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Thread: Races of Eberron
08-25-2008, 12:22 AM #1
Races of Eberron
I'm wondering if anyone could use some rules incorporating some unique rules from Eberron. Mainly the Races of Eberron (Warforged, Changelings, Shifters, Kalashtar) and the Artificer class (which would probably be an unblooded substitute for humans other than the magician). Here are some ideas:
* Warforged could have been made for the Battle at Mount Deismaar for both sides. However, the Creation Forges were located on Aduria. Surviving Warforged might have a bloodline score, since they are living constructs.
* Changelings are the offspring of Dopplegangers and humans, just like it says. They would be found mostly in the cities.
* Shifters are the offspring of Lycanthropes and humans, probably an experiment in the Beastmen. Most shifters joined the forces of Light at the Battle of Mount Deismaar.
* Kalashtar are the strangest. They carry the spirits of the Quori within them; giving them psychic (psionic) powers. Since Birthright already has a lot going on with Blood Abilities, using the Kalashtar would mean that the non-psionic version has to be used. However, they could still be used. The Quori could be Azrai's servants or whole different faction entirely.
* Inspired. Which brings us to the Inspired. The Inspired are agents of Dal Quor in Eberron. Having Inspired would be . . . a whole other dimension. But it could be doable.Regent of Medoere
08-25-2008, 12:43 AM #2
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08-25-2008, 01:27 AM #3
08-25-2008, 01:51 AM #4
Is the artificier class one of those classes that makes lots of magic items? Might not be a perfect fit for Birthright which is considered low magic.
I could see a single NPC artificier out in the world. A unique person that many seek out.
08-25-2008, 02:08 AM #5
At one stage I was thinking about making a backup PC for me in our 2ed campaign that was an "inventor". After many deliberations, it was decided that rather than making a new class for him, it would be best just to make him a specialised thief. He was a toymaker who was a a 'boxman'. That is he was interested in intricate mechanisms like clockwork mechanisms and locks. He had good lock skills and engineering skills, but sucked at some of the other thief skills. The backstory was going to be that he was occasionally commissioned at making toys for the big boys, i.e. once-off contraptions for regents and their military. He would also help them understand, activate and unlock anything they "found". Occasionally this involved him having to help "groups" get into buildings past the security measures.
So something similar could be used for an artificier, but yes, you would have to lose the magic aspect of the class entirely, or make it very limited.
Never got to play the character though... my druid is too canny at surviving and I don't think he is appropriate for the campaign anymore.
08-25-2008, 02:19 AM #6
08-25-2008, 07:12 AM #7
For shifters; the Rjuven setting does mention rjuvens humans who are able to change shapes (into raven, owls, boars, bears), not as blood abilities, but as one of several special "dooms" that include bezerker battle rage, and extreem luck... But they are humans... just cursed (or blessed) with shape shifting.
08-25-2008, 07:57 AM #8
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Then you may want to check the Adventurer's Vault:
That excerpt talks about Alchemy (done like Rituals). So far the Adventurer's Vault excerpts are pretty good (the one about Figurines of Wondrous Power gives a little insight about how companions will work in 4e).
08-25-2008, 08:45 AM #9
Changleings could have been made by Azrai as spies and assassins - after Deismaar some survived (they probably weren't used as soldiers anyway) so could be found anywhere - but probably have a bad reputation. Or they could by elven type folk who simply have the ability to alter their corporeal form - in the latter case they might be very different socially.
Shifters could be a failed attempt by Azrai to make beast-men - people who were changed, but either reverted or did not change completely. They still have traces of the beasts he tried to make them into, but only a trace. Alternatively they could have been an attempt by one of the Lost to copy Azrai's work (a Saruman/Sauron type issue), could be used as Rjurik shapeshifters, etc. Intriguingly this origin could make them championed by the churches (they rejected Azrai's evil) or despised by them (tainted by the corruptor!) - or accepted by the learned priests and despised by the community.
I like warforged - although I'd make them need 'down time' to recharge to duplicate the risk of sleep. But I would use them as a dwarven attempt to defend their people - with numbers dwindling, master crafters build the warforged, and then as dwarves die their souls empower the warforged into life. This could be a 1:1 shift with the warforged remembering their life, or result in several warforged for each dwarf with no memory and only a 'spark of a soul', or the converse, several dwarves spirits passing into a single warforged. The dwarves are skilled enough to make them, in 2e they'd probably need elven sorcery but that shouldn't be an issue.
The Kalashtar and Inspired could be empowered by spirits from the wild areas of the spirit world - with the inspired bent on making Aebrynnis safe for their masters to live in before the taint of Azrai makes the shadow world uninhabitable - not every spirit fleeing the shadow world needs to give up its magic and crawl into Cerilia as a supplicant seeking refuge as the halflings did!
08-25-2008, 10:48 AM #10
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Personnally I love the Races of eberron but inserting them into BR has a lot of issues for me.
Warforged just don't fit - the only race IMO capable of creating "war machines" is the dwarves. They are living constructs which is not alchemical but magical in origin.
Kalashtar reflect the insertion of being from the dream realm and a dual spirit concept that IMO might only apply to the elves, but since they are "immortal" and already spawn of the Sie it just doesn't fit.
Changelings could work - some new Shadow World race probably.
Shifters could work, but should be rare. They could be "the beastmen" referred to in legends from the southern Continenet. Making them the result of the Rjurik "dooms" doesn't quite fit to me - since that is supposed to be a "personnal thing" and not a racial one.
Alchemist as a new class does not fit the setting at all, IMO. The class is all about magic items which in absolute contrast to the core of the setting. Their basic class ability is about imbueing items with spells and getting all of the craft magic item feats for making things. The items they make are specifically neither arcane nor divine (which also goes against the clear contrast in magics in the BR setting IMO). The skill they use to activate their spells is UMD which should say something about the class itself.Duane Eggert
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