D20:Statue Spell
Sor/Wiz 7
V, S, M
1 round
Creature touched
1 hour/level (D)
Will negates (harmless)
Yes (harmless)
The subject can see, hear, and smell normally, but it does not need to eat or breathe. Feeling is limited to those sensations that can affect the granite-hard substance of the individual?s body. Chipping is equal to a mere scratch, but breaking off one of the statue?s arms constitutes serious damage.
The subject of a statue spell can return to its normal state, act, and then return instantly to the statue state (a free action) if it so desires, as long as the spell duration is in effect.
Material Component: Lime, sand, and a drop of water stirred by an iron bar, such as a nail or spike.
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, 03-31-2007 at 09:28 PM
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