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Thread: A magic item thread for ALL!!
03-16-2007, 02:16 AM #1
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A magic item thread for ALL!!
First of all none of these are detailed out for Birthright currently. I intend to try my hand at some novel Birthright items at a later date. These items are easilly adaptable to whatever edition you use, and you can make up a needed backstory in a few minute, I know I have done just that.
Second these items are rendered in 2nd edition format, and they are posted elsewhere, I just wanted to share them with other DM's who might need a quick item or two here and there.
Post any interesting variations that you like, and post anything you would like to share with other gamers on the subject. Anything to keep paper and pen gaming alive.
Old Second Edition Material Here!!
These were all created around 1978-79. If they seem familiar with anything you have found on the net the similarities are purely accidental. If someone wants to claim the rights to an idea feel free to claim it first. My thoughts on the subject are anything that advances AD&D or the game as a whole is a good thing and credit can go to people who want to take time and copyright things. I just want to create and see the game grow.
I leave most detailed background information to the DM to flesh out to fit their individual campaigns. Feel free to change the name to protect the innnocent
For those who want to ask a question about an item or even possibly mention an improvement or two feel free by all means.
My Magic Tables I
By Matan Thunder
01-02 Ring of Flight
03-04 Dragonettes
05-06 Gold Sovereign of Control
07-08 Eye of Titanhood
09-10 Dagger of Pain
11-12 Chest of Dragonflyer
13-14 Morningstar of Tim*
15-16 Armor of Illusion
17-18 Twig of Giant Strength
19-20 + 4 Rapier of Speed
21-22 + 5 Crossbow Bolts of Reverse Dmg
23-24 Paste of Molding
25-26 Greaves of the Godlings
27-28 Scarab of Protection of Psionics
29-30 Spirit Jug
31-32 + 1 Bang Arrows ( 4-40 )
33-34 Rod of Planeshifts
35-36 Turquoise Stone of Magic Wall
37-38 + 3 Arrows of Disruption ( 2 to 20 )
39-40 Figurine of Trojan Hiding
41-42 Gloves of Acidane
43-44 Helm of Removal
45-46 Pipes of Sleepiness
47-48 Basket of Poisoned Fruits
49-50 Dust of Spell Reversal
51-52 +4 Staff of Backblasting Foes
53-54 Tome of Advancement
55-56 Dust of Aggression
57-58 Shadow Saddle
59-60 Radiating Gem
61-62 Orb of the Sage
63-64 Figurine of the Battering Ram
65-66 Rope of Tripping
67-68 Basket of Food
69-70 Diamond of Attraction
71-72 Amulet of Dooms
73-74 Amulet of Discharge
75-76 Girdle of Teleporting
77-79 Tome of Breathlessness
80-81 Eyepatch of Detects and True Sight
82-83 + 2 Warhammer of Crush
84-85 + 4 Ringmail of Bolts
86-87 Boots of Sinking
88-89 + 2 Dagger of Flammability
90-91 Poem of Boredom
92-93 Essence of Fervor
94-95 + 3 Staff of Demon Summoning
96-97 Thorns of Warding vs Blunt Weapons
98-99 Figuring of the Sea Horse
100 + 4 Vorpal Arrows (4-40)
01-02 Ring of Flight: The ring is composed of a blue crystalline material in great with multiple silver runes, with a large blue sapphire worth 3000 gp. It was created by Dorgo the Wise to allow his followers a reliable way to keep up with the quick flying a mage. The ring may be used up to six hours daily, and may be shot on or off by silent act of will of the wearer. Once this 6 hour usage has been used the device must be recharged under open skies lit by sunlight for six hours in order for it to function again. The flight speed of the ring is 24 " per round with a maneuverability class of B. 25,000 gp
03-04 Dragonettes: This treasure is at a living creature which is emerging from a small egg at the precise moment which the creature collector passes by. This allows the treasure hunter to telepathically bond with the emerging dragonette (of Pernese nature) for life. The full details of this creature are listed in the ATWM volume III page 59-60 under the Pernese Fire Lizard descriptions. One of the most beneficial effects of these creatures is an innate ability to Teleport Without Error by silent act of will multiple times throughout the day. They also possess a fiery breath weapon, and often serve as a recon force with the ability to teleport out of trouble. 20,000 gp
05-06 Gold Sovereign of Control: This device is concealed as a well worn golden coin, which appears to be minted by the local monetary coin minting authorities. The device was created by a deranged greedy money lender/mage named Felix the Penny-pincher. It does possess one unique feature which is fine particles of diamond dust imbedded along its edge. This device bestows its magical powers to its user when it is rubbed. The power this device contains can affect 1-4 creatures, within a range of 10 in., with a mentally controlling magic similar to a rod of rulership. The control is much stronger though, as it will allow the coin owner to cause creatures which it controls to undertake foolhardy violent tasks of self destruction without interference. The creatures to be affected are allowed a - 2 saving throw verses wand in order to avoid this magical affects . Each coin is rechargeable, and when found they will possess 21-100 charges. The item is limited to usage 3 times daily. The device is able to conceal its magical nature from normal magic detection spells. 40,000 gp the
07-08 Eye of Titanhood: This device appears to be a 2 in. diameter Black Diamond with a slit pupiled titan eye encased within it. It stares outward unblinkingly from the gems center. The gem was created by Mallick the Dreaded from the cult of the dragon’s ranks, from a titan slain by the dragonlich he was responsible for. This device was created to replace the eye that the dracolich lost in the combat with the Titan. Any creature finding this device can place it into or within the socket from a lost or ruined eyeball, whereupon, it grafts itself into it . This process is very hazardous to the recipient, which causes 3 saving throws to be undertaken. The first saving throw is verses magic spell or the eye will fallout of its own accord. A second saving throw verses magic spell is required, which if successful allows the eye to graft itself within the socket. The third saving throw verses magic spell must be made, or the recipient of the eye will have a randomly chosen ability score permanently reduced to 3 .
The power of this item is for instantaneous growth of 1 ft.-3 ft.. It also grants the eye wearer permanent true sight, with normal vision ranges tripled , and the ability to see through all illusions within range of vision. 35,000 gp
09-10 +2 Dagger of Pain: This 12 in. dagger is made of a purple crystal material, inset with mithril runes along the length of the blade. The device was created by a sadistic cleric mage named Moroz Hurts Alot as a tool of torture. If this dagger is picked up by the hilt it instantaneously activates a gravitational flux so intense that the creature touching it is unable to release the daggers hilt. The hilt then ejects (12) 10" long needles to pop out violently in 1 melee segment, much like a jellyfish's sting. The needles possess a very virulent purple poison, forcing the dagger victim to make a - 4 saving throw verses poison or instantly die. Those who make their saving throws are still afflicted with 5-30 points of damage each round that the dagger is stuck to the hand of the victim. 10,000 gp
Rats, hit a buffer limit...I am trying to post the rest now!!!
