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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Too Much is Too Much

    The rampant number of pornographic emails I`m getting
    from this list have left me with a miserable choice:

    I can either continue to take part in the list and
    enjoy it when I can...but get bombarded by this
    unceasing barrage of trash.


    I can remove myself from the list and not be allowed
    to enjoy the discussions and information to be found
    here; leaving myself sad and unhappy.

    Please, is there anything we can do about the garbage
    that these jerks are spamming onto the list? I`m a
    member of several of the "wizards" lists and have none
    of this from them...what is making the difference?

    I really love all the hard work that has been put into
    all this, and I don`t want to remove myself from the
    list; but I refuse to deal with garbage, even if it is
    garbage sitting in the middle of the roses I`m looking

    Anthony Edwards

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Doyle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
    ? I'm not getting anything other that the couple of recent pill spams - are you sure it's this list your getting them from?

  3. #3
    Site Moderator geeman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    California, USA
    At 10:51 PM 12/2/2006, Anthony Edwards wrote:

    >I really love all the hard work that has been put into all this, and
    >I don`t want to remove myself from the list; but I refuse to deal
    >with garbage, even if it is garbage sitting in the middle of the
    >roses I`m looking at.

    It seems as if there has been an increasing rash of them lately. I
    appreciate that it is annoying and sympathize. However, I have to
    suggest that if the price for participating in the BR community is
    some random spam then I think its worthwhile. There has been a lot
    of time and effort dedicated to setting things up so that those who
    want to participate can do so by whatever method they prefer (the
    list or the boards) and unfortunately one of the simple costs of
    modern life is that there is often a trade off between access to the
    legitimate user community and those who take advantage of that
    access. I`d love to track down that person and smack him around
    appropriately, but at this point I think we should keep the link
    between the boards (where the spam is originating) and the list
    because I do not believe that losing contact with the boards is a
    worthwhile trade off for some spam. When it boils right down to it
    the spam takes up very little time and effort to get rid of, and
    though I`d be happy to never see any again, the only method for doing
    so from the sysop/moderator end at present is to sever the
    connection, and I`m not ready yet to throw the baby out with the bath
    water. No access is worse than marginally misused access.

    Having stated my opinion, however, if folks on the list really think
    its too much trouble to keep this thing going then I`ll bow to their
    overall wishes and ask Arjan to turn off the connection between the
    two at least for a while. I think he can set it up so that I get
    posts to the message boards directly to my personal email rather than
    through the list....

    Birthright-l Moderator

  4. #4
    Moo! Are you happy now? Arjan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Woerden, Netherlands
    I know... and i hate it and atm theres nothing i can do about it.

    i have put boards on moderated. even removed boards in hope their scripts dont work anymore. i have checked to see if i can ban (since that is where they are registering with) all timezone china (various ip numbers)

    but nothing works so far unfortunately... and i dont really feel like approving them manually either by sending them emails who they are, why they want to join etc. this is an open community, not mine alone.

    @Doyle: they reason that you dont see them is that i (or some other moderators) are deleting the threads right away from the board, but its indeed getting worse.

    i will take a look at the new version of the forum to see if there is some kind of spamguard thingy implemented.

    @antony, sorry to say, but you are the only one continually making a fuss about this, knowing many people are trying to solve the problem and dont like it as much as you do.
    the only thing i can suggest to you till i find a good solution, remove yourself from the list and start using the "clean" forum where you do have "Dalor".

    BUT theres one thing you must understand: we are NOT alowed to run our own forums/comunity that replaces the wizards one.
    the mailinglist connection is a workarround so you can actually see it as a webinterface of the mailinglist. (all messages posted ARE send there)
    IF i were to take the mailinglist connection offline, this means the end of the forum and ill have to force everyone to use wizards one.
    Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

  5. #5
    Special Guest (Donor)
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    As a list member, I don´t have problems myself in receiving some spam from
    the boards, it´s pretty easy to track and delete in the middle of the worthy
    posts that are generated in the forums.

    But this is my personal oppinion. Regards,


    -----Mensaje original-----
    De: Birthright RPG Discussion [mailto:BIRTHRIGHT-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM] En
    nombre de Gary
    Enviado el: domingo, 03 de diciembre de 2006 11:36
    Asunto: Re: Too Much is Too Much

    At 10:51 PM 12/2/2006, Anthony Edwards wrote:

    >I really love all the hard work that has been put into all this, and
    >I don`t want to remove myself from the list; but I refuse to deal
    >with garbage, even if it is garbage sitting in the middle of the
    >roses I`m looking at.

    It seems as if there has been an increasing rash of them lately. I
    appreciate that it is annoying and sympathize. However, I have to
    suggest that if the price for participating in the BR community is
    some random spam then I think its worthwhile. There has been a lot
    of time and effort dedicated to setting things up so that those who
    want to participate can do so by whatever method they prefer (the
    list or the boards) and unfortunately one of the simple costs of
    modern life is that there is often a trade off between access to the
    legitimate user community and those who take advantage of that
    access. I`d love to track down that person and smack him around
    appropriately, but at this point I think we should keep the link
    between the boards (where the spam is originating) and the list
    because I do not believe that losing contact with the boards is a
    worthwhile trade off for some spam. When it boils right down to it
    the spam takes up very little time and effort to get rid of, and
    though I`d be happy to never see any again, the only method for doing
    so from the sysop/moderator end at present is to sever the
    connection, and I`m not ready yet to throw the baby out with the bath
    water. No access is worse than marginally misused access.

    Having stated my opinion, however, if folks on the list really think
    its too much trouble to keep this thing going then I`ll bow to their
    overall wishes and ask Arjan to turn off the connection between the
    two at least for a while. I think he can set it up so that I get
    posts to the message boards directly to my personal email rather than
    through the list....

    Birthright-l Moderator

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    How odd. I have yet to receive any spam?

    My work email is inundated with spam every day, but my personal hotmail account, I can't even recall the last time I had spam. And this is one of 5 forums that I belong to.

    Hope you don't go, as any person leaving is a loss to the BR community...

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    aberdeen, scotland
    My spam guard stops me from getting the spam messages although if I look in my spam box they are there.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    California, near LA. (Mo
    I agree with Vicente. As list members we have it a little easier, because
    all most all of us are using email clients that can filter out pornographic
    material. For most of us, anything from Birthright-L is allowed into our
    inbox, but we can still setup key words that get filtered out. Also, it`s
    usually pretty simple to not recieve them, simply don`t click on the subject
    of those emails, much like I don`t click on posts with subjects that don`t
    interest me.

    I might also want to note, for academic interest if nothing else, that this
    flood of spam started when someone started to complain about the spam on the
    list. Since we know this spam is a deliberate action (rather than
    automated), I would suggest not advocating the spammers anymore than we
    have... until we are ready for the final strike.

  9. #9
    Thank you Arjan for your attempts to keep the spam from spoiling the list. I'm sure everybody appreciates it, and sympathises with your difficulties.

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