Southern Coast » Hermedhie » Hereh Diem
Female Anuirean Wizard 7

Major Bloodline of Vorynn, 24



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The actual identity of Hermedhie is a matter of some debate. Many names have been tossed around over the years but perhaps the most interesting of those names is one that few people remember and they only speak it in hushed whispers.

There are a small handfull of individuals -- former servants of the ducal family -- who remember a chambermaid who once served in the Diem Household. This chambermaid had given birth to a bastard child who, at the time, was rumored to have been sired by the current Duke's grandfather. The girl was named Hereh and, though never openly acknowledged as a scion of House Diem, she had been seen periodically at court for many years before being sent away.

Was she sent off to a convent? Or perhaps she was sent to the Royal College of Sorcery in City of Anuire. Who can say? Few people even recall the existence of the chambermaid's daughter -- an unacknowledged bastard child born half a century ago. But, those who do whisper it is no coincidence that, if the letters in Hermedhie's name are re-arranged just *so*, they spell 'Hereh Diem."

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