03-16-2007, 02:17 AM #2
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This will take a while.....LOL
11-12 Chest of the Dragonflyers: This device is the magical chest/footlocker of medium-size made of white marble richly engraved with runes and embossed with golden dragons in various lifelike poses. The locking mechanism is made of a golden alloy which may be opened with the specific designated command word. The chest is 4 ft. wide x 6 ft. long x and 3 ft. high. The lid separates 1 ft. from the top of the chest and increases the width to 8 ft. With the use of a proper command word, the chest can be mentally commanded to take flight that 36 in. per round with a maneuverability class of C. The chest is armor class ( - 8 ) and possesses 60 hit points, which may be healed with a properly worded limited wish or wish. The chest is capable of carrying four M sized persons simultaneously during these flights. This device also possesses 2 extra dimensional storage bins running along the outer length edges, which are capable also storing up to 40,000 gp weight of items, similar to a bag of holding but without a depth/size limitation. 60,000 gp value
13-14 + 4 Morningstar's of Tim*: This device appears to be a rusty and much battered plane iron Morningstar, which is etched with some much distorted mithril runes about the head of the weapon. The haft is decorated with a 500 gp opal at the bottom which glows faintly with a black light like affect. The rune etching seems to indicate that its owner was an individual named Tim*, but the runes at the head are almost obliterated. The device was created by Moliz the Mad at the end of his magely career, after his mind had lapsed into dementia. Aside from being a + 4 Weapon on any to hit roll which exceeds the minimum by 3, the curse of this device activates a 30 ft. diameter Time Stop field which affects all within its area, including the wielder. This time stop field will persist forever with unless a dispel magic is applied by a caster of at least 20th lvl, a properly worded limited wish is implemented, or a properly worded wish is used to shatter Time stopped the field. Of course this must be initiated by a being outside the time stopped A/E. 20,000 gp value
15-16 Armor of illusions: This item is a suit of non-descript padded armor which will appear as follows. This item appears to be a finely crafted suit of magic armor of a type most desired by the discovering individual, through the use of a basic ESP. The armor was created by Massina the Humorous at the height of his illusionist career as a practical joke on a fellow party member who was always whining about his share of the armor treasures discovered by the party. The device is in actuality a cursed set of padded armor, equal to armor class 12, which is concealed by the Illusionary effect. The illusion contains full tactile and visual component to anyone viewing it, even fellow party members. High intelligence scores are able to see through the illusions regardless of the devices magical effect. All party members will see the armor that they most wish to see available for themselves, and if the type of armor is mentioned openly to all party members, it could it be revealed that the armor appears different to all who view it. Those who wear this armor find it completely comfortable and of impeccable quality. Valued 5000 gp
17-18 Twig of Giant Strength: This device is a nondescript 6 in. to 8 in. long twig which was harvested from the one tree up and astral planes, also called the tree of life. The twig is covered in white bark with several golden buds along its length. The twig also is engraved with several mithril rooms carved into its bark. The device was created by the Moon Elf Calamar Destinyweave in order to give greater strength to the leaders of the elvish army that he was connected with. If the twig is held or worn the device will activate as long as there is skin contact. The STR bestowed is indicated by the blood type of the giant chosen in an activation process, which is set with a command word as it is dipped in the blood type chosen.
There is a 20% chance of inflicting 4-24 damage on the twig user when it is first used, do to the intensity of the STR bonus that is acquired. This happens each time it is used in combat situations. This decreases by a - 5% per week of use.
01-30 Hill Giant; 19 STR; + 3, + 7 ; range 8"; 1-6 damage; missile wt 140 lbs.
31-50 Stone Gt; 20 STR; + 3, + 8 ; range 10"; 1-8 damage; missile wt 156 lbs.
51-70 Frost Gt; 21 " ; + 4, + 9 ; " 12"; " " ; " " 170 lbs.
71-85 Fire "; 22 " ; +4, + 10; " 14 "; 1-10 " ; " " 184 lbs.
86-95 Cloud " ; 23 " ; + 5, + 11; " 16 "; 1-12 " ; " " 198 lbs.
96-00 Storm " ; 24 " ; +6, + 12; " 18 "; 2-12 " ; " " 212 lbs.
Value: 35,000 gp
19-20 + 4 Rapier of Speed: This item is made of a blue mithril alloy with a large blue tiger eye 4000 gp sapphire inset into the weapons hilt. The blades length is engraved with gold runes along its narrow length which is made to be supple and flexible. This blade was created by a notorious weapon master/mage that just loved the intricacies of sword play, and desired a weapon of supreme qualities for a man of his skill . The blade is enchanted a +4 quality and the blade is so sharp that it inflicts 2-8 + 4 damage to the anything it hits in combat situations. The lightness of this blade allows the blade wielder to attack 3/1 times in each round. As with all magical weapons a rule was necessary in order to determine if the blade is intelligence. Value: 30,000 gp
21-22 + 5 Crossbow Bolts of Reverse Damage: These red crystalline bolts are 8" long and in engraved with many small mithril runes, which glow faintly. If an identify spell is cast upon them they reveal an intense magical aura of +5 quality. The bolts are enshrouded with deceptive magical fields which conceal their true nature. When these quarrels are fired from a crossbow all of the other quarrels teleport beside the quarrel which is launched, whereupon, they head toward the intended target for one melee segment. At that time all of the quarrels spin 180 degrees whipping around inbound towards the crossbow firer with no warning. The only protection from the, 1-10 bolt caches coming back to bite the crossbow firer, quarrels or wall spells such as: a wall of iron, a wall of force, a wall of ice etc.. The quarrels may penetrate any armor class which is the crossbow firer possesses and automatically hit like magic missiles. Each bolt inflicts 1 to 8 points of damage + 5. Value:2000 gp @
23-24 Paste of Molding: At first at this item may not appear to be valuable or magical. The paste appears as roughly 2 ft. Cube of glittering transparent clay. The magical quality of this item is revealed in the hands of a potter, or in the mind of a spell caster. The spell caster or a potter can fashion this material into items such as weapons, armor, or shields; or even items of a more vague nature which will possess an innate magical quality of +2. Other objects which may be created include but are not limited to, a set of lock picking tools + 10% open locks, other items which are necessary on a one time basis like a crowbar. All such items are permanent once the command word is spoken over them, and the will DM will need to determine the volume which and will be subtracted from the 2 ft. Cubes total. The cube materials owner simply fashions the claylike material into the desired for (possibly from a mold) and then pictures the finished product whatever it is. Magic items with a single spell power with a level of 2 < can also can be permanently create if d with this material. A level 1 Mount spell could be conferred to a creation form and will function one time per day, with an 18th level spell casting potential. The creator would simply fashion the item and mentally picture the spells function in order to facilitate its creation.
Gems and jewelry can be created as a fashioner desires, up to 300 gems may be fashioned from this cube, and they posses a maximum value of 100 gp @ can be creates with a value of 30,000. gp. Jewelry created from the paste is also limited to 30,000 gp in value no matter how many pieces are designed. (A jeweler is necessary to perform the above mentioned creations, or the PC possesses the jeweler proficiency, each creation requires a proficiency check individually) .
If the PC owner has a skill/proficiency they may create items related to the skill with a successful skill check. The material can also be used to weld/glue items together, (a thief on the run closes the door and then slaps a glob of the paste into the jamb while picturing the material welding the door and the jamb being one piece). The uses are only limited by the owner, and all individual creations take one melee segment to finalize the creation, but the formation/fashioning processes can take from several segments up to several hours. Value the 35,000 gp.
