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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    How would you convert this Brecht fighting style in 3rd Ed?

    I have some rough ideas, but I was after other people's thoughts on this. If others have attempted it so far, please let me know! Unfortunately I don't have my boxed sets in my possession, so if someone could send me or post the 2nd Ed description of the fighting style I'll be grateful.


  2. #2
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Springfield Mo
    Black Strike, or Black Fencing is the foriegn term for strike-and-block
    methods of fencing, or klauenstrichen in Brecht.

    2E description:
    To learn the black strike style, a character must have a dexterity score of
    no less than 12, and must find an insructor willing to teach him. One
    weapon proficiency slot must be spent on rapier, one weapon proficiency must
    be spent on the secondary weapon, dagger or main gauche. Talented fencers
    sometimes use multiple secondary weapons. The secondary weapon must be no
    heavier than the rapier and must be useful for parrying, even small shields
    and bucklers can be used. A third weapon proficiency slot must be spent to
    learn the black strike combination moves. This style incorporates an
    aggressive thrusting technique as well as complex footwork and dodges. It
    does not allow a character additional attacks for wielding two weapons.

    In melee, the character uses the second weapon in a defensive role,
    increasing Armor Class by one point for every three levels in addition to
    any other modifiers provided by the secondary item. Additionally, the
    character subtracts his reaction adjustement (if any) from his AC, as long
    as the reaction adj is not higher than his level bonus. This modifier only
    applies to one opponant per round, and it has no effect on missile attacks.
    The character attacks with his primary weapon normally.

    3E conversion.
    A Black Strike feat would seem to me to be a pretty powerful and so advanced
    feat. If Dodge is made a prerequisite, the Dex requirement goes up to 13,
    but that`s not too great a problem. It really seems to be connected to
    Expertice too, but that adds an Int requirement of 13. So here is how I
    handle that.

    Black Strike [General]
    You are skilled at parrying attacks and avoiding blows.
    Prerequisites: Brecht, Martial Weapons (rapier or saber), Dodge, Base attack
    bonus +1 or higher
    Benefit: When using a rapier and a secondary weapon as a defensive aid, you
    gain a +1 technique AC benefit beyond whatever the aid (shield, dagger, &c)
    provides. The off-hand aid must be a light (a weapon one size catagory
    smaller than you, or a buckler). This bonus relies on evasion and movement
    and hence is allowable only when the normal Dex bonus is. Possession of
    this feat allows you to take Expertise without meeting the Int requirement.
    Use of the Expertise feat without sufficient Int limits the use of that feat
    to the fighting requirements described here.

    I have re-worked my Brecht fighting style feats based on additional play
    testing, and also provide them here.

    Brecht Fighting Style [General]
    You are a practiced in the fencing technique common in Brechtür.
    Prerequisites: Brecht, Martial Weapons (rapier or saber), Base attack bonus
    +1 or higher
    Benefit: When using a rapier or saber, you gain a +1 technique AC benefit.
    This bonus relies on evasion and movement and hence is allowable only when
    the normal Dex bonus is. The character must be in light armor or unarmored.

    Berghagen Fighting Style [General]
    You are skilled at mirroring your opponent`s posture and guard, making it
    impossible to attack without first shifting position or attacking the
    defender`s blade.
    Prerequisites: Brecht, Base attack bonus +3, Martial Weapons (rapier), and
    Benefit: In any round, you select one opponant who cannot attack you with a
    small or medium weapon if you have the benefit of your Dexterity bonus and
    are using a rapier. Your opponent can attack your weapon or attempt to
    disarm you normally. Your Dexterity bonus only applies to the opponant you
    have selected

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  3. #3
    Site Moderator geeman's Avatar
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    California, USA
    At 05:05 PM 6/23/2002 +0200, Darzetboy wrote:

    >How would you convert this Brecht fighting style in 3rd Ed?
    >I have some rough ideas, but I was after other people`s thoughts on
    >this. If others have attempted it so far, please let me
    >know! Unfortunately I don`t have my boxed sets in my possession, so if
    >someone could send me or post the 2nd Ed description of the fighting style
    >I`ll be grateful.

    Most aspects of the Black Strike style are really covered now by feats;
    ambidexterity, two weapon fighting, off-hand parry. You could make a few
    of those feats background feats for Brecht characters, but in translating
    the "style" to 3e I don`t think a whole new system is warranted. You could
    also add an "Improved off-hand parry" feat that gave a greater AC bonus or
    say that one can take that feat more than once with the effects stacking,
    but I don`t think more is really necessary.


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