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  1. #1
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    I`ve been following this thread on and off, so please forgive me if this
    suggestion has been made before.
    The bulk of the replies tend to suggest that there is only the option of
    either accepting or rejecting any blood challenge that comes along and that
    the type of Regent or domain should be the main factor in the automatic
    yes/no decision (ie a warlike regent/ domain is expected to say yes, while a
    political leader/ peaceful domain should say no). There was also the factor
    of `is the challenger important enough to bother answering`.

    I would suggest that all challengers are worth facing, but not necessarily
    by the regent themselves. I believe that in most of the models for realms
    that we use - both historical and fantasy, the regent would have a champion.
    The purpose of this champion was specifically to take on challenges to he
    royal person. The regent should choose the champion under the following
    criteria a) absolute loyalty - we cannot have the champion backing down on
    moral grounds, now can we, and B) a stronger fighter than the regent.
    Based on the importance and combat skill of the opponent the regent`s
    choice is now to hand over the challenge to the champion, with no loss of
    honour to himself, or to take the challenge and strengthen his own personal

    Just a thought (coming in late, as usual),

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    I`ve been following this thread on and off, so please forgive me if this
    suggestion has been made before.
    The bulk of the replies tend to suggest that there is only the option of
    either accepting or rejecting any blood challenge that comes along and that
    the type of Regent or domain should be the main factor in the automatic
    yes/no decision (ie a warlike regent/ domain is expected to say yes, while a
    political leader/ peaceful domain should say no). There was also the factor
    of `is the challenger important enough to bother answering`.

    I would suggest that all challengers are worth facing, but not necessarily
    by the regent themselves. I believe that in most of the models for realms
    that we use - both historical and fantasy, the regent would have a champion.
    The purpose of this champion was specifically to take on challenges to he
    royal person. The regent should choose the champion under the following
    criteria a) absolute loyalty - we cannot have the champion backing down on
    moral grounds, now can we, and B) a stronger fighter than the regent.
    Based on the importance and combat skill of the opponent the regent`s
    choice is now to hand over the challenge to the champion, with no loss of
    honour to himself, or to take the challenge and strengthen his own personal

    Just a thought (coming in late, as usual),

    ************************************************** **************************
    The Birthright Homepage:
    To unsubscribe, send email to LISTSERV@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM
    with UNSUB BIRTHRIGHT-L in the body of the message.

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