03-16-2007, 02:19 AM #3
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25-26 Greaves of the Godlings: These gauntlets are made from the skin of a rainbow dragon sewn with golden thread. The gauntlets are sewn with rainbow diamonds at the knuckles, mithril runes are sewn into the entire gauntlets surface. These gauntlets will glow tangibly illuminating the area in a 10 ft. radius. They bestow upon the owner a + 5 bonus to armor class and a +1 to all other attributes scores, (str, int, etc.). Unfortunately the greaves possess a driving intelligence of 16 and an ego of 18 as with any intelligent weapon. The item also possesses attributes similar to magic weapons complete with alignment which is rolled a randomly by the owner. The ego will actively try to possess and dominate anyone wearing these gauntlets. If a owner manages to avoid the possession an domination the gauntlets will cause 1-4 monster summoning VIII spell to go off simultaneously around the gauntlet wearer. They attack immediately upon appearance and , and will continue to be summoned exactly one hour. This takes place if the owner wearer continues to avoid the domination/possession affects generated by this item. The owner of the gauntlets will rapidly discover the curse and it can only be removed by a full wish spell. After the wish spell the owner of the gauntlets must remove them within one segment or they will become reattached. The intelligence of this gauntlet is of Demi-God strength for the DM's references. Value: 100,000 gp
27-28 Scarab of Protection vs Psionics: This golden beetle amulet has one 5000 gp gem stone each of the following types: an agate, an amethyst, a blue diamond, a pink pearl, and a purple jade figurine suspended within the confines of the amulet. The amulet itself is 6 in. in diameter and 1 in. thick suspended on a mithril chain. The golden surface of the amulet is engraved with the pattern of a human brain, and a human jade figurine at the center of the device suspended within an amber case. The item bestows upon its owner immune 100% to any psionics directed at the owner. This protection applies to direct attack psionics and psionic devotions or sciences etc.. This protection applies to the physical aspects of the devotions or sciences. The device owner is protected from all psionic attack modes 100%. Value: 75,000 gp
29-30 Spirit Jug: These specialized spirit receptacles come in a variety of colors and are made of a near indestructible form of hardened crystal, in which the spirit form lives. The bottle is covered with minute golden runes. The idea for this device are gleaned from a book series called the, "War of Power", written by Robert Vardeman & Victor Milan. In this series several groups of individuals possessing psionic and clerical abilities would inter those of great power or intelligence within these crystal bottles which function much as the magic item called an Efreeti Bottle. In the series the spirits of males are blue and the females are a hot pink color. These spirit bodies will be slightly transparent having no physical form, but the spirits will be able to converse freely with those within normal hearing distances when out of the bottle but they will be 90% muffled if shut within the bottle unless they bottle is physically in contact with it. These bottles are approximately 12 in. high with a diameter of 4-6 in., and furnished the occupant with a luxurious living quarters for all eternity. The occupying spirit possesses the same general physical outline they possessed in life, except that their legs taper into a cloudy mist-like trunk. Each bottle possesses a stopper which will either allow the spirit out of the bottle or back into its confines. The owner of such a bottle can force the spirit into its bottle by simply stoppering it.
The occupants of these bottles have only 1 way to affect of the outside world in physical ways, as they possess in death their Psionic powers fully which they had memorized upon their death and encapsulation within the spirit Jug. They have a 20% failure rate in any psionic power they attempt to use . The spirits within the book series were over 500 years old, and had many sordid adventures. The process by which this could be accomplished has been lost to the ages. Those individuals recorded to have undergone this process were from 8th to 15th level in experience, but I see no problems and higher level individuals undergoing the process should it be rediscovered. Any spell casters have encapsulated within the jugs will still remember any spell that they knew at the time of their death, and may barter this knowledge for favors from those who still on the planet. This usually entails resurrecting them. Those encapsulated within the jugs retain their original alignments, although they may suffer mental disabilities from long term encapsulation within their jug.
Any creature possessing a jug of this type will have access to the psionic powers the spirit at jug occupant as long as they are in physical contact with the Jug itself. The DM should roll a random personality for the occupant of such a jug and contemplate the alignment affects in order to come up with a realistic NPC relationship between the jug owner and its occupant. Have fun with this one. There are rumors that some of the occupants of a spirit jug can still cast spells if they possess the necessary material components. Value: 55,000 gp
31-32 +1 Bang Arrows (4-40): These magical arrows appear to be shafts of multicolored crystals and are fletched with the feathers of the fire eagle of the Elemental plane of fire. These arrows are made to explode on contact with any object or surface once they are fired from a bow. The blast is a fiery explosion, but is accompanied by a force of 100 pounds of force blasting the target away from the striking point. The arrows inflict 3-24 points of damage per strike, with a + 1 to hit & damage added to that. They are found in batches of 4-40. The arrows won't detonate until they are nocked to the bowstring for firing. Value: 500 gp @.
33-34 Rod of Planeshifting: This rod is made of blue steel alloys with mithril runes and a 3000 gp blue diamond mounted on the end. The rod may be used as a weapon of + 2 qualities to hit and damage inflicted on a 1-8 damage per strike. It also possesses 41-50 charges of magical energy that when activated cause a 6 in. area to be lit by a great blue radiance. The light causes all: invisible, improved invisible, ethereal, out of phase, etc creatures to be shifted back to the Prime material plane within the 6 in. area of effect. Creatures caught within the lighted area of effect may not change phase until they leave the area of effect. Each charge lasts 1 turn. Once a month it may be used to shift the plane the owner is currently on to any other prime material plane the owner knows of personally and has been to. This opening last for a 24-hour period and allows free 2 way passage through the brightly glowing 10' blue pane as long as it is present. This pane must be of resting on a topographical physical feature on the current plane of existence. Value: 60,000 gp .
03-16-2007, 02:20 AM #4
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35-36 Turquoise of Magic Wall: This device appears to be a normal non descript piece of turquoise. The turquoise actually has an invisible mithril rune upon it which does not read as magic. If the command word "Rebound" is spoken by the device owner it will form a 20 ft. by 20 ft. movable wall of impact absorption and rebounding forms on the vertical plane directly in front of the device owner. The wall will form with a faint blue aura outlining its area of effect which is 3 in. thick, but this visual part of the activation sequence will fade within one melee segment. Any type of weapon strike which crosses the walls area of effect will advance 2" into the wall causing a dimple briefly, whereupon, the blow will violently reverse its course with the same force with which it was launched. This reverse force will use the attackers THACO to determine if they were struck by the rebounding of any hand-held weapon affected by wall. Missile weapons have the same chances to strike their firer, but if this individual has movement from their position the missile weapon will automatically miss them, that other individuals passing within the path of the missile must make a successful DEX roll to avoid being struck by the missile. DM's will need to determine trajectories all missile weapons fired at the walls creator. Value: 75,000 gp.
37-38 +3 Arrows of Disruption ( 2-20): These areas appear to be created a solid white marble engraved with golden runes along its length. It has a golden broad head arrow tip with a runes engraved in it of a randomly determined clerical Pantheon. These arrows of a + 3 quality inflicting 1-8 +3 damage with any successful to hit roll. These arrows acts as a clerical turning attempt of a 12th lvl patriarch. All undead struck by these arrows will be affected by this clerical turning. Every arrow has a 50% chance of breaking when fired when it successfully hits, while misses will be 75 % to break on landing. Value: 1000 gp @.
39-40 Figurine of the Trojan Horse: This device is a platinum figurine 8" tall, created in one of the forms listed below. On the command word "Arisenen", the creature of the figurine will grow to 40 ft. in height in one round. The figurine will be able to conceal a number of men listed in the table below, in order to sneak them into an enemy encampment fortification, or town. The compartment which conceals the troops is of an extra dimensional nature, roughly 60 ft. by 60 ft. by 10 ft. tall. This secret 10' square doorway is completely undetectable unless the viewer uses a Detect Magic & True Sight in consecutive rounds. Once the owner of this device places his troops within the device, the owner can cause it to shrink back down by using the command word "Declino". This would not inflict any damage on the concealed troops, as the extra dimensional space provides the necessary oxygen for them to live within the extra dimensional space. The growth potential for this device lasts for 26 hours total, before the item must be recharged for six full days. The owner of the device is able to turn the enlarging and shrinking processes on and off up to four times during its functioning period. The owner of the device may also spells sneak into the extra dimensional space, and still be able to activate the devices command words as normal. Any creature left inside the device after the 26 hours have been used will be unceremoniously ejected into the border ethereal plane. Such individuals will have to find their only back to the Prime material plane
The figurines have a hit point total of 10 x their normal animal form possesses, it will possess three times the creature is normal movement rates. The figurines will inflict damage equal 2x their normal sized representations, and will fight alongside those concealed troops and its owner with the command word "Fracus". The figurine possesses the intelligence as listed within the dungeon Master's Guide. It can follow commands given by the owner as long as it is primed with the command word "Zellos". The device also possesses an innate Magic Mouth spell which will activate as the device owner wishes at any time he wishes. This part of the device usually announces that this device is a gift to the enemy city, creature, government, etc..
