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  1. #1
    Member SirRobin's Avatar
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    Updates on Lawsuits?

    Recently I found myself in a Birthright mood again so I dug up my Birthright stuff and started doing some writing. Discovered I had lost my pdf's so I found where I had bought them originally and had downloads left. When I tried to download them again I got a message saying they were not available due to Wizard.

    Found this when I was hunting around and then noticed this. Looking at their new policy I found this.

    Can I open an online store only?

    I'm sorry to say that we will not be able to help you.

    If you have or are planning on having an exclusively internet store, you will not be able to purchase products from one of our authorized distributors, as by contact with us, or directly from Wizards of the Coast. We deal with traditional brick and mortar stores only.

    If you do ever have a brick and mortar store associated with your business, you may contact us about getting a distributors list or opening an account directly with us, but of course we will ask for proof of that actual storefront at that time.

    But Why?

    Currently Wizards feels that supporting retailers with storefronts is better for the over all support of our products. It's not just about making the sale but the interaction that consumers find at the retail level. Granted not all stores are great or take the time to demo, run league, or just interact with customers but most do who specialize in these types of games. And it has been these stores that have built our business to what it is currently. This all may change, as the whole nature of retailing changes but for now we will continue to support retail shops while looking ahead.
    So, any updates on these lawsuits? Just wondering if I'm stuck using "other" means to restock my lost stuff.
    Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
    who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
    who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
    and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.

  2. #2

    Don't loose your pdfs

    Yeah, I've only got a few pdfs; most of my material is print (Thank Erik, Haelyn, Avani and Nesirie!)

    At this point the motus operandi is "Don't loose your pdf's" -- no one is allowed to sell them anymore.

    Personally i run a website with BR related info and I ask for people to have "access" to original BR rules, which is nearly impossible to get... I don't think I'll get sued because I don't "distribute material" (and again I ask people to have their own), but for people I DM, it's only natural that I'd have to share some material in the course of a game. Here again I'm always scared of WoC.

    I sure wish they had an open policy towards old material, but I understand where they come from - I'm very familiar with copyright law, and in their position I would probably do the same thing; prohibit republication of old intellectual property in order to prop up sales of new material. We are in a world where companies merge with their competitors in order to destroy them; So for birthright material you are out of luck, which is why I favor the's efforts at producing updated rules (even for 4th edition, which I personally can't be brought to play)

  3. #3
    Member SirRobin's Avatar
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    True, I see where Wizards is coming from but I figure it's a pretty back asswards position to take in an increasingly online age. Reminds me of what newspapers are going through. Still, they bought it so they can do whatever they want to with it. Honestly I've always been a little surprised that they let fan sites like this show as much as they do. So kudos to them for that at least.

    Yet, to be honest, I've never been much of a D&D "player." I've always been a "daydreamer" so I purchased rpg stuff, over the years, for the stories and artwork within them. Gave my restless brain fertile ground to explore, examine, and expand upon. I have no interest in buying "new" material. The golden age of the rpg is long over, in my opinion, and I have zero interest in buying any of the newer stuff. Yeah, wish I had not lost the originals, before they had "editions," from way back when. Actually had some pre-TSR, if I recall correctly. It's been so long that my memory is fuzzy. There was this drawing of a rack of weapons in one book that I still remember.

    Way back when I had most of the Birthright material in print form too but it was lost many moves ago.

    Right now though I'm quite curious about how these lawsuits will progress. They are well within their rights to change their policies but I doubt it would apply retroactively. Unless the whole "no online" thing isn't new. I figured that part was though I don't know for sure.
    Last edited by SirRobin; 05-14-2009 at 03:32 AM. Reason: Additional thoughts
    Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
    who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
    who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
    and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.

  4. #4
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    SirRobin sayeth:
    Actually had some pre-TSR, if I recall correctly.
    Um, what what table-top roleplaying was pre-TSR? I thought D&D (and its wargaming predecessor, Chainmail) was the first to be published?

    Last edited by Sorontar; 05-14-2009 at 03:54 AM. Reason: Chainmail stuff

  5. #5
    Member SirRobin's Avatar
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    I meant before Tactical Studies Rules became "TSR." But I think my memory must be wrong since that was the early seventies.
    Actually I am wrong, memory working better after caffeine injection. This was my first D&D book.

    I remember that cover.
    I think that is the one that had that drawing of a bunch of weapons.

    Whoa, was it really the early eighties? Holy crap that makes me feel old.
    Last edited by SirRobin; 05-14-2009 at 04:32 AM. Reason: Edit after Edit, hehe
    Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
    who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
    who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
    and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.

  6. #6
    That is a bunch of bs from Wizards. They aren't concerned with the Brick and Mortar stores at all but with the piracy of their products. They have already stated that they will be looking into alternate methods of allowing the digital products when they can make it "pirate-proof" which isn't going to happen, period, the end. I hope Wizards likes to throw away money because that is what they are going to be doing with their current knee-jerk reaction towards piracy. I wonder if anyone told them that the IRAA & MPAA are running out of money and that is why their counter-piracy efforts are sinking because it just isn't profitable to fight piracy with all the different international laws. I love 4E but Wizards is getting dumber by the month and they need to wake up and smell those beans then get the pdf products back out there.

  7. #7
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    I'm fortunate then, in that I have all my pdf stored and backuped, and also own all the I could, in theory, easily make my own pdfs.

    That said, I do not think it would be too problematic for a determined BR fan to get hold of said pdfs. The files exist and the download opportunities are numerous...but as I said, I already own everything, so its not a problem for me.
    DM of Ruins of Empire II PbeM

  8. #8
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Also, it's pretty easy to get most of all the Birthright print products at a good price from Amazon, Noble Knight Games, Trol and Toad,... The campaign setting and the sea battle rules boxed set are the hardest ones.

  9. #9
    Administrator Green Knight's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Indeed, unopened the BR box is 100 dollars and the SoC is 50+ dollars.
    DM of Ruins of Empire II PbeM

  10. #10
    Member SirRobin's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Well Wizards position is understandable even if common sense tells me its a doomed policy and will end up causing more harm than good. Its a natural reaction to a market that no longer favors their preferred distribution techniques. Even if its not a very creative nor productive reaction. However, they bought it so they can do whatever they want to with it.

    I've thought about buying the Birthright books again but it just isn't worth it, in my opinion. That is why I was thrilled to discover that I had downloads left from when I bought them the last time. I'm Mr. Mom now so I just can't justify, to myself, spending money on something my brain will likely tire of again in a month or two.

    If I end up finding employment that provides the extra cash to spend again? Yeah, I might cough up the dough. However, kids, cars, and house bills come first.
    Sir Robin the Not-quite-so-brave-as-Sir-Lancelot,
    who had nearly fought the Dragon of Agnor,
    who had nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol,
    and who had personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill.

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