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  1. #1
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Regency question

    Hi all-

    Most of my Birthright experience has been from a traditional adventuring standpoint, and not one of running domains, etc. So my rules knowledge about domains is a bit fuzzy.

    I see that in the 3e rules, there is a limit to the amount of RP a regent can have in reserve. Chapter 2 says it's twice his bloodline score, but Chapter 5 says 5. I presume this discrepancy is a result of the non-sanctioned chapters not yet being converted to the revamped bloodline score. Yes? No?

    Regardless, i can find no such rule in the original 2nd Ed rulebook. Was there a limit? If so, where can i find it?

    Between the different versions of Birthright 3E that have come out, some of these conversions get confusing. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Yes - use the numbers from Ch 2 since Ch 5 hasn't been updated yet.

    In 2nd ed there was no limit. But it did require a domain action to convert RP to raising bloodline score value.

    In the 3.5 version this is an automatic (and not even a free) action.

    The main reason that a limit was placed was to "encourage" regents to spend their RP. It was a game play type of thing. I haven't heard from those using it that this has caused a problem yet.

    I'm not all that certain about the confusion between versions of the BRCS you are talking about.

    The pinned thread on the BRCS board lists the "current version of the BRCS by Chapter. It also states what the status of each was.

    There are continuity problems since some things (Ch 1 and 2) have been updated while the others haven't yet - but use the "sanctioned" ones as the basis for use and "adjusting" those not sanctioned yet.
    Duane Eggert

  3. #3
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman
    In 2nd ed there was no limit. But it did require a domain action to convert RP to raising bloodline score value.

    In the 3.5 version this is an automatic (and not even a free) action.
    Automatic? What if the characters doesn't want to raise his bloodline score? Or is that the point? Use those RP!

    Also, it seems that RP collection each domain round is a bit different than 2nd Ed. Chapter 5 says "A scion can earn no more than twice their current bloodline ability score in domain regency collections per domain turn". But that's using the older bloodline score, so converting that means you can collect no more RP than your bloodline score. But that's different than the 2nd Ed version which says either your bloodline score or domain regency collection. Why the reason for the change?

    I'm not all that certain about the confusion between versions of the BRCS you are talking about.
    I just mean there have been several conversion attempts. First there was Travis Doom's versions, the last one being `v3.0 Draft 2'. Then there was the BRCS Playtest version with the nifty 3E-like cover. And now we've got the Word .zip version that only has the 1st two chapters sanctioned. And i still read the orginal 2nd Edition version too.


  4. #4
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    In 2nd ed RP collection was limited by a regent's bloodline score.

    As I said use the Ch 2 numbers instead of those in Ch 5 of the BRCS.

    From Ch 2

    A regent's bloodline score determines the maximum number of regency points a character can absorb from their domain per season. This number is equal to the regent's bloodline score. If the size of a regent's domain entitles them to collect a greater number of regency points, then these additional points are simply lost. Similarly, there is a limit to the total amount of regency that a regent can hold for future use. The maximum size of a regent's RP reserve is twice the regent's bloodline score

    Note that this number is now the same as that from 2nd ed (i.e., the regent's bloodline score). The "method" of determining potential RP collection is based on skill ranks though. This is a 3.x concept that reflects the ease of multiclassing in 3.x (as opposed to 2nd 3d) and emphasizes the choices a character makes. By focusing on skills that relate to regency collection a character is a better regent than if he focuses on other skills. Bottom line is that no character should be able to do everything the best, he needs to focus on certain things.

    Now the purpose of the BRCS (notice that Travis was one of the priniciple contributors/editors of it) was to make a "standard" version to use. I prefer using the term editor since it removes the "ownership" aspect and more reflects the global effort applied.

    The "standard" is the BRCS, hence the use of "sanctioned" and "official" terminology. This was to provide some common baseline for people to use when writing their own adventures, expansions, etc.
    Duane Eggert

  5. #5
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fizz
    Automatic? What if the characters doesn't want to raise his bloodline score? Or is that the point? Use those RP!
    Precisely, although why someone wouldn't want to raise their bloodline score is beyond me. there are too many benefits for having a higher score to not raise it if possible. Although it depends on what variants (fro Ch 8) you are using. A scion can get more bonus hit points based on RP collected as well as more RP, etc.

    Also, it seems that RP collection each domain round is a bit different than 2nd Ed. Chapter 5 says "A scion can earn no more than twice their current bloodline ability score in domain regency collections per domain turn". But that's using the older bloodline score, so converting that means you can collect no more RP than your bloodline score. But that's different than the 2nd Ed version which says either your bloodline score or domain regency collection. Why the reason for the change?
    2nd ed had the limit being your bloodline scoore, but the amount collected was based on holdings (and class).

    The BRCS has the same thing only instead of using classes it uses ranks (designed to favor certain classes for certain holding types). The maximum you can collect is based on your bloodline score. The rate you get is based on holding levels and ranks in appropriate skills. Same overall concept only put into 3.5 mechanics.
    Duane Eggert

  6. #6
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    2nd ed had the limit being your bloodline scoore, but the amount collected was based on holdings (and class).
    Hmmm... i must've misread or misunderstood something, because it seemed different. But now that i think about it, despite the verbiage change, it is the same thing.

    The BRCS has the same thing only instead of using classes it uses ranks (designed to favor certain classes for certain holding types).
    This is one of the changes that i like, even though there is a bit more math involved. It forces regents to actually put ranks into those skills.

    Thanks for the input! I've been playing Birthright since it's creation, but always from a standard adventuring standpoint. So while i'm quite familiar with the setting, the specifics of running a domain are a bit fuzzy in places.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman
    Precisely, although why someone wouldn't want to raise their bloodline score is beyond me. there are too many benefits for having a higher score to not raise it if possible. Although it depends on what variants (fro Ch 8) you are using. A scion can get more bonus hit points based on RP collected as well as more RP, etc.
    One reason you might not want to increase your bloodline score is if you're saving up for a big regency expense such as Alchemy, or if you're planning something like a Contest Holding next season.

    Still, this is a good rule. I do have one clarification on it, though. When it says you automatically increase your score if you have the required regency for two consecutive seasons, does this mean:

    • That if your regency score after collecting regency at the start of the season is greater than your bloodline for two seasons in a row, you increase, or
    • That if your regency score is higher than your bloodline score for every moment of a 6 month duration, you increase

    For example, let's say that it's Spring, and UselessRegent001 has a 5 bloodline and a domain that can grant him 5 Regency. He starts with 0, collects 5, and goes through the season doing nothing that requires him to spend regency.

    In Summer, his regency increases to 10. Let's say that during Summer he does a Rule Holding and spends 9 Regency to make it stick (going from level 0 to level 1), and spends no more regency throughout the rest of Summer.

    As Autumn begins, his regency increases to 6. Now he has had higher than 5 regency two seasons in a row, but his regency has not been higher than 5 for all of that time. Must he increase his bloodline at this point?

  8. #8
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    You have to have an RP reserve of greater than your blood score (at the start of each season) - which is why the text states 6 months.

    The intent is that you have not spent any for 6 months at all.
    Duane Eggert

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