01-15 Asian Elephant (20) 61-80 Horse (20)
16-30 African " (20) 81-85 Centaur (30)
31-40 Mammoth (25) 86-90 Roc (30)
41-50 Mastodon (25) 91-98 Griffin (30)
51-60 Oliphant (30) 99-100 Dragon (40*)
* The Dragon figurine has no breath weapon. Value: 40,000 gp.
41-42 Gloves of Acidane: These gloves or made of ancient green dragon skin that are sewn with 1 in. squares of green jade with small golden runes etched into them. These items radiate a strong magical aura easily detectable through use of the proper spells. These gloves or cursed so that whenever a creature places one on their hand that they instantly wish to put on the second glove to discover their magical powers (no save). Upon this event occurring, the gloves will inject internally a blast nasty black dragon acids exuded from the interior of the gloves which of course, cannot be taken off unless a successful remove curse spell is cast upon the caster and the gloves. Each round will inflicted 2-12 damage, and the victim's hands will become useless until a full Heal spell is administered. This is the only way to remove the gloves, and the victim will continue to suffer the damage listed above. Value: 7800 gp.
43-44 Helm of Removal: This helm bears multiple runes of potency etched into the black mithril alloy with silver. The helm is inlaid with 10 black opals worth 500 gp @ which encircle the outside rim. This helm is of a + 5 armor class quality improvement, which is easily detectable with a detect magic spell. The helm has a chin strap with a special black mithril cinching strap which when fastened turn into a black mithril garrote severing the wearers head no saving throw. "Snickersnack". Value:9500 gp.
45-46 Pipes of Sleepiness: These 8 in. longer duel pipes are made of a blue mithril alloy. Any non-Bard creature which touches them instantly fall asleep (no save), until someone else releases the victims grip on the pipes. Any bard touching these pipes will realize their inherent magic is a sleep wave which extends out to a 10 in. diameter, pulsating outwards like the ripples on a pond caused by a stone, affecting all within the area of effect. Those creatures caught within this waves affect must make a successful saving throw verses magic spell, with a cumulative - 1 to that saving throw for each round they are within area of effect. Any creature failing their saving throw will fall instantly to the ground asleep, and will remain in and that state until the Bard stops playing these pipes, are until they are dragged out of the area of the effect. Those caught within the area of effect will remain asleep for 1-4 turns after the final note is played by these pipes. This sleep magic is so potent that even removal can cause the affected creature to awaken, as it takes an eighth level dispel magic spell to awaken the sleepers prematurely. No amount of water or shaking will help wake them. All creatures, including elves, except undead or affected by this magical set of pipes.
Any creature smart enough to stick their fingers into the ears before the music starts to play will find that the effective in preventing the sleep affect taking hold. Of course, this makes combat very difficult. Value: 60,000 gp
47-48 Basket of Poison Fruit: This display of luscious fruit is displayed in the blue china serving dish 18 in. in diameter, and is self replenishing. All the fruits appear healthy, ripe, and nutritionally desirable. If a creature of eats a piece of this fruit nothing will happen for one hour for each piece of fruit eaten. One hour after consumption anyone who has eaten up piece of this fruit will need to make a saving verses poison, with a cumulative - 1 saving throw penalty for each piece of fruit they consumed. If the saving throw is made it only inflicts 1-10 points of damage for each piece of fruit consumed. A failed saving throw indicates that target creature has died from poisoning. Value: 1500 gp.
03-16-2007, 02:21 AM #5
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49-50 Dust of Spell Reversal : This item is the found in a small leather pouch made of Wonderform skin, and will contain 11-20 doses of a sparkling rainbow crystal dust like material. When this dust is hurled into the air a magical rune will appear for one melee segment in front the dusts area of the effect. This is usually the dust hurler or a fellow party member who is to be affected by the dusts magic power. The magic will only function for recipients who maintain their location where the dust was placed upon them. The magic itself reverses all incoming magic spells, like a level 7 Volley spell from the Unearthed Arcana. This effect lasts for 1 turn as long as the recipient doesn't move out of the 10 ft. diameter area of effect.
Magic’s present on or launched from the spell caster are not affected by this reversal rune magic as they serve as reversal nexus/launch point. So spell caster could initiate any magic they possess for the duration without ill effects of the dust. The movement restrictions do not preclude the dust recipient from engaging in melee combat as long as they do not exceed the diameter limitations of the area of effect. Value 2500 gp.
51-52 +4 Staff of Backblasting Foes: This device is created from a black oak branch struck by lightning and entwined in a blue steel/mithril alloy covered with copper runes. At the top it possesses a 5000 gp rainbow diamond that illuminates a 20 ft. diameter equal to full daylight continuously . The item possesses a + 4 combat quality inflicting 1-6 + 4 points of damage per strike, and in addition on any THACO roll that exceeds that number by four > a target will be hurled backwards 1-10 ft. The strike is accompanied by a thunder like clap and a bright flash of white light causing the target to suffer 3-18 points of damage from the flight. A creature is allowed a saving throw verses magic staff at - 6 to avoid this spell effect. Value: 75,000 gp.
53-54 Tome of Advancement: This unadorned green leather book 12 in. by 12 in. by 2 in. thick will take a full two months to complete reading. It details a pathway to advancement appropriate to the player class of its current owner, which in 2 months of constant study will lead to its current owner being a one time experience point bonus reaching the next experience level by100 experience points. If the owner is a multi classed player character they will bring up their experience points to reach the next level +100 experience points in all classes. This book may not be copied in any way in at the completion point or reading it to the place where the new level is attained it will randomly teleport to a library or treasure trove on that plane of existence . Tracing spell placed upon the tome cause it to instantly teleport as stated above. The PC must find a place of quiet and solitude in order to properly study this tome. Value: 80,000 gp.
55-56 Dust of Aggression: This magical dust is contained in a plain leather pouch smelling vaguely of hot peppers, and with the 11-20 pinches in each pouch upon discovery. The pouch is sewn with a magical rune in gold thread, as is all other stitching upon this pouch. In order for the dust to be activated it must be hurled into the air and breathed in by target creatures. The crystals sparkle faintly as they are tossed into the air, and the tossing owner can prevent the dust from affecting them by speaking the word "Peace". The dust causes all within a 20 ft. diameter to attack any creature that is near them, with those creature closest being attacked in first. The dust lasts for 4 rounds + 1-10 rounds afterwards, but it allows a saving throw vs poison to be made for his when the dust is first casting about the pouch owner. Those making their saving throw are still affected by the dust for 2 rounds regardless of their saving throw. Old grudges are often the first avenue in the release of aggressions for victims of this dust. "You took the best treasure last time, so take this". Value: 2000 gp per pinch.
57-58 Shadow Saddle: This beautiful black shadow dragon leather saddle is studded with many black pearls, and it is sewn with much mithril thread in various panoramic views and pictures of war horses and riders. When this saddle is a worn by a horse or another form of mount, the horse and rider are concealed in the shadows similar to the thievish ability to Hide in Shadows but with a 120% success ability. Note: This does not silence the rider or the mount. The rider may also activate an ability to create a 50 ft diameter sphere of one-way darkness about the rider and the mount for up to one hour a day, and it may be turned on and off at the riders will up to the durations limitations. Value: 55,000 gp.
