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Thread: Tighmaevril Weapons
12-30-2001, 08:21 PM #1
What are the forms of the 12 tighmaevril weapons?
I know for sure one is the Heart Reaver, spear +5 , owned by Shaemes Lavalier.
The Gorgon has some of them, but I can't find my Blood Enemies book to find explicit descriptions...
Still there are others that the publications didn't define. What are your ideas?Servant of the Most High,
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.
01-11-2002, 02:25 AM #2
I had a list of 10 of them somewhere but I cannot find them now. I found this list from the various supplements and Blood Enemies and ruins of empires books.
I think Blood enemies has 3
Ruins of Empire has 3 or 4
BoP and BoM have some I think.One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.
01-11-2002, 09:00 AM #3
There is also one mentioned in Legend of the Hero Kings I (an intelligent dagger called Blood Hunger).
Let me claim your Birthright!!
01-12-2002, 02:31 AM #4
I just skipped through BE, Ruins, Bop, Bom and LofHK, and only found 4 Tighmaevril Weapons.
Lifender a Greatsword owned by the Gorgon with rumors that he has another Tigh weapon, no discription.
Coullannwn a dagger of defence +3, which can also direct wielder to a named dragon owner unknown. It may also have a rapier that was made to go with it but that may or may not be true.
Heart Reaver +5 spear owner Shaemes Lavalier
Blood Hunger dagger +3 Int 13, empathic capabilities, ego 10 and Align. ChE. It can locate scions 120' radius, and detect secret doors 5' radius. It also drives the wielder crazy.It also has more powers but this post is going to be long enough.
Rhoubhe is said to also own a Tigh weapon but did not say what type.
There are a couple of other weapons that act like Tigh weapons under certain circumstances, but are not true Tighmaevril.Cattle die and kinsmen die,
thyself too soon must die,
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fair fame of one who has earned.
01-13-2002, 10:39 AM #5
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I've compiled a list of those found in official materail and many that have been posted elsewhere:
Life Ender...................................Greatsword+5
Bloodhunger...............................Sentient Dagger +3
Sword of the Anuirean Empire........Long Sword +5 (Sentient)
Thunderclap................................Morning Star +3 (sentient)
Spear of Destiny..........................Sentient Spear +4
Heartreaver.................................Spear +5
???????????.................................Parrying Dagger +?
Flail of Pain.................................Blow to head=Bloodtheft
Despair.......................................Dagger +3/+5 Backstab
Chalice of the Bloodlines...............transfer bloodpoints
Bloodbane...................................Sheaf arrow +3*
* Bloodtheft on a natural "20"
01-13-2002, 06:58 PM #6
Where did you get information on these items from?
As best as I can remember the only items described in the birthright material are Lifeender, Bloodhunger and heartraver. The sword of the Anuirean Empire, Thunderclap and the spear of destiny are mentioned, but have no descriptions (not even how many pluses etc they have). I have no recollection of the other items at all.Let me claim your Birthright!!
01-13-2002, 09:40 PM #7
i agree with you
Dosiere is a very good Tighmaevril collector
Dosiere, Are you a scribe or a sage with lot of book about
this subject ? :P
i'm interested to know where you find these information !!!
01-14-2002, 01:30 AM #8
Not that anyone would count it though if you count the Chalice the ring of ley is also made of tighmaevril.
One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.
01-15-2002, 07:12 AM #9
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Note that only one of the Rings of Ley is made of tighmeavril (allegedly). The RIng of Ley Use.
As for the information I have on the tighmeavril weapons, I am not 100% certain as to where it came from. I just noticed the thread and remembered that I had many notes scribbled in the margins of my BoS. If I remember correctly, it was taken from the birthright netbook and various other birthright sites that I once frequented.
I do not consider it to be rote material, and the actual abilities and functions of the items are purely up to the DM, as is always the case. As for my campaign, this is how I've recorded it, privatly.
As to whether or not this is true, that is for the players to discover, but I have accepted this as the standard Sage knowledge and speculation on the subject.
I have thought deeply of the tighmeavril weapons, and have written a number of my thoughts down in supplemental form.
This should perhaps appear on the Writer's Guild section, but I'll post it here.
Tighmaevril weapons, better known as "Bloodsilver", are made of a rare alloy created by a sidhelin smith between two and three thousand years ago. The elven smith, Ghoigwnnwd, was the only person who has ever discovered the secret of working the metal, and made about a dozen such items before disappearing from Cerilian history.
From the elven oral tradition, it is known that only a sidhelin could craft such weapons and that their manufacture required such vast periods of time, only an immortal race could hope to create them. It is understood that a mere dagger made of this metal could take as many as forty years to complete! The great sword, Lifender, now possessed by the Gorgon took no less than two centuries to craft!
Although Ghoigwnnwd disappeared, legend says that he traveled alone to a distant and reclusive place east of the Aelvinwode to craft his greatest weapon. If this rumor is true, and he has been working diligently for over two millennia, one can only begin to imagine the potential of such an item (and many try).
Others believe, and this is the accepted sidhelien story, that after Deismaar and the corruption of Azrai was lifted, Ghoigwnnwd discovered the darker uses of his prized creations (bloodtheft), and having a sudden change of heart, he killed himself with one of his own weapons rather than live out his own eternal existence seeing tighmaevril's sinister purpose put to use repeatedly through the ages.
Regardless of which story, if either, is true, many go forth seeking these powerful weapons, and the discussion of the legendary "13th Usurper" persist.
01-03-2005, 08:51 PM #10
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One of the birthright packaged adventures had a bloodsilver spear of some kind in it. I remember it having rings of certain powers worked into it somehow. That's about all I can remember as it has been a while!
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