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Thread: Rulebook

  1. #1


    Hi all,
    I'm a wanna-be computer game programmer and have decided that I want my first attempt at making a PC game (for personal use only, of course) to be based on the Birthright Campaign Setting. (Sort of like a Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance remake.)

    Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with Dungeons and Dragons or Birthright outside of that afore mentioned PC game.

    Can any of you suggest a good place to attain a copy of the rulebook so I can get myself more acquainted with the rules?
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  2. #2
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    You can get the SRD (System Reference Document) for D&D 3.5 (for free at the following link):

    The SRD has no color text in it and is missing character generation rules so you will need a copy of the book for that information. But the basic rules are in the SRD.

    If you want to use 2nd ed rules (what the game sort of did) the PHB/DMG/MM can probably be gotten from e-bay.

    Sorry no "free" SRD for 2nd ed.

    The BR material might likewise be available on e-bay. I think that might still sell the pdfs. I know someone is, I'm just not sure which site anymore.

    The BRCS (3.5 rules) are available at this thread:

    Oh and welcome.
    Duane Eggert

  3. #3
    Birthright Developer irdeggman's Avatar
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    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    Oh and one more thing.

    The BR setting material and D&D itself is not free ware.

    WotC has IP control and licences them out.

    If this is something only for yourself and not for sale or public posting - you should have legal troubles what so ever.
    Duane Eggert

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    California, near LA. (Mo
    Lots of people have luck on ebay for old 2e material, such as Birthright,
    the second edition player`s handbook, and the second edition dungeon
    master`s guide. Otherwise, you`ll be looking for the discount section in
    your local hobby store.

    On 6/28/07, Kami <> wrote:
    > This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > Kami wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I`m a wanna-be computer game designer and have decided that I want my
    > first attempt at making a PC game (for personal use only, of course) to be
    > based on the Birthright Campaign Setting. (Sort of like a Birthright: The
    > Gorgon`s Alliance remake.)
    > Unfortunately, I`m not very familiar with Dungeons and Dragons or
    > Birthright outside of that afore mentioned PC game.
    > Can any of you suggest a good place to attain a copy of the rulebook so I
    > can get myself more acquainted with the rules?
    > Birthright-l Archives:

  5. #5
    Site Moderator kgauck's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Springfield Mo
    If you are looking to design a realm based BR game with no adventures, you can ignore all D&D rulebooks and concentrate on about 10 pages of the Birthright rulebook (e-bay) or the 3.5 version (free download) irdeggman mentioned.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by irdeggman View Post
    Oh and one more thing.

    The BR setting material and D&D itself is not free ware.

    WotC has IP control and licences them out.

    If this is something only for yourself and not for sale or public posting - you should have legal troubles what so ever.
    Like I said, it's only for personal use. I'm not expecting anything for free. I was looking up the BRCS on Amazon and found a few that were listed as used but in good condition, but I don't know if I need all of that really since I really have no-one to play the game with. Besides, I'm a bit short on cash, so I'll probably have to wait for a bit.

    I do understand a little bit about licensing and all that. This isn't anything I'm making money off of. If I decide to use it for my resume or something, I'll make sure to contact Wizards of the Coast when that time comes, but other than that it's just to get familiar with an interesting world and to gain programming experience.

    Thanks for all the help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Rahvin View Post
    Lots of people have luck on ebay for old 2e material, such as Birthright,
    the second edition player`s handbook, and the second edition dungeon
    master`s guide. Otherwise, you`ll be looking for the discount section in
    your local hobby store.
    The only hobby store nearby that I know of moved a few years ago. That's where I was hanging out to learn about Warhammer. Too bad there's really no-one that I know that I can play these games with.

    Quote Originally Posted by kgauck View Post
    If you are looking to design a realm based BR game with no adventures, you can ignore all D&D rulebooks and concentrate on about 10 pages of the Birthright rulebook (e-bay) or the 3.5 version (free download) irdeggman mentioned.
    I'm still not sure what I want to do, which is why it would be cool if libraries carried this kinda stuff so I could preview it before buying.

    Thanks for all the help, everyone.
    Last edited by Kami; 06-28-2007 at 11:31 PM.
    Support, modding tools, and enjoyment of Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance:

  7. #7
    Figures. I got on eBay just two minutes before a bid ended for the campaign setting.
    Support, modding tools, and enjoyment of Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance:

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    California, near LA. (Mo
    Isn`t there a PDF floating around somewhere for about $5?

    You`d have to print it yourself, but you don`t need to print the whole thing
    for your owpurposes, and that would have the benefit of not gaving to wait
    for shipping and such.

    On 6/28/07, Kami <> wrote:
    > This post was generated by the message forum.
    > You can view the entire thread at:
    > Kami wrote:
    > Figures. I got on eBay just two minutes before a bid ended for the
    > campaign setting.
    > Birthright-l Archives:

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Rahvin View Post
    Isn`t there a PDF floating around somewhere for about $5?

    You`d have to print it yourself, but you don`t need to print the whole thing
    for your owpurposes, and that would have the benefit of not gaving to wait
    for shipping and such.
    There may be, but I wouldn't know where to find it. I did check and they only had reviews of the campaign setting.

    I don't mind printing them myself. I can print it at school. If anyone knows where to find that PDF, I'd be very appreciative. I'm not even sure where to start looking.
    Support, modding tools, and enjoyment of Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance:

  10. #10
    It seems RPG Now and have copies of the PDF for $5

    Is this the right one? I take it from kgauck that this includes everything for realm play, but nothing for adventures? And I'm assuming this would be the 2nd edition rules.

    Atleast that way I would have something to get started on.

    By the way, what are: PHB/DMG/MM? Since I'm rather new to the subject, I don't know many of the abbreviations.

    PHB: Players Handbook: Birthright?
    DMG: Dungeon Master's Guide?
    Last edited by Kami; 06-29-2007 at 07:34 AM.
    Support, modding tools, and enjoyment of Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance:

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