59-60 Radiating Gem: This item appears to be a beautiful green emerald that seems to glow with an inner light of its own yet it does not radiate any magic at all. The gem is highly radioactive, which radiates outwards in the 30 ft. diameter affecting all within this area of effect. This causes a saving throw vs poison at - 2 to anyone within in this area of effect. If the creature touches or otherwise handles the gem all of their hair falls out no saving throw 3-6 hours. These creatures make their saving throw verses poison at - 4. All creatures affected by failed saving throws suffer radiation sickness and die in 1 to 3 days. If a creature who doesn't handle the gem makes a saving throw they sustain 2-20 points of damage each hour they are near the gem. A creature toughing or wearing the gem must make an hourly saving throw as stated above at - 4 to avoid death, but they will begin to feel the effects and weakening caused by radiation sickness regardless of their successful saving throws. A full clerical heal is necessary in order to cure any radiation sickness of those near the gem . Value: 30,000 gp.
61-62 Orb of the Sage: This 3 in. diameter ruby gives off a silver sheen and glow about itself, which seems to glow from within This orb possesses the ability to read magical writings of all sorts. The orb owner places his hand on the orb and another hand upon any magical device for which he wants to identify special powers, curses, & command words or keys. He says the command word "Dolphosia", and the orb owner will receive full mental and audio details of any magic item short of an artifact. The details provided will convey the method of the devices making, the history of its ownership, and a full listing of all magical or physical powers of the item which is identified. This power may be used 10 times per week, but it will require the user to enter a one hour trancelike state to as they review the histories of the device in question. Value: 40,000 gp.
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63-64 Figurine of the Battering Ram: This device is an ivory statuette approximately 10 in. in length and 8 in. high with gold in graving all over its surfaces, with a large set of black diamonds for eyes (worth 3000 gp @). If the command word "Charge" is spoken, the figurine will grow into a mountain ram 4 ft. high at the shoulder, 12 ft. long, with a doubles set of massive ram’s horns. The ram figurine must be pointed in the direction and at the object that this device owner wishes that have affected by a charging ram. After the rams initial charge it will follow the owners verbal instructions for the 1 turn per day that it may be used, with an intelligent rating of 8 when it comes to taking orders.
This magical ram has the following statistics: AC 5, Move 24" per rd, 10 hit dice, Align Neutral, attack with massive double horns which inflict 2-24 points of damage (as well as inflicting a double STR horn of blasting on any door, gates, apertures, etc.. Each hoof can inflict 1-8 points of damage (x2 hooves each round), and the ram can elect to instigate a special trampling attack on any creatures along its pathway, (it must get a 20' running start to accomplish this attack), inflicting 2-16 points of damage to anyone less than 10 ft. high or 10 hit dice. Unless a creature as described before blocks the path of the rams charge it will not be slowed down in the least. Value: 60,000 gp.
65-66 Rope of Tripping: This magical rope is woven of demon skin and black steel intertwined with strips of red dragon skin. When discovered this 1/4" magical rope will be from 31-50 ft. in length and possesses a unique ability similar to a chameleon, as it blends in with any forest floor or city street . It is as soft as spidersilk. When strung across an area; each time someone walks, runs, etc. across its horizontal pathway they must make a saving throw verses magic spell or fall flat on their face or suffer a violent fall. This rope can only be detected by True Sight or dust of appearance. Value: 45,000 gp
67-68 Basket of Foods: This appears to be an ordinary picnic basket 24 in. wide by 24 in. by 36 in. long. These devices can create enough food for 10 people up to three times daily simply by closing the lid and uttering the command word "Repast". The food appears to be fresh and of a considerable variety, suiting the tastes of all those near the basket (20'). Once the contents of the basket are fully eaten the basket will replenish itself as stated above. The Value: 15,000 gp.
69-70 Diamond of Attraction: This huge 4 carat blue diamond is engraved with many golden runes about it circumference. Unless a proper identification magic spell is cast upon this device its powers will not be known until some type of missile weapon comes within 50 ft. of the gem possessor. When this event occurs the missile will be attracted towards the gem owner regardless of the actual direction the missile was fired towards. Any missiles will unerringly strike the blue diamond, and any ricochets will undoubtedly inflict damage on to the gem possessor. The missiles are attracted so strongly that they will even turn corners of 90 degrees. The owner of this diamond is unable to remove it from his person once this event has occurred. Removal requires a properly caster remove curse spell by a 10th level cleric. The owner of the diamond is able to toss the gemstone away but it will teleport into a random pocket, pouch, backpack, etc. 5 rounds after it was ditched. Value: 10,000 gp.
71-72 Amulet of Dooms: This device is the issue inched gold amulet resembling a bear's head with black ruby eyes worth 500 gp @. It radiates a strong magical aura which manifests itself in the moderately bright golden glow. If this item is brought into the presence of another magical device for item it will drain away the magical power of such a device. This includes attempts to identify it with magic, which is similar lead absorbed by this magical device. This amulets powers are so rapid and decisive that it occurs within one melee segment, during which time the ruby eyes glow intensely but briefly.
The most damaging affect of this device occurs one round after any magical power is drained, whereupon, the amulet ejects a violent electrical outburst inflicting 10-100 points of damage to anyone failing their saving throw verses magic spell (those saving take 1/2 damage) if they are within the 20 ft. diameter area of effect. In its final act of power the device teleport 1,000 mi. away in a random direction. Value: 10,000 gp.
'73-'74 Amulet of Discharges : This amulet is made of pure elvish silver inset with white opals, and etched with golden runes of power which glow of silver faintly. The device radiates a strong magical aura in seems to have a potent charged magical energy stored within its surfaces. Once the amulet is touched by a spell using creatures, magic users, or magic items on a creature who is touching the amulet, the amulet causes all magical energy will be siphoned away completely draining charged devices no save. In the magical item which has charges will lose these magical emanations 1 per round in random direction as they are discharged regardless of the spell caster or creatures wishes . (Kabooooom) This discharging is totally random and can touch items safely stored away within a pouches and backpacks. Each item will discharge one charge each round after this amulet is touched. Value: 7500 gp.
75-76 Girdle of Teleport: This magical girdle is made of eight black obsidian tiles 4 in. by 4 in. by 1/2 inch thick which is etched with mithril runes and connecting buckles which form a girdle. Once per day each tile (which must be touched) has the power to affect its wearer with a Teleport without error magic spell on the command word "Expeedious". The magic nature of these tiles is such that the owner can activate one per melee segment in order to seem to blink to an untrained eye. As with all teleport magic the spell caster must visually picture the destination in order to affect this magic. This spell is 100% effective, and it will not allow deviation from the destination prescribed by the girdle owner . This is to thwart some magic I recently read that created a teleport trapping sequence which led the teleported into a trap. Value: 60,000 gp.
77-79 Tome of Breathlessness: This magical tome is bound with a blue-gray sharkskin cover 12 in. by 9 in. wide by 2 in. thick and is engraved with multiple golden runes of a variety of amphibian like creatures etched into the cover and binding. This magical device has a subtle compulsion-like magic which forces any creature touching the cover to open the book regardless of their original intentions. There is no saving throw for this effect. Those creatures affected by this power find the tome to have a very violent shark like bite as the book will leap towards its new owner with a shark like jaws open wide. It strikes as a 4 hit dice creature which inflicts 8-48 points of damage on a successful to hit roll, as it flies about the room at 24" per round MC:C. At this point only a remove curse spell cast by a magic user of 16th level or greater can negate this tome's attacking nature.
