Brechtür » Rzhlev » Feyulfsky

Feyulfsky or Feyulfskyy (formal) (/fɛ̃ʉlfskɨ/) is a province in the southern woods region of Rzhlev. Filled with coniferous forests, the climate in the province is generally colder than the rest of the forest, up until the Berhagen River, where it gets temperate. The mountains of the Fürveldt Trepkin become the Rzhlev range in the southeast until the abruptly end into the Mistmoor. The province is filled in woods and has the largest community of woodsmen, second only to Molevof. the internal roads are well kept, thanks to the woodsmen own initiative.

The Charge of Feyulfsky is peculiar - it shows both the cinder wolf, the crest of House Rodelovisk, in full, instead of the head, and the pompeian red wolf of Feyulf. The fact that the cinder wolf is hidden beyond the red wolf is interpreted by some as a mockery - a way to remind who's the real predator, some other say it implies a deeper connection between the zhupan and the tsarina. No one has ever dared to say anything to the zhupan anyway.


Feylgrad (/fɛ̃ʉlgrat/) is the largest settlement, right in the middle of the woods, and looks like a big fortified camp alhtough in the inside it is a regular vos village just like many others.
The mayor of Feylgrad, Fiala Vyerina, is the de facto ruler of the province, and although she enforces the law of the tsarina. to its fullest length, she is fair in judgments. The tension between Brechts and Vos was low in this region until Grovnikk Glössevik decided to move most of his business here due to the rebellion in Molevof, as the guild takes full advantage of slavery for unpaid labor.


Vortzgrad (/votʐgrat/) is the second settlement, right in the southeastern border, between the river and the mountains. here ferries sometimes move trading goods between Rzhlev and the bandits of the Trepkin. Other times, it is used as starting point for raiding Tiess. Basil Vladimirinof is the mayor of Vortzgrad and is more prone to business and less to the vos ways. He wants to expand the trade with the southern regions but he knows well that this may be even seen as an act of treason in the warmongering realm of Rzhlev.

[top]The Verzberg

The southwest mountain is called the Verzberg (/ˈfɛ̃ˌʐbeiç,/ *FAIR-shbei-ch*), the mountain of despair, and his home to Feyulf himself and his warriors. A long, narrow, path from the bottom is the only way to reach his hideout, which is a series of caves near the top of the mountain. His warriors, or his Pack as he calls them, live in the caves below. Only 13 selected warriors are allowed to sleep with him in the summit.

[top]Carreg Sidhe

An ancient colony of elves is here, but nobody knows their whereabouts, nobody but Aithne of the Leaf, spokesperson for the Ayarden Vierklevven. Some say that this colony is the same colony of Molevof - they simply come in Feyulfsky when they get hunted in the northern woods. The community is believed to be tied to the ancient burial site called Carreg Sidhe - a circular area confined by stones with elven decorations, although no one knows if it's really sidhelien in nature. No detail is known as the men of the Tsarina seized it in the name of Marisha and nobody is allowed to go nearby. Not that anyone wants to - a mysterious aura fills the area.

[top]Life in the province

The Zhupan, Feyulf, does not rule this land, not in the traditional sense. He has swore his life to the old Vos ways and lives in an ancient cavern with his "wolf pack" in the Verzberg. He only comes down when a raid south is needed, or when the pack gets hungry - he has gone as far as raiding his own towns. Some say he is capable of becoming a wolf, such is his ferocity.

The clergy of Belinik, fully aware of how much their god is pleased with Feyulf, encourage anyone wanting to improve their life to join the Pack. A ritual in which surviving alone and unarmed for days in the wilderness is involved. Some say Feyulf and his men even hunts the novices, but nobody has returned to tell the truth from fact.

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