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Thread: Muster question
12-06-2005, 06:59 PM #1
Muster question
Do you need to use the muster action for each unit you muster?
12-06-2005, 09:34 PM #2
Good question, Question.
I searched the BRCS playtest and couldn't find a definitive answer. Maybe it has been edited in one of the sanctioned chapters but I didn't notice it. I think in the 2nd edition material (which I don't have infront of me at the moment) mustering was about as hard as decrees (could make as many as you wanted when it was your turn)
I would say there are a few possibilities:
1. muster as many as you want for 1 court action.
2. muster as many "in one province" as you want for 1 court action.
3. muster as many "of one type" as you want for 1 court action
4. muster as many "in one province" "of one type" as you want for 1 court action.
5. muster 1 unit per 1 court action.
I tend to think it would be the first one, though I can see with logic or looking at agitate as a basis how the others could be argued. The last one would be if you wanted to severely limit the ability to raise troops. That would kind of make the game play more like CIVIII or Total War.
When I think about it, hiring 1 unit of infantry or two can really be done in the same penstroke as long as the money and population is available.
What we really need is to get Irdeggman to comment on this, I'm sure he will.Regards,
12-06-2005, 11:39 PM #3
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In 2E the muster action allows you to muster whatever troops you like for one action, up to the province level in number of troops. Multiple Provinces require multiple actions. (Since Muster is a free action in 2E....)
12-07-2005, 02:53 AM #4
Also what about mustering military cohorts?
12-07-2005, 10:21 AM #5
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From sanctioned Chap 1:
Leadership [General] [Modified]
In addition to the benefits listed in the Dungeon Masters Guide, BIRTHRIGHT characters may use this feat to attract military units as cohorts. A military cohort counts against the total cohort level to which the character is normally entitled. In order to attract a military cohort, a character must have a base attack bonus of +6 or higher. If a military cohort is selected, the character may muster an army consisting of units whose total muster value in GB does not exceed their cohort level (see the Dungeon Master's Guide).
There is no GB cost attached to recruiting a military cohort, but it does require a dedicated domain action to muster each unit. Thus, it would take three months of dedicated effort for a character to apply their leadership to muster a military cohort consisting of three units. The character can only muster units that could normally be raised in a particular province (see Chapter Six: Armies and Warfare). Once mustered, the military cohort will remain standing until destroyed or disbanded. Even the most able of leaders must provide food and shelter for their men. However, the men of a military cohort follow primarily out of personal loyalty and thus maintenance costs for the units of a military cohort are reduced by 50%.
The total GB muster value of the units in a military cohort may never exceed the cohort level appropriate for your leadership score. If a unit in a military cohort is destroyed, the value of the destroyed unit counts against the military cohort for a full year. After a year passes, the leader may "re-spend" the muster value associated with the destroyed unit. The muster value associated with healthy units that are voluntarily disbanded are available again immediately.
Massive losses and/or impressive military victories may modify the character's leadership score.Duane Eggert
12-07-2005, 12:28 PM #6
By "dedicated domain action" does it mean full domain action or just a standard one?
And what about the original question?
12-07-2005, 02:14 PM #7
OK, some more research, it doesn't in the playtest say anything directly under the muster action about the scope of it but it does say some rules in the section preceding it which is talking about the different types of actions.
BRCS Playtest pg 102:The scope of a domain action
Generally, domain actions affect one domain asset, province,
or holding and take effect in the period of one domain turn.
Some domain actions have a wider scope (although often with
higher cost).
Realm action: Some domain actions can be applied to a
number of targets at once; actions with the potential of increased
scope will discuss this fact in their descriptions. For
each court action used to support the domain action, one additional
target may be selected. A realm action can be targeted at
any or all provinces in a single realm (all of the targeted provinces
must be owned by the same regent), or at any or all holdings
in a single province (regardless of regent).
Since the muster action is silent on the issue of its scope, it must be assumed that it follows by the above rules and has no overriding abilities. I would then assume that you can with 1 court action muster as many troops in one province as you wish, barring that the province has enough fighting men "willing" and able to be mustered. (Total units from a province mustered by all regents cannot exceed province level in one season, therefore in a province 5, If the temple trains a unit on round one, and the realm ruler trains 2 on round one when it is his turn, then in rounds two and three there are only 2 potential units that can be musterd in that province for the rest of the season.)Regards,
12-07-2005, 03:57 PM #8
About mustering military cohorts.......
