Berhagen » Noble families of berhagen » House:Ulfer

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House of Ulfer

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House Ulfer is a noble family from Berhagen. Its ancestral home is the province of Ulfsted.

[top]Notable members

The family has a glorious past, sometimes hard to live on by its members. Count Ulfer, the founder, was elected by the emperor himself to be the first Brecht count of an imperial province in the Overlook, in the woods south of the Dwarfhame, among the remains of a dwarven realm.

The main family kept its connection with the northern branch, and often the new ruler of Ulfer came from Ulfsted.

Harold Ulfer was famous for being a wizard seeking lichood via arcane means, and started a civil war that was brought to an end by his niece, Alisse Ulfer, who killed him in 989 HC and became queen of Roschlöwen. From there, however, the ties to the Ulfsted branch were severed, as the Roslöw-Ulfer dinasty became the new line of rulers, and House Ulfer lost most of its prestige.

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