Once the device has been subdued the book's true power can be learned by reading it 4 hours per day for the period of one month. The owner of the book must purchase several items of an alchemical nature valued at 2000 gp in order to conduct the necessary experiments required by this tome. Part of the process is the creation of a magical potion whose recipe is written within the tome. The potion is imbibed at the end of the reading sequence. Once the potion has been imbibed, the tome reader will undergo a swift and minorly painful transition as they reader will grow gills and becomes a true amphibian creature. The Tome reader will be able to function in salt or fresh water as much as they require in any given day. The gills are located behind the ears and slightly below them so they aren't too obvious to the casual viewer. Value: 40000 gp .
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80-81 Eyepatch of Detection and True Sight: This magical eye patch is fashioned from a beautiful buffed rainbow dragon's scale which is an approximately 2 in. oval, which is set on an adjustable golden chain with many mithril runes sewn into its surface. When the eye patch is set over an eye it grants the wearer the ability to detect visibility, detect secret doors, detect enemies, and use true sight through the device whenever it is put on. Only one power may be accessed per use, as the other powers remain dormant during that time. The owner of the device will notice that they can see out of the eye patch as if they were looking through their regular eye. Whenever one of these powers is activated the eye patch glows with a soft purple radiance visible at 30 ft.. Value: 35,000 gp.
82-83 + 2 Warhammer of Crush: This magical war hammer is made of a red mithril alloy which is attached to a black oak handle and covered with multiple golden runes. The handle has a stone giant skin leather wrapping which is sown with gold threads in an intricate pattern. This magical war hammer must be wielded 2 handed by any creature along with a 17 STR or less. The magic of the war hammer lends its + 2 magical nature an intense magical field causing d from double damage anyone wielding it. This double damage only reflects the base damage of this weapon type, i.e. not the strength bonuses or magical pluses of the device. Damage totals will be 2+ 2D6+2 damage per strike. This magical war hammer has 1 final power, which is, the vertical slashing swing accompanied by the command word "Smashorammalangadingdong". When did this is done any creature struck by a blow of this weapon must saving throw verses magic spell or both of their knees will be shattered by the downward force of the war hammers stroke. As with all magical weapons roll for possible intelligence for this weapon like magical sword. Value: 38,000 gp
84-85 + 4 Ringmail of Bolts: This magical suit of armored ringmail is made from a blue orachalium alloy which is etched with platinum runes and highlights. This armor gives off a diffuse blue light illuminating things faintly up to a 5 ft. radius from the armor wearer. This suit of armor is of a + 4 quality, but also possesses other unique powers one of which is the ability see into the magnetic field of the area surrounding them. This grants them with the ability to see the magnetic fields given off by any living life form within a 100 ft. radius. This suit of armor also grants the wearer a + 2 saving throw verses lightning and electricity as long as it is worn. The armor also grants the wearer the ability to confer an electrical/ Lightning stroke through any metal weapon that they are currently using inflicting 2-16 points of damage to any creature struck a blow. The armor wearer also may once per week be able to launch a 15D6 damage Chain lightning bolt through any metal weapon they are currently wielding.
The only drawback of this suit of armor is that once per month it must be struck by a naturally occurring lightning bolt in order to recharge it for the next months use. The armor wearer is immune to any magical powers which emanate from this magical suit of armor. Value: 55000 gp.
86-87 Boot of Sinking: These boots of soft displacer beast skin are sewn with the finest dwarvish silver thread and has specially made mithril spurs and toecaps. There are also several golden runes inside the boots the themselves. These magical Boots radiate a strong magical field which will cause goose bumps on any creature that puts them on. Unfortunately, these boots are made to simulate the magic users spell Sink lvl8, and if the owner does not have a removed curse followed immediately by the spell a magic cast by someone of lvl 10 or greater, they will find themselves sinking towards the center of the planet. The magical effect of these boots appears to be similar to someone sinking into quicksand except that no amount of effort on the boot wearer’s part can aid in the escape. The victim of the boots sinks whether they are located on earth, stones, gravel, etc. at the rate of 5' per melee round. If no one helps the boot wearer to find some stability or extract the individual from his predicament than the boot wearer will die in four rounds no saving throw. These boots will sink into the depths of the earth until they reach molten material, magma, whereupon they randomly teleport 500 miles in a random direction . Value: 3000 gp.
88-89 + 2 Dagger of Flammability: This large silver dagger is 18 the inches in length and appears to be made of an alloy of steel. It is etched in red golden runes and the hilt is covered in tightly wound red dragon leather sewn with the same red gold thread. This dagger inflicts 1D6+2 points of damage with each successful to hit roll, with an additional power exhibited on any THACO of 3 over that which was needed to hit. This power causes any creature struck or any exposed to magic item struck to make a -2 saving throw verses and magical spell or magical fire respectively. Those creatures or devices which fail their saving throws immediately burst into flame destroying them. Any creature afflicted with this magical fire can only be saved by magic which snuffs out the flame through the use of a vacuum or cutting off the flow of oxygen by immersion in water. Creatures & items beyond saving will be burned to ash, as will those items not completely immersed within water or in a vacuum . Damage to creatures is inflicted at the rate of 4-24 points of damage per round. This magical weapon also requires a roll for possible intelligence as with any magical sword. Value: 40,000 gp.
90-91 Poem of Boredom: This nondescript magical item is placed on a piece of Vellum which is 18 in. long by 24 in. wide when it is unrolled. There is a blue crystal scroll cylinder which protects this magical poem, and has many magical mithril runes etched into the scroll casing. If this scroll casing is opened by a person with their bare hands the new owner will immediately begin to read the work, because of a magical compulsion (no save) that forces them into the reading. Only a bard may handle the scroll casing or the poem without facing the compulsion.
The main curse of this item is that it causes all who hear it being read to become a bored with their current player character class or profession to such an extent that they are compelled to make a - 4 saving throw verses magic spell their current profession or player character class. The magic of the poem compels them to wander and drift from town to town seeking the ultimate truths of their lives and of the world. After 1-3 months of this soul searching the victims of the Poem of Boredom will seek to enter into new player character class's or professions that the now feels are their true callings in life .
The only way to break the effects of the Poem of Boredom prior to this time of finding yourself is to cast the following spells consecutively : heal, restoration, and a remove curse. A full wish will also work if worded properly, but it must be done someone other than the person affected by the Poem of Boredom. If either of these two processes are used to intervene with the poems affect then the victims were resume their previous lifestyles. Value: 30,000 gp.
03-16-2007, 02:23 AM #8
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92-93 Essence of Fervor: This magical elixir will be found in small crystalline vials containing 3-6 doses of this rare elixir. A single drop of this magical clear sparkling elixir will dispel all forms of exhaustion and automatically resets all magical spells or powers a creature or magic user had memorized the day prior to this elixir been imbibed. This single drop of magical elixir will last for 24 hours, after which time the imbiber will need to recover on day for day basis, as it is possible to use these magical elixir drops on consecutive days. One drop per 3 constitution points is the maximum total number of days which an imbiber may use the elixir drops. As an additional side effect anyone taking this elixir will be hasted for the full first hour after it is taken. The user will not be aged as with a normal haste magic spell. This magical haste can be turned on and off at the takers will, so that he may save some of the effect for later time within the 24 hour duration. Value: 5000 gp per drop.
