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Thread: 4eBRCS:Guilder

  1. #1


    Discussion thread for 4eGuilder. If you would like to add a comment, click the Post Reply button.

  2. #2

    His strength lies elsewhere, I think

    Level 1 At-Will, in good health and sound memory...
    Level 1 Encounter, once per transaction...
    Level 1 Daily, but only once per trade venture
    Level 2 Utility - at least 2 powers per 1 slot - and both should be non-combat...

    I'm sorry for the joke, but guilder is one of the most realm-oriented classes, and converting him in 4E, where non-combat activity firmly stands on the bottom of the ladder of priorities... We can get some rules in next issues of PH and DMG, I hope. Until that, conversion of guilder into 4E is tough and unrewarding business, IMO.

  3. #3
    I have to agree but then again the guilder is far ways down of concern highest is blood abiliaties and lines.
    Yesterday is history
    Tommorrow is a mystery
    But Today is a gift, that is why it is called present

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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    What could be done is to begin to develop realm-level attributes and abilities for characters, wholly independent from adventure-level ones so that play balance is not impacted.

    The equivalents, I think would be something like this:

    At-Will Powers would become constant effects or Free actions
    Encounter Powers would correspond to once per domain action or even just once per season
    Daily Powers would correspond to once per season or, if encounter powers are once per season, then once per year.

    The timescale that we wish to play in should determine how the regent abilities are defined. Guilder would be a class with no real adventuring worth, but rather just a description of realm-level focus.

  5. #5
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    I also take issue with the idea of a 30-level class. BR is all about low- to mid-level characters, not about epic characters bestriding the world like colossi and telling the awnsheghlien to believe or they'll beat them up.

    Ius Hibernicum, in nomine juris. Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.

  6. #6
    yup but as in any developing of a settting with establish core rule books eventually it has to be looked at it being up to the 30 level.
    Yesterday is history
    Tommorrow is a mystery
    But Today is a gift, that is why it is called present

    Kung Fu Panda
    Master Oogway

  7. #7
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thelandrin View Post
    I also take issue with the idea of a 30-level class. BR is all about low- to mid-level characters, not about epic characters bestriding the world like colossi and telling the awnsheghlien to believe or they'll beat them up.
    Actually BR works well either as low-mid or as an epic game - a campaign to rebuild the empire, defeat the Gorgon and possibly ascend to godhood is about at epic level as you get.

    Personally I prefer low level - it's easier to plot stuff as the PC's won't pull out a ring of wishes or teleport spell, quicker battles, sense of mortality, etc - but plenty of people like the grandeur of a cosmic game.

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