D20:Psychic Turmoil Spell
Psychic Turmoil
Cleric 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
V, S, M
1 standard action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
40-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space
1 round/level
Will partial; see text
When the spell is cast and at the beginning of each of your subsequent turns, psionic creatures within the area of the psychic turmoil lose 1 power point per manifester level they have. Characters who succeed on a Will save when they first come into contact with the emanation lose only half as many power points (round down) each round. Characters get only one save attempt against any particular psychic turmoil effect, even if they leave the spell?s area and later return.
Material Component: Five playing cards, which are torn in half when the spell is cast.
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, 03-31-2007 at 08:44 PM
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