Lets say a regent has a leadership of 6.
He musters a military cohort of knights,fillin gup his quota.
What happens if he tries to give the knights melee+,thereby going above the quota by 1?
Is it not allowed in the first place or what?
12-07-2005, 05:46 PM #9
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Leadership score of 6 – a character could have up to 4 GB in muster value of military cohort. Adding training to the unit raises its muster cost and since the maintenance of the military cohort is half normal the reduced muster and maintenance costs are the trade-off benefit here. The rules for cohorts prevent the cohort from gaining exp that would make him less than 2 levels lower than the “leader”. This rule still applies. Training is like giving exp since military cohorts are measured by their “normal” muster cost.
To recruit a military cohort a character needs to have a +6 BAB (see feat in quote). In order to get a BAB of +6 a character has a minimum level of 6 as a Good BAB class (e.g., fighter). Leadership score is equal to a character’s level + Cha mod + other factors. These other factors include scion class levels, certain circumstances, etc. It is highly unlikely – I would say pretty much impossible for a character to have a leadership score of only six and still be able to attract a military cohort.
Dedicated domain action means that the action must be an action designated to muster a single military cohort. Since it is not specified, it can be a standard action or a full action. Making it a full action (i.e., personally handled by the regent) makes more sense since it his personal leadership that is being applied here. Personally, I’d make it a full action. Note that difference between a full and standard action is only that the regent personally handles the action – a realm still only gets 3 domain actions per domain turn and only 1 per round regardless of how they are doing it. If it is only a standard action this would free up the regent to take a personal action during that round/month but that is all. Since it pretty much requires a personal action to acquire a Lt (just like a cohort) then the extrapolation to a military cohort makes even more sense. Comments anyone?
Regarding mustering troops and the number per court action. The rules aren’t specific on this. There is a limit to the total number that can be mustered in a province per. Making a single unit per court action has some appeal by allowing regents with larger courts to be able to more quickly muster troops than those with smaller ones. But the limit to the number of court actions (per round) may limit this some. But since this number is per round and not per season IMO it is pretty appropriate to have it be a single unit per court action, this also flows with the fact that it takes a month to muster and train a unit to operate as a unit so the process is supposed to be slow. This is another topic worthy of discussion though.Duane Eggert
12-07-2005, 09:32 PM #10
Re. Standard Mustering of Troops:
Since it requires a holding to muster troops, I think a fairly balanced solution is one Court Action (CA) per holding per month, up to the seasonal provincial limit. I think the Court Action should remain tied to "activating" the holding, rather than it being tied to one unit per CA.
One could also limit it to the holding's max muster value per Court Action...thus a Law(4) holding could muster 4 GB worth of troops per CA, while a Temple(4) could muster only 2 GB worth of troops per CA. I would also suggest that this could only be done once per holding per month (Domain Round).
This does alter and somewhat constrict the 3.0 BRCS rules regarding muster, which seemed to imply that one CA could muster all available troops in a regent's domain (if the GB were available) within provincial limits.
Re. Leadership and Military Cohorts:
One of the problems with the current description is that it does not specify that only regents can muster military cohorts, yet we're saying it should require a standard domain action?!? This seems rather contradictory, since I thought only regents or their Lts. could perform domain actions.
Mustering troops normally requires court actions, but these too are available only to regents.
1st off, it doesn't seem right to me that attracting troops through virtue of one's Leadership feat should require the dedicated focus of a regent's domain. The feat description seems to indicate that these troops aren't just "attracted" the way followers are, so requiring the character's Character Action (one unit per action) does seem appropriate.
My personal opinion is that non-regent characters should be able to attract military cohorts, so long as they have the funds to pay for their (reduced) seasonal maintenance. This accounts for two major things in Cerilia: renowned mercenary captains and non-regent scions seeking a realm to conquer. Famous and experienced mercenary commanders could thus attract multiple units and form proper mercenary companies, small armies for hire with a reputation behind them (inspiration from the Black Company comes to mind here, as does Griffith's band from the Berserk comic series).
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