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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    BRCS unit statistics errata

    Anuirean units
    1) Table 6-1a: Engineers. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
    2) Table 6-1a: Scouts. Type should be LtIrr (they have def 12 and 3 GB cost) instead of Irr (def 10 and 2,5 GB cost).

    Brecht units
    3) Table 6-1b: Artillerists. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
    4) Table 6-1b: Elite Infantry. Cost should be 3 GB (0.5 infantry + 0,5 medium + 2 veteran) instead of 4.
    5) Table 6-1b: Irregulars. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard) instead of +4. Cost should be 1,5 GB (0,5 irregulars + 1 standard) instead of 2 GB.
    6) Table 6-1b: Marines. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. And infantry shouldn’t have a Missile rating.
    7) Table 6-1b: Scouts. Type should be LtIrr (they have def 12 and 3 GB cost) instead of Irr (def 10 and 2,5 GB cost).

    Khinasi units
    8) Table 6-1c: Archers. Cost should be 1,5 GB (+0,5 archers + 1 standard) instead of 2 GB.
    9) Table 6-1c: Artillerists. Mv should be 2 (1 + 1 for standard unit) instead of 1.
    10) Table 6-1c: Marines. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. And infantry shouldn’t have a Missile rating.
    11) Table 6-1c: Spearmen. I don’t understand unit statistics.

    Rjurik units
    12) Table 6-1d: Battle Ragers. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 infantry + 1,5 heavy + 2 veteran + 1 berserk) instead of 4.
    13) Table 6-1d: Cavalry. Mv should be 3 (3 cavalry +1 standard -1 medium) instead of 4.

    Vos units
    14) Table 6-1e: Berserkers. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 irregulars + 0,5 medium + 2 veteran + 1 berserk +1 tough) instead of 6.
    15) Table 6-1e: Raiders, Scouts and Tribesmen should have Mrl +4 (+0 irregulars +2 standard, +2 tough) instead of +2.
    16) Table 6-1e: Scouts. Non elven standard units can have only one special training.
    17) Table 6-1e: Vaarskriders. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 tough) instead of +6.

    Dwarven units
    18) Table 6-1f: Crossbowmen. Missile should be +4 (+2 archers +4 veteran -2 medium) instead of +2.
    19) Table 6-1f: Guards. Cost should be 5 GB (+0,5 infantry + 1,5 heavy + 2veteran +1 def+) instead of 6 GB.
    20) Table 6-1f: Homeguard. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard) instead of +4.

    Elven units
    21) Table 6-1g: Archers. Missile should be +8 (+2 archers +4 veteran +2 scout) instead of +6.
    22) Table 6-1g: Cavalry. Missile should be +8 (+0 cavalry +4 veteran +2 scout +2 missile+) instead of +6. Melee should be +6 (+2 cavalry + 4 veteran -2 scout +2 Melee+) instead of +4. Mv should be 6 (3 cavalry +2 veteran +1 scout) instead of 4. Cost shoud be 9 GB (+2,5 cavalry +0,5 light +2 veteran +1 scout +1 melee+ +1 missile+ +1 def+) instead of 8 GB.
    23) Table 6-1g: Knights. Missile should be +6 (+0 cavalry +4 veteran -2 medium +2 scout +2 missile+) instead of +4. Melee should be +6 (+2 cavalry + 4 veteran -2 scout +2 Melee+) instead of +4. Mv should be 5 (3 cavalry +2 veteran +1 scout -1 medium) instead of 3. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 tough) instead of +4.

    Goblin units
    24) Table 6-1h: Guards. Mrl should be +2 (+0 irregulars +2 standard +2 toughness -2 mercenary) instead of 0.
    25) Table 6-1h: Infantry. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from. What is Cmnr (“+2 melee vs. Cmnr, Irr, Pike”)?

    Common foes
    26) Table 6-1i: Gnoll Marauders. Cost should be 6 GB (0,5 irregulars + 0,5 light + 2 veteran x2 mercenary) instead of 5 GB.
    27) Table 6-1i: Orog Lizardriders. Mrl should be +8 (+2 cavalry +4 veteran +2 toughness) instead of +6.

    Mercenary units
    28) Tabe 6.4: Medium Cavalry. Cost should be 8 GB (2,5 cavalry +0,5 medium + 1 standard x2 mercenary) instead of 6 GB.
    29) Tabe 6.4: Infantry. Cost should be 4 GB (0,5 infantry +0,5 medium + 1 standard x2 mercenary) instead of 3 GB. I don’t understand where “+2 def. vs. missile” comes from.
    30) Table 6-4: Marauders. I don’t understand unit statistics.
    Last edited by Elrond; 04-26-2009 at 02:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    On the BR wiki, the BRCS stats are at

    I will try and check the content and move them to later today. This has now been done.

    In the meantime, you are welcome to set up your own alternative tables and stats on alternative pages, e.g.
    After all, that is one of many reasons we created the wiki... to allow alternatives and share additional information.

    I am not saying your corrections are right or wrong. I'll leave that to others. As it is, there is already at least one known textual error in that chapter, cf. .

    Last edited by Sorontar; 04-27-2009 at 04:19 AM. Reason: update

  3. #3
    Site Moderator AndrewTall's Avatar
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    I wonder if 'cmnr' means commoner, i.e. militia levies?

    I should dig out the stats I did for Rjurik Winds and post them up, but converting the excel spreadsheets into wiki tables would be hellish...

    I sounds like Elrond has a fairly extensive system for organising troops consistently, I'd love to see it.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall
    I wonder if 'cmnr' means commoner, i.e. militia levies?
    Quite likely. But it would be a repetition. Levies are irregulars.

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTall
    I sounds like Elrond has a fairly extensive system for organising troops consistently, I'd love to see it.
    Just the old system: I checked the statistics one by one.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I have a question: if elves do not field levies, why on table 6-1g is there a drafted unit (the homeguard)?

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