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Thread: The Orog Menace

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2002
    Hey there,
    I'm starting up a campaign and one of my players stepped up to bat and took Baruk-Azhik. Clearly the orogs have been pressing the dwarves pretty hard and have the numerical advantage. My question is this: how do you simulate the orog domain in relation to the dwarven one? What sort of holdings does it have? What is their population? How many companies can they field and can the dwarves take ground in this war? Where the hell are they that they can menace Baruk-Ahzik so? Mind you, I don't have the PS so my answers could be in there but any suggestions on how any of YOU have handled the question would be helpfull.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    There is no orog realm spelled out anywhere. When I ran Baruk-Azhik, I used
    them as a story element, not as a practical realm which had a specified
    strength and could, theoretically become exhausted of resources (GB & RP) or
    lose territory. If you want to identify the orog realm, its up to you to
    make those decisions.

    Kenneth Gauck

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I have played outthe exact same scenatio (my players were based in Coeranys
    and wished to help the dwarfs). IMC,the orgos were based in the shadow
    world - so the best you could hope to do what barr their entrances. They did
    not have an economy as much as a steady progression of new troops.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Arsulon" <brnetboard@TUARHIEVEL.ORG>
    Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 5:53 PM
    Subject: The Orog Menace [2#1160]

    > This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > Arsulon wrote:
    > Hey there,
    > I`m starting up a campaign and one of my players stepped up to bat and
    took Baruk-Azhik. Clearly the orogs have been pressing the dwarves pretty
    hard and have the numerical advantage. My question is this: how do you
    simulate the orog domain in relation to the dwarven one? What sort of
    holdings does it have? What is their population? How many companies can
    they field and can the dwarves take ground in this war? Where the hell are
    they that they can menace Baruk-Ahzik so? Mind you, I don`t have the PS so
    my answers could be in there but any suggestions on how any of YOU have
    handled the question would be helpfull.
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  4. #4
    Site Moderator geeman's Avatar
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    At 05:53 PM 12/21/2002 +0100, Arsulon wrote:

    >I`m starting up a campaign and one of my players stepped up to bat and
    >took Baruk-Azhik. Clearly the orogs have been pressing the dwarves pretty
    >hard and have the numerical advantage. My question is this: how do you
    >simulate the orog domain in relation to the dwarven one? What sort of
    >holdings does it have? What is their population? How many companies can
    >they field and can the dwarves take ground in this war? Where the hell
    >are they that they can menace Baruk-Ahzik so?

    The orog population that menaces the dwarve of BA are one of several
    Cerilian populations that are unaccounted for. Because the BA are losing
    that battle (but not quickly) I would speculate an Orog domain of
    approximately the size of BA or maybe a bit larger that exists in an
    "Underdark" like system of underground dwellings beneath the southern BA
    provinces and well into the provinces of the Chimaera. This does, of
    course, require a bit of revision/addition to the domain rules for
    populations that exist in a "Subterranean" terrain which I personally give
    a max population and potential source level of 3. As for what kind of
    holdings it might have, I`d imagine you could justify law holdings pretty
    easily, about 2/3 those levels of temple holdings, and a few guilds. There
    shouldn`t be any source holdings unless you have something in particular in
    mind for some cthonian mage.

    When it comes to underground warfare, I really am not sure that the
    warcards very well reflect how that kind of thing might occur. All
    underground provinces/holdings should probably be considered fortified
    automatically, and large scale combat using numbers of troops in the
    hundreds (or thousands) might be difficult to justify given the limited
    amount of actual area for a battlefield. Of course, the large scale combat
    rules are pretty well abstracted, so who knows what any of those
    values/terrains/battle map squares really represent? If you`re not worried
    about how that stuff is portrayed you could just go with equivalent units
    and assume the conflicts are resolved in tunnels that correspond to the


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