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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    BR mailing list
    << So are unclaimed temple/guild/law -- unclaimed. No faith has captured
    these people`s loyalty. No law exists to restrict and govern their
    behaviou. No commercial activities exist to create portable wealth.

    There I disagree. Unclaimed temple/guild/law can represent local
    religion/commerce/authority that is not part of any larger organization.

    << Nope - we have temple levels, the proportion of the population involved
    in the active worship of a particular faith. Nothing to say how well
    developed that worship is. Do they get together at Amway meetings in
    someone`s house? or do they have a large cathedral? (<<more humour for
    those that don`t catch on>>) [Should I stick to the star wars theme?]

    Okay, is anyone actually laughing at this?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    << So are unclaimed temple/guild/law -- unclaimed. No faith has captured
    these people`s loyalty. No law exists to restrict and govern their
    behaviou. No commercial activities exist to create portable wealth.

    There I disagree. Unclaimed temple/guild/law can represent local
    religion/commerce/authority that is not part of any larger organization.

    << Nope - we have temple levels, the proportion of the population involved
    in the active worship of a particular faith. Nothing to say how well
    developed that worship is. Do they get together at Amway meetings in
    someone`s house? or do they have a large cathedral? (<<more humour for
    those that don`t catch on>>) [Should I stick to the star wars theme?]

    Okay, is anyone actually laughing at this?

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sydney, Australia
    the Falcon wrote:

    ><< So are unclaimed temple/guild/law -- unclaimed. No faith has captured
    >these people`s loyalty. No law exists to restrict and govern their
    >behaviou. No commercial activities exist to create portable wealth.
    >There I disagree. Unclaimed temple/guild/law can represent local
    >religion/commerce/authority that is not part of any larger organization.
    yeah - can .. doesn`t have to though. Trade might just not be developed
    in this part of the world (this province). i.e. other explanations on a
    case by case basis may be possible. e.g. elven provinces don`t have
    temples - not because they don`t have organizations to do so. (small or
    large), yet the lack of temple level in a human province could be
    explained as you say.

    ><< Nope - we have temple levels, the proportion of the population involved
    >in the active worship of a particular faith. Nothing to say how well
    >developed that worship is. Do they get together at Amway meetings in
    >someone`s house? or do they have a large cathedral? (<<more humour for
    >those that don`t catch on>>) [Should I stick to the star wars theme?]
    >Okay, is anyone actually laughing at this?
    nobody loves me

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