Realm spells
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A spellcasting regent can spend a domain action to cast a mighty enchantment that affects an entire province. Realm spells are a special type of magic that are available only to regent spellcasters. Realm spells can only be used in provinces in which the regent has a temple holding (divine realm magic) or source or ley line (arcane realm magic).
[top]Learning realm spells
Realm spells are difficult to learn and master. Spellcasters can only learn realm spells by expending significant effort. Unlike conventional spells, divine spellcasters do not automatically have access to all divine realm spells. Likewise, arcane spellcasters may not select a realm spell as a "free" learned spell when going up a level. Realm spells must always be researched - they cannot be learned directly from another spellcaster or through simply copying a spellbook.
Researching a realm spell takes one month per level of the realm spell and requires an expenditure of 1 GB for each month spent. This money goes into fees for rare books, relics, materials, consultants, experimentation, and other miscellaneous expenditures. At the end of that time, the character makes a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + realm spell level). The character may receive a +2 bonus to this roll if they have tutoring or realm spell research notes from another character that has already learned the realm spell. If the roll succeeds, the character learns the new realm spell. If the roll fails, the research fails. The character may attempt to learn the spell again, but must pay the full costs associated with doing so.
Researching a realm spell takes one month per level of the realm spell and requires an expenditure of 1 GB for each month spent. This money goes into fees for rare books, relics, materials, consultants, experimentation, and other miscellaneous expenditures. At the end of that time, the character makes a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + realm spell level). The character may receive a +2 bonus to this roll if they have tutoring or realm spell research notes from another character that has already learned the realm spell. If the roll succeeds, the character learns the new realm spell. If the roll fails, the research fails. The character may attempt to learn the spell again, but must pay the full costs associated with doing so.
[top]Number of realm spells known
All spellcasters have a limit to the number of realm spells that they may know. An arcane spellcaster may learn a number of arcane realm spells equal to the number of ranks that they possess in Knowledge (Arcana). Likewise, a divine spellcaster may learn a number of divine realm spells equal to the number of ranks that they possess in Knowledge (religion). Realm spells do not count against the "maximum spells known" for sorcerers or other spell casters that have such a limit.
[top]Casting a realm spell
All realm spells are subject to the rules noted in this section unless the exception is explicitly noted in the spell description.
[top]Casting Time
Realm spells are a form of ritual magic. The preparations are lengthy and involved; the spellcaster must spend a domain action (one full month) engaged in the rituals necessary to cast the realm spell. Casting a realm spell leaves the regent spellcaster physically exhausted. The spellcaster is fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the entire month. A realm spell will automatically fail if the caster leaves the province, engages in any other time consuming activity, or is reduced to less than 25% of his normal hit point total during the casting period.
Like conventional spells, all realm spells have a level. The level of a realm spell is not dependent on class, but may differ between arcane and divine spellcasters. A character may not cast a realm spell unless they are capable of casting conventional spells of that level. For example, a 3rd level wizardregent could cast spells of level Arcane 2. A 3rd level wizard could not cast spells of level Arcane 3 or Divine 1.
A realm spell is always centered on the province in which the ritual magic is cast. Realm spells generally target one or more provinces or characters, military units, or other domain assets within the target province.
The targets of a realm spell must be in the same province as the caster throughout the casting of the spell. Spells that affect military units only affect military units that are stationed in the target province for the entire month. Spells that target characters require that the characters remain within the target province and regularly participate in brief rituals. The target is free to take any normal or domain actions within the province.
Spells that target multiple provinces must include the province in which the spell is cast. Each additional affected province must be adjacent to the initial province or another affected province. Furthermore, the spellcaster must have an appropriate holding of at least level 0 or a ley line connection in order to provide the link to the adjacent province necessary to including it in the spell's effect.
The targets of a realm spell must be in the same province as the caster throughout the casting of the spell. Spells that affect military units only affect military units that are stationed in the target province for the entire month. Spells that target characters require that the characters remain within the target province and regularly participate in brief rituals. The target is free to take any normal or domain actions within the province.