'94-'95 + 3 Staff of Demon Summoning: This device is constructed of the branch of an ancient gnarled black oak branch 6 ft. in length and 1 1/2 in. to 3 1/2 inches in diameter from bottom to top. It is set with a large black diamond worth 5000 gp set into the top of the staff, both ends of the staff are shod with mithril caps and the entire length of the staff has arcane symbols also etched in the length with mithril. Upon the command word "Nexusman" followed by a specifically named denizen of the lower planes will conjure up the stipulated demon. This staff has 51-60 charges stored within, and each summoning drain one charge per Hit Dice of the conjured individual. The wielder of this staff must have prior knowledge and the actual secret name of the desired denizen in order to compel and dominate this conjured creature per the forms of its individual class or type. This device provides no protective circle for a spell caster attempting to dominate such a denizen. This staff itself will inflict 3-18 + 3 points of damage with each successful to hit to any creature that is struck.
If protective spells are preset they operate at 2x their normal efficiency as a side effect of the staffs powers . This type of protection usually has no bearing on the contest of wills which takes place in order to dominate the selected denizen. As you can imagine the larger the denizen the less likely that the contest winner will be the staff wielder. The big guys do so hate those little interruptions and they know exactly where to put that nasty little staff. This device also requires an intelligent check roll similar to the one given to magical swords . Value: 65,000 gp.
96-97 Thorncrown of Wards vs Blunt Weapons: This non remarkable looking magical device is similar to the crown-like wreathes given to Roman emperors' or victors in Olympic style games of the ages of old. These simple wreathes are wound with golden wire, and each leaf has a single gold rune engraved on its surface. Unfortunately several thorns were intentionally left in so as to prick the skull of anyone who wears it. When placed upon the head of a new owner it will endow its owner with the virtual immunity to all weapons of a blunt nature. The only limitation is it must be used under a sunny sky, partly cloudy is OK. Otherwise, it will only prevent the first blunt weapon attack after dark or on rain days .
The physical manifestation of the thorncrown's power is registered whenever the wielder of a blunt weapon attempts to strike the wearer, whereupon, the weapon simply seems to slide or flow away from the point which the wielder was aiming at. They always seem to just miss. Value: 70,000 gp.
98-99 Figurine of the Seahorse: This device is a red coral Sea Horse figurine 8 in. tall and set in a gold base . The seahorse appears fully barded and ready for battle. Upon the command words "High Ho Foamy" the figurine enlarges into a full-sized seahorse which will serve the owner for 1 day per week. This figurine will only function with a rider and cannot take independent action without a rider on its back. This specialized coral barding it wears is AC -2. It swims at 48" per round, and its front flippers inflict 1-6@ for each, and it can inflict a savage tail slap doing 2-20 points of damage on a successful to hit by a 6 Hit Dice creature. Another name for the sea horse mount is a Hippocampus. Value: 20,000 gp.
100 + 4 Vorpal Arrow: These finely crafted elvish arrows are made of an adamantine alloy which is black in color, but is so strong that the arrow will never break. The fletching is created from the feathers of a Phoenix wound with mithril wire . The tips of these arrows are specially crafted with diamond slivers for maximum penetration. When fired from a bow and the THACO is over that by at least 3 the arrow has struck the target in the throat killing them no save. These arrows are found in small groups of 1-4 in a lot. These arrow can still be destroyed in volcanic fires, otherwise they are totally recoverable after each firing. Value: 10,000 gp @.
I am sorry that a couple of items have lost their tabs but most posting sites don’t have the capabilities to carry the tabs over. I will release new material from time to time. I may even come up with a couple of new items if I can find the time.
I have listed my items & spells on more than one site out there. It is basically public domain material at this point and I felt that I should at least give the mods the information that AD& won't exdlusively have the material.
What is best in life; To Crush Your Enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!!!
Have everyone roll their dice before the adventure and tick them off one by one, it helps speed up the game and allows the DM more time to think on his feet.
Let them keep what they kill!!
03-20-2007, 12:27 AM #9
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Second Table. Same Disclaimers as the first one.
My Table #2
Matan Thunder
01-02 + 4 Chainmail of Sighting
03-04 + 1 Bang Bolts (3- 30)
05-06 Beads of Power
07-08 Amulet vs Breathe Weapons
09-10 Gravity Rock
11-12 Greaves of Goodness
13-14 + 7 Saber of Uppsy
15-16 + 3 Robe of Cold
17-18 Cloak of Feathers
19-20 + 2 Helm of Phantasmal Force
21-22 Mirror of Hades
23-24 + 3 Horsebow of Changling
25-26 + 4 Shield of Snapping
27-28 Armband of Nutron
29-30 Black/White Power Opal
31-32 +1 Helm of Crego
33-34 + 3 Hand Crossbow "The Drinker"
35-36 Tunneling Shovel
37-38 + 4 Spear of Cold
39-40 Greenthumb Gem
41-42 Badluck Gem
43-44 Quartering Chains
45-46 Dust of Contrariness
47-48 Quill of Scroll Making
49-50 Medal of Fixing
51-52 Coin of Sorrow
53-54 + 3 2-handed Axe of Tulwar
55-56 + 2 Belt of Blinking
57-58 + 2 Whip "Cat of 9 Tails"
59-60 Earplugs of Sensing
61-62 Feathers of the Fop
63-64 Robe of Impact Resistance
65-66 + 3 Dart of Weakening
67-68 Olive Branch of Missile Warding
69-70 + 2 Quarter Staff of Limbo
71-72 Tome of Military Leadership
73-74 Vanishing Cloak of Void
75-76 Bottle of Vapors
77-78 Blanket of Webs
79-80 Bag of Breathe
81-83 Dust of Track Displacement
84-85 Nozzle of Water Blasting
86-87 Broach of Rock Passage
88-89 Chalice of Holy/Unholy Water
90-91 + 2 Bracers of Magnetism
92-93 + 2 Staff of Position Finding
94-95 + 4 Trident of Poseidon
96-97 Thistles of Sword Warding
98-99 Ring of Storm Giant Strength
100 + 5 Helm of Dragon Powers
01-02: + 4 Chainmail of Sighting: This magical suit of the chain mail is made of a alloy of mithril of an orange color from which emanates a soft glow of the same color. The entire magical suit of chain mail is highlighted with golden trim along the edges and has a 12 in. blue crystalline eye inset into the armor. The chain mail is of a + 4 quality which extends magically to fit anywhere up to Hill giant size, with the chain mail extending to knee length. This device possesses 2 command words which are the on/off activations for the central eye power; they are: "Scan & Withdraw", respectively. This magical blue eye may swivel about scanning the local vicinity of the armor's wearer in conferring a visual readout to the armors wearer as a small screen of sight 6 in. square in the upper left-hand corner of their field of vision. This magical armor confers the following magical abilities in tin this viewing screen: detect invisible, detect Illusion, detect traps, infravision, and ultravision. Furthermore, the armor wearer can use the command word, "View" to activate a special power of True Sight once a week lasting for one hour. Value: 60000 gp
03-04 +1 Bangbolts (3-30): These blue crystalline bolts all are fletched with the giant eagle feathers and tipped with golden alloy barbed heads with many golden runes up on them. These bolts appear somewhat hollow containing 2 separate reservoirs which fracture on impact striking with a + 1 to hit and damage quality. Upon striking a solid object the bolt detonates with an additional 3-18 points of damage to anyone within 5 ft. of the target creature saving throw verses death ray to avoid damage totally. The target creature struck by the bolt receives no saving throw for the damage. These magical bolts are destroyed in any case. Value: 1500 gp @
05-06 Beads of Power: This magical device is comprised of 12 magical beads of varied colors and compositions, some metallic and does some gemstone all 1 in. in diameter. They are linked together on a golden chain with one mithril rune on each bead. The beads will exhibit the varied magical affect as listed on the table below:
1: armor class 4 7: tongues 6x weekly 1 turn duration
2: + 2 protection 8: invisibility 6x weekly 1 turn duration
3: + 4 weapon damage 9: wizard eye 6 x weekly 1 turn duration
4: detect invisibility 12 in. radius 10: cure light wounds 6 x weekly
5: locate objects 12 in. radius 11: detect traps 6 in. radius 2x weekly 1 turn duration
6: ultravision 12 in. radius 12: prismatic sphere one time weekly 1 turn duration
The first six powers listed function continuously as long as the necklace is worn. The secondary powers listed from 7-12 are activated by separate command word which the owner must discover as they vary from device to device. All activation times are one melee segment and will conform to the spells limitations dictated in their descriptions as if they were spells cast instead of magical properties activated by the owner of the device. Value: 70,000 gp.
