They may not take ten or twenty on these checks, as this knowledge is in bits, completely unformalized. They may only use Lore to substitute for individual skill checks; it does not fulfill prerequisites, nor can it be used as the basis for disputations, or any other extended uses of Knowledge skills. This ability stacks with the loremaster?s Lore ability and the bard?s Bardic Knowledge ability.
Skill Focus:
At third, sixth, and ninth level the scholar gains a free Skill Focus feat. This feat must be used with a Knowledge skill, but may be taken with any specifi c Knowledge skill the scholar knows. The scholar may not take Skill Focus twice for the same skill.
Clear Explanation:
From eleventh level a scholar can explain what he knows with such clarity and enthusiasm that even the ignorant can follow it and make use of the ability.
In game terms, the scholar may explain any of his skills (not just his Knowledge skills) to someone with whom he shares a language, and that person may use the skill as if he had it at the same level as the scholar. This only lasts for as long as the scholar is there and explaining, but a scholar may explain to one person as a free action. Explaining to two characters is a full-round action, and usually redundant, as it means that the scholar cannot act. Exclusive skills may be shared in this manner, and skills which cannot be used untrained can be used by characters with no ranks in the skill, as long as the scholar is explaining things. This is an extraordinary ability.
Deep Knowledge:
At twelfth, fifteenth, and eighteenth levels the scholar gains deep knowledge of a single Knowledge skill. This skill must be one in which the scholar has the Skill Focus feat. Deep Knowledge gives a bonus of +6 to the skill, which overlaps (does not stack) with the bonus from Skill Focus.
Memory Palace:
From fourteenth level the scholar?s memory is so well trained that he forgets nothing, even if he only encountered it once, and briefly. The GM must remind the player if he appears to have forgotten something important, because the character has not. In addition, the character may take twenty on any Knowledge check concerned with recalling pieces of information. Note that disputation checks, checks to make astrological predictions, and checks to perform alchemical procedures are not concerned with recalling facts, and other checks may not be. This is an extraordinary ability.
Instant Understanding:
From seventeenth level the scholar can understand situations and writings instantly. Skill checks to analyze a situation may be made as a free action, and the scholar need not spend any time studying the situation first; merely observing it is enough. This also applies if he is told about the situation, although inaccuracies in the description will often cause inaccuracies in his understanding.
On a good roll, one which beats the DC to understand a situation at all by five or more, the scholar gains insight into aspects of the situation or theory which would normally be hidden. His understanding goes beyond what the evidence seems to support. This includes spotting inaccuracies in a report, even if he has no other knowledge of the situation, or being able to fill in gaps in the report from his own knowledge.
Instant understanding is an extraordinary ability.
Full Understanding:
At twentieth level the scholar gains an extraordinary insight into the world around him. When presented with a situation or theory he instantly, without the need for a die roll, fully understands everything that is going on, including secrets. This does not necessarily let him do anything about it, but knowledge often is power.
This understanding cannot be easily communicated to others, as it is an inner understanding for which the scholar does not necessarily have words in his language. It also only applies to things that the scholar has directly experienced. Thus, if he sees a stone fall, he knows exactly how it is seeking its natural place, and how the air is moving around it, where it will hit, and when, but if he reads an account of something that happened in a distant country, he knows only what that account would entail, not whether it is correct. Of course, if the account entails something impossible, then the scholar can know that it is false.
Full understanding is, to a certain extent, a special Charism, a divine gift. Thus, it is an extraordinary ability. If the scholar is in a state of grace, his understanding can see through any magic which seeks to hide the truth, but this ability is lost if he sins. His ability to see through mundane deceptions, on the other hand, remains independent of the state of his soul.
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