Brechtür » Rzhlev » Molevof
Molevof is almost fully covered in forest plains, with the exception of its center where hills raise and support most of the farmers and the burg of Molevof. At the eastern border the forest abruptly ends, leaving space to some bumpy downs and hills, born of the now collapsed mountain range. The province is covered in forest otherwise, save for the occasional grove or some spots where small farms or hunter/woodcutters dwell. The province is famous for his cedar and oak lumber, and the woodsman collected a good share of the trade, all managed by the Zhupan, until the Grovnikken Stohlevvskyy guild introduced slave labor and tried to monopolize the trade. It is also famous for being the ancestral home province of the Rodel dynasty, including the current regent Marisha Rodelovisk. It is currently ruled by Vladimir Molev, belonging to a cadet branch of the Molev family who become prominent after the main branch] relocated to the capital city to rule.
[top]The town of Molevof
Located over a cliff in the northeastern side of the province, the town of Molevof is a typical nona vos town, with the castle of the Zhupan at the center surrounded by the guardhouse and the high class manors, with most of the lower class buildings outside the inner wall. The rites of Belinik are performed in the forest. Along the city's external wooden walls, in the south, there is a burnt-down warehouse where woodsmen slaves were kept with the wood they collected. The warehouse was burnt during a rebellion occorred in 550 MR, but it was kept that way as a reminder of "what happens when you push the right of might too much towards profit" (at least according to the Vierklevven storytellers). The townsfolk have both Vos and Brecht origins, however most of those of Brecht origin are slaves. The Zhupan, who demands to be called the Baron, is renown for his cruelty and unfairness towards the lower class. Weak or unfit slaves are often "promoted" to scouts and made to explore the eastern hills, or may win their freedom in the infamous trial by wolf where a Warmonger priest throws the unfortunate in the woods then releases hunting wolfdogs imbued in frenzy (some say they are actually Worgs). These days, a strong community of followers of the Cleansing Home has secretly been built up over time, so such rituals are rarely seen now.
[top]The eastern hills
Most of the hills are what remains of the ancient mountains, and landslides are a common occurrence. The further east somebody ventures in the hills, the lesser vegetation is found, until a plain with a permanent wall of fog shows, signaling the start of the Mistmoor. There is some population in the hills, mostly Vos, but they are silent and somewhat unsettling - only the tax collectors venture here to gather tributes and then leave as soon as they can. There are occasional reports of undead walking in the mist, never venturing further, but there have been sights of humans who met a sad fate by what seems an attack by ghouls. Sages from the woods fear something worse: as nobody has openly seen undead walk away from the mist, there is rumor that a forgotten nomadic tribe wanders amongst the rocks waiting for the occasional fool to become the next meal. Some say they are a variety of goblins, who come out from the mist. Other say that they are, or were, humans.
[top]The woodsmen collectives
There are a lot of small woodsman settlements in the forest, and it is rumored that an elven community may exist, helping the church of Ayairda to escape the Zhupan's justice. There are rumors that this community is so hard to find because they migrate south to their home in Feyulfsky when they rise too much heat or attention. Mikail Köldor, of Brecht origins despite the name, has been blessed with 8 children, both sons and daughters, who then married with his farm consisting of 30 members, give or take. He is one of the most respected Słuz of the community. The entire family is devoted to Ayairda, but they have no issue with resisting the guards should anyone come and search for the occasional escaped slaves.
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