07-08 Amulet Protection vs Breathe Weapons: This device is composed of platinum chain with an platinum amulet in the shape of the dragon's head with 4 black opals worth 2000 @ inset into the chain. If this device is worn by the owner it will bestow protections from any breath weapon used against its owner, causing the breath weapon to sweep around the 5 ft. magical field which protects its wearer. The device has a limitation of 100 hit points of damage in a single attack within the same round, and any damaged that exceeds this will affect the wearer. If this device experiences such an event it is destroyed in the magical last inflicting 02-20 points of damage to its owner. This device will 100% prevent the entrance of any non damage oriented breathe weapon regardless of strength or intensity. Value: 35,000 gp.
09-10 Gravity Rock: This item is composed of black obsidian which has several thick veins of gold crisscrossing its surface. It appears to be an ordinary obsidian rock in all ways. This item is actually a powerful gravitational intensifier when it is touched it activates exerting a 20 ft. radius localized gravitational flux causing the local gravity to increase 100 x the planetary normals. This automatically causes all within the area of effect to increase their body weight 100 times. This gravitational flux last for one segment in duration. All creatures within the area of effect are required to make a -8 saving throw vs spell or die in a bloody pull of goo. If the saving throw is made the creature will still sustain 4-40 points of damage as their legs break no saving throw. Value: 4000 gp.
9 to go
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11-12 Greaves of Goodness: These greaves are made of the specialized gray adamantine with three large white opals inset in each greave at the knuckle and worth 1000 gp @. These devices protect the wearer’s hands and wrists making them impervious to any form of attack. When used it confers upon its wearer a + 4 to weapon damage, + 20% to spell damage, and a + 3 with weapons which are hurled. Unfortunately, these devices confer a major drawback in that one greave possesses a good sentient entity and the other greave possesses an evil sentient entity that is constantly at odds with one another. Before the owner of these devices can instigate an action the greaves will make separate encounter reaction rolls each time, using their diametrically he opposed viewpoints to modify the dice roll reaction. As you can imagine this leads to all sorts of conflicts which prevent the greaves from any usage during that round. Add to this the fact that the owner will not willingly remove these greaves for any reason as the owner feels compelled to act as an intermediary between the two entities and derives a feeling of happiness in this effect. These items may not be removed from the owners' hands unless a successful remove curse is applied followed by a successful dispel magic spell. Value: 30,000 gp.
13-14 +7 Saber of Uppsy: This highly magical saber is + 7 to hit and damage, and is composed of a translucent golden adamantine alloy with a blade approximately 42 in. in curving the length. The basket hilt protects the owners' entire hand and is composed of mithril and etched with platinum runes. This powerful magic weapon forces any creature struck by its blade in combat to make a saving throw vs magic spell or suffer an immediate upward reversal of gravity causing them to fall upwards for 1 turn before the magic turns itself off allowing them to plunge towards the ground. In the 1 turn duration of gravity reversal the victim will gain an altitude of 400 ft. before the plunge downward, use falling damage charts to determine total damage inflicted by the fall. This weapon is much sought after by cavalrymen about the world for its legendary affect. This weapon has been duplicated several times and some of the variations process intelligence. Roll for random intelligence abilities on the DMG charts provided for intelligence weapons.
15-16 +3 Robe of Cold: This full length of the robe of blue satin is sewn with a layer of small blue diamonds lending it a + 3 to armor class and saving throws to the wearer. The robe also confers a - 3 points in damage per hit dice of the damage done minimum of one hit point per die. The robe radiates an intense field of cold lasting for five rounds inflicting 2-20 points of damage up to three times daily, which is mentally activated by the robe wearer. This robe may also confer a special attack form, which is six times per week the wearer may point it will their index finger at a target creature, and forcing the target's feet to become totally frozen to the ground no saving throw. The victim is totally immobile. The final power of this robe confers 24 " movement rate over snow and ice on a reasonably flat surface, of course climbing a mountain will slow you down. Value: 60,000 gp.
17-18 + 4 Cloak of Feathers: This magical cloak made of white albino eagle feathers is sewn with plant on wire attaching the feathers to a canvas backing, with many platinum runes sewn within its surface upon a sheathing of small orachaluim plates. It is approximately 48 in. long and has some special cuffs which magically size themselves to the owner, allowing the owner to stick his wrists through them to activate the cloaks primary power. Once the owner is properly cuffed the wearer may mentally command the cloak to fly at a rate of 36 in. around, MC:B, at will throughout the day. The wearer may also jump as the spell or spider climb as the spell at will through out the day. These powers may be used one at a time, but will seamlessly meld with each other's functions, lending the wearer a takeoff similar to superman. Value: 70,000 gp.
19-20 + 2 Helm of Phantasmal Forces: This magical helm is made of what appears to be common silver, but is actually a specialized mithril alloy. It is adorned with a 5000 gp white opal on the top of the helm and several golden runes about its outer surface. This helm bestows the power to create Phantasmal Force spells with full tactile components rendering them nearly 100% believable, at ranges up to 10 in. with an area of effect 6" x 6". As we of the normal Phantasmal Force spell the spell generates the tool, audio, and olfactory components as the spell former wishes. Creatures are allowed a saving throw verses spell if they state they are actively trying to disbelieve the illusion. The image created by this spell is only maintained as long as the spell caster concentrates on it. It is usable 4 times per day for 3 turn’s maximum concentration times with each usage. Value: 45,000 gp .
21-22 Mirror of Hade's: This magical mirror is 18 "x 12 "x 1 " thick made of pure silver will the reflective surfaces fully active on both sides of the mirror. When found this device is usually shrouded with a cowl made of red satin with lead thread. There is a platinum rune sewn in the center of the cowl. This device opens a direct link to the plane of Hades and it only won't affect creatures native to that plane, i.e. hordlings. Whenever the cowl is removed from the mirror it will violently suck in any creature within 30 ft. of either side of the mirror. This magical affect is one way allowing no access once the creature or creatures are pulled the plane of Hades. Their physical and spiritual form will be pursued by the denizens of this plane until they find a way to escape or they are killed. If they are killed upon this plane they cannot be resurrected. If the creature makes a - 8 DEX roll to avoid being sucked in by the vortex this item generates, they can hurl themselves out of the 30 ft. radius this device generates. Unfortunately the energy emanating from the localized gateway to the plane of Hades will drain away 1/2 of the hit dice or levels a creature possesses no saving throw. This hit dice or level draining effect extends to 90 ft. of the device, or as long as the creature can view their face reflected within the mirror. If the mirror is lying flat on the ground the life force draining aspect of this item won't affect anyone, but the sucking of the vortex is still in effect. If the creature allows their eyes to view themselves within the mirrors reflection for 2 consecutive rounds they will have their entire life force/soul sucked into the plane of Hades. Their body cannot be resurrected in will fall to the ground if not within the 30 ft. radius vortex affect. If a creature is somehow reunited with their body they will be totally insane because of the experience. The body of the creature with its soul sucked into Hades will remain alive as an automaton. Value: 42,000 gp.
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