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Thread: Cerilian saints

  1. #1
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Cerilian saints

    I came across reference in the BR wiki to a place called St Albans ( Initially I wondered whether this place originated in published works or not. But then I realised that there might be a bigger issue here.

    And that is the use of terms like "saint" in Cerilia. In RL, a religious "saint" is only termed as such within the Catholic Church (my quick research tells me) when referring to an exceptional person. Some other religious groups (e.g. Mormons) use the term widely for members of their community. People like Mohammed, Moses and Abraham I have heard be referred to as prophets, not saints.

    So what should Cerilia use? Prophets and saints? Is it all just in the "translation"? What about place names like St Albans? Who would decide who is a prophet or a saint? A single temple? All temples of a particular god? All priests? Particular nationalities? Non-temple regents? For example, what is Fitzalan (the blessed) considered to be?

    ps. I did a quick look through the forums but the previous discussions always seem to be talking about RL saints, not Cerilian ones.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    The use of the term "saint" is not exclusive to Christianity. In many religions, there are people who have been recognised within their tradition as having fulfilled the highest aspirations of religious teaching. In English, the term saint is often used to translate this idea from many world religions.
    I like using the term "saint", because it helps convey meaning to the players without extra baggage. We could invent a different term for "saints" in the Cerilian pantheon, but it would be just one more thing for our players to memorize.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander Cecil View Post
    I like using the term "saint", because it helps convey meaning to the players without extra baggage. We could invent a different term for "saints" in the Cerilian pantheon, but it would be just one more thing for our players to memorize.

    The Catholic Church uses saint to name anyone who is believed to have gone to heaven-- that is, fulfilled the expectations of God. It formally names (canonizes) certain individuals who have interceded with God to perform miracles on earth. It also recognizes that many more people than it has formally named may have gone to heaven already. {I'm Catholic, we just celebrated All Saints' Day last week, this is still in my head.}

    I'd rather not use the word itself, but something similar. That said, I could easily see the various Cerilian churches naming their own saints, especially the Anuireans. Titles like "Blessed," "Exalted," or "Enlightened" were mentioned. (The last sounds like something the Avani worshippers would use.) Other than the Haelynites, I doubt they would go through the formal canonization sequence.

    Towns and cities, or local guilds or orders, might have their own patrons-- founders, famous members, and the like. They could be remembered in naming of temples and an annual feast day.

  4. #4
    Ehrshegh of Spelling Thelandrin's Avatar
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    You could always rename the place as "Alban" and avoid the entire issue with saints.

    Ius Hibernicum, in nomine juris. Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.

  5. #5
    imo saints and other words just describe a martyr or something similar.

    What word you use shuddent make or break it. but rather why they are called that...

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