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  1. #1 (Lyndon

    What I`d Like to See - Part One

    Returning to an earlier, and perennial topic, of What I'd Like To See
    In A Revised Line (if a flood of courteous interest and/or bequest
    from an eccentric millionaire makes spending development time look
    cost-effective to WOTC).

    There are two different things I especially want to see, and I want
    them both:

    More Aebrynis! More Cerilia! More! More!
    What is going on in Aduria? What is it like where the Magian
    came from? It apparently can produce at least one grotesquely
    powerful sorcerer, but also inspire him to leave town. Was he just
    curious? Chased off? If so, by what? A very, very, very large crowd
    of peasants with pitchforks? Nomad armies? Monsters, dragons,
    priests of known or unknown gods? Etc.
    Is Cerilia a leader in technology and magic, or an isolated
    backwater? How many other lands are there anyway? Is the world
    mostly water, or land? What latitude is Cerilia at? The
    cartographers at the Royal Observatory of Anuire ought to have an
    Given how cold the Vos and areas north of the Brecht are my
    first thought was close to the arctic. But given how warm the
    Khinsai, only a few hundred miles south are, this doesn't make sense.
    it would make sense for it actually to be near the tropics of a world
    colder than ours. Aduria could reach or cross the equator. The great
    changes in weather could be the effect of equatorial currents
    colliding with currents from extensive open-ocean ice caps.

    I'd like more history, and more "little details." I'd like an
    economic way to do more Player's Realm Guides ... though in practice I
    get the idea that more GMs than players bought them, and they weren't
    all that cost-effective for TSR. Phooey. I liked them.

    A more feasible idea might be a package of say a dozen
    six-page realm handouts for a region (Annuier, Brecht, Khinsai),
    recycling some of the best stuff from existing guides plus some new
    writing, plus another couple dozen pages of Suggested Dreadful
    Secrets, plot ideas, and stuff that can be transplanted into a variety
    of campaigns.

    I'd like adventures beginning regents and PCs, blooded or not, might
    be good at. I'd like suggestions on campaigns where the PCs are not
    regents, but are protecting a regent much lower level than themselves,
    perhaps even a child (after all "regent" was originally used for when
    the rightful king was under age, or intermittently insane or otherwise
    unable to routinely rule well). This could also include the
    temptation of "I bet I could do a better job!" especially if they kill
    the right person, or please the right person and become invested with
    blood powers during the campaign.

    What I'd like to see less of is awnsheghlien with mind control.

    I am not particularly interested in a darker world (Greyhawk was
    darkened in the Grayhawk Wars, and the line was canceled for years ...
    Mystara had more darkness after the War of the Immortals and it died.
    Clue? ) If I wanted gloom I'd play Ravenloft (much of which I have
    paid money for, but don't have interested players for).

    I would like to more of the Shadow World parameters, but I am not
    really all that inherently interested in the subject. I'd willingly
    pay money if the lost Shadow World material surfaced ... but that is a
    triumph of interest in the authors more than the sub-genre.

    I'd especially like Aebrynis kept SEPARATE, distinct, its own self,
    with spelljammers, Planescape slangy invaders, landscape-altering
    Krynn dragons, kender, tinker gnomes, or the Chancellor sliding down
    banisters for pizza and ice cream parties with Elminster.

    Lyndon the lurker/
    Lyndon the intermittently long-windedTo unsubscribe from this list send mail to
    with the line

  2. #2
    Mauro Fasoli

    What I`d Like to See - Part One

    Lyndon Baugh wrote:

    > Given how cold the Vos and areas north of the Brecht are my
    >first thought was close to the arctic. But given how warm the
    >Khinsai, only a few hundred miles south are, this doesn't make sense.
    >it would make sense for it actually to be near the tropics of a world
    >colder than ours. Aduria could reach or cross the equator. The great
    >changes in weather could be the effect of equatorial currents
    >colliding with currents from extensive open-ocean ice caps.

    Why don't you just consider the possibility of Aebrynis to be smaller in
    size compared to the Earth?
    I've made the assumption that the axial tilt of Aebrynis is about 23
    degrees, the same as the Earth's one (if you want less seasonal climatic
    differences you can reduce it). Given the climatic characteristics of
    Vosgaard, Rjurik, Khinasi, etc. I have argued that the polar circle passes
    in the middle of Hogunmark while the tropic on the northern shoeres of
    Shairde el-Mehare islands. With simple trigonometric calculuses I've come to
    a radius for Aebrynis of 2400 Km (1500 miles). So if you want to teleport in
    the evening from Stormpoint in Taeghas to Adara in Min Dhousai don't forget
    a torch, there's a difference of almost 4 hours (damned time zones!).

    Mauro Fasoli Italy

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