Spells that target multiple provinces must include the province in which the spell is cast. Each additional affected province must be adjacent to the initial province or another affected province. Furthermore, the spellcaster must have an appropriate holding of at least level 0 or a ley line connection in order to provide the link to the adjacent province necessary to including it in the spell's effect.
The effects of a realm spell begin to be felt several days before the ritual's completion. Once the ritual is complete, the effect of a realm spell is generally immediate.
The effects of instantaneous realm spells come and go the instant the spell is complete, though the consequences of the spell might be long lasting. For example, the completion of an Alchemy realm spell increases the value of a unit of trade goods. Once the spell is complete, the resultant change in value is permanent and can not be dispelled.
Many durations are measured in seasons (a domain turn consisting of 3 action rounds), months (1 action round), or weeks (1 war move). When the time is up, the spell ends and the magic goes away. If the duration line ends with a "(D)," the caster can dismiss the realm spell at will.
The effects of instantaneous realm spells come and go the instant the spell is complete, though the consequences of the spell might be long lasting. For example, the completion of an Alchemy realm spell increases the value of a unit of trade goods. Once the spell is complete, the resultant change in value is permanent and can not be dispelled.
Many durations are measured in seasons (a domain turn consisting of 3 action rounds), months (1 action round), or weeks (1 war move). When the time is up, the spell ends and the magic goes away. If the duration line ends with a "(D)," the caster can dismiss the realm spell at will.
[top]Saving throws and Spell resistance
If the spell affects individuals, spell resistance and/or a saving throw may apply. Spell resistance applies normally except that the spell resistance check is not rolled. Over the intensive and lasting period of a realm spell effect, the caster gets an average result. The spell resistance check is made as if the regent spell caster had rolled a "10" on the check. Thus, spell resistance succeeds only for creatures having SR greater than 10 + caster level.
Realm spells that allow saving throws have a DC 10 + realm spell level + the caster's spell-casting attribute. Spells that affect military units may receive unit saving throws (refer to Chapter Six: Warfare).
Realm spells that allow saving throws have a DC 10 + realm spell level + the caster's spell-casting attribute. Spells that affect military units may receive unit saving throws (refer to Chapter Six: Warfare).
[top]Special requirements
Some spells require more power than others, and therefore must be supported by stronger holdings. Arcane spell casters can use ley lines to effectively increase their source level in a province for the purpose of spell casting.
In addition, some realm spells may have additional prerequisites, such as the worship of a particular deity, or the ability to turn undead.
In addition, some realm spells may have additional prerequisites, such as the worship of a particular deity, or the ability to turn undead.
[top]RP and GB cost
The materials needed to cast a realm spell are often expensive and hard to find. In addition, casting a realm spell requires the regent caster to tap the power of this domain. Therefore all spells list a cost in regency points (RP) and gold bars (GB) to cast the spell. Note, however, that the caster is not expending regency point to power the spell; in truth, the regency is being spent to channel and control the actual principle power of the ritual, mebhaighl (arcane) or focused faith (divine).
[top]Variant: Regency maximums on spell casting
Like a stream of water, mebhaighl and the power of faith are seemingly endless in supply, but limited in current. Minimum source requirements for spells represent the necessary minimum flows of power that are required to cast a realm spell; difficult realm spells require a strong and constant single source of power. Increasing the power of a spell beyond its minimum effect, however, requires that the caster expend regency in order to channel more arcane/divine power from his domain into the spell.
Using this variant, the maximum amount of power that a caster can add to a realm spell is limited by the power of her domain. Specifically, a regent caster is limited in the amount of regency that she can use to increase the effect of a realm spell. The maximum regency that can be spent on a spell is equal to the total power of the caster's domain holdings of the appropriate type (i.e. the sum of all source holdings in the domain of an arcane spellcaster or the sum of all temple holdings in the domain of a divine spellcaster).
Using this variant, the maximum amount of power that a caster can add to a realm spell is limited by the power of her domain. Specifically, a regent caster is limited in the amount of regency that she can use to increase the effect of a realm spell. The maximum regency that can be spent on a spell is equal to the total power of the caster's domain holdings of the appropriate type (i.e. the sum of all source holdings in the domain of an arcane spellcaster or the sum of all temple holdings in the domain of a divine spellcaster).
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, 04-20-2009 at 12:06 AM