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Thread: Court Level 4

  1. #1

    Court Level 4

    When reading the court level table in the 3e rules, court level 4 appears twice in table 5-5 (as both a high-end 'average court' and a low-end 'good court', providing two different sets of bonuses). This apparent error occurs both on the pdf and online.

    I take it that a level 4 court should be an average court due to the way palace levels interact with court levels. Either way, the table seems to be in need of revision.

    If this has been posted in the wrong spot, or if I have committed some other error, I apologize in advance. I don't do much threading.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    The online version is supposed to match the pdf version perfectly as the pdf is the "official" version of the D20 BRCS. This synchronisation unfortunately has to include the errors.

    Thank you for pointing out the error. We were aware of it. It and various other errors ( which may be fixed in later edits) can be found at Please tell us if you find any other errors and we will consider adding them to the Errata page.


  3. #3
    Thanks, I didn't see that page ( I am curious, and I may be overlooking something else, but it is unclear to me what the revised table should look like. The errata page just reads "Level 4 is listed on two lines in Table 5-5: Court levels" without explaining which row 4 deleted is from or explaining whether the rest of the table shifts from that point (resulting in a world-class court, for instance, requiring a level 11+ court rather than level 10+).

    Thanks again, I really enjoy the fruits of everyone's labor!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Those links do not work!!
    So, which level 4 should I delete???

  6. #6
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Information Communication ILLUMINATION!!

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