Greenlock is one of the oldest provinces of the Burrows.

[top]The Land

At Bowersend on the edge of Lake Sonderdeep, Greenlock provides the main port of the Burrows. Burnlaffen, Childe, and Tallrow ship in their produce and stock from Khinasi suppliers and Rheulgard. The lake also supplies a a good supply of fish, though the Burrows' fishers tend to focus on the seafood close to the shore, leaving the deeper waters to those from Rheulgard.

Inland, the streams provide a good irrigation to the farms, though the marshes on the lake's edge can be treacherous for visitors. To the north is the forest of Beuraben but the few that travel to that province prefer to journey along the lakeside.


The port of Bowersend

The town of Shodfod is known for its legendary ponies, though some in Coarsewell claim their goats are more sure-of-hoof and the mares from the studs in Westfold have won most races over the last fifty years.

The town of Violane

The village of Ivesham is rumoured to be the oldest settlement in the Shambles, though some scholars dispute this, claiming some homes of Fellrock demonstrate older architecture than anything in Ivesham.


The Light of Grondle: The beacon at the lake's entrance to Bowersend

Udercroft: One of the oldest buildings in Ivesham

Grove of Lament: Folktales tell of a grove deep in the marshlands where eerie songs can be heard amongst the trees, but none have seen who sings them. Some speculate that this was once where elves from Coullabhie did stay or die, leaving their mark upon the land.



The main regents are:
Other major figures are:
  • Corben 'Flint' Haupstahl (MHlf; R8; Vo, minor, 12; LN), Quintain Councilman of Greenlock, a brewer and orchardist
  • ... , provincial Deacon of the Land's Protectorate
  • ... , primary agent of Burnlaffen, Childe, and Tallrow
  • ... , a guilder from Rheulgard
  • Nani and Padr Vinstander, siblings from Shodfod, whose actions are commonly in the news

[top]Plots and Rumours

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