
Tag: military

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  1. Kaerevesk

    Started by Witness3, 03-26-2024 11:56 AM
    battle, category, composition, erm, fan, free, history, include, infantry, invasion, kaerevesk, lake, league, legendary, legion, military, rai, ruler, terrain, tyrant, uni, unit, units, varsk, viktor, warriors, winter
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 12,648
    Last Post: 03-26-2024 11:56 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  2. Richard Roslöw

    Started by Witness3, 03-20-2024 02:21 PM
    action, alisse, ancient, battles, care, city, cleaning, combat, couple, day, death, domain, dwarfhame, fighting, friends, glory, harold, history, invasion, katherine, king, kings, lost, military, money, realm, religion, rosloew, roslöw, spear, ulfer, unit, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,179
    Last Post: 03-20-2024 02:21 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  3. Company of the Black Spear

    Started by Witness3, 03-20-2024 02:15 PM
    action, alisse, ancient, army, battles, campaign, care, count, crown, dead, domain, dwarfhame, form, harold, history, invasion, katherine, kings, lost, military, money, place, province, realm, richard, roslöw, spear, spell, time, ulfer, unit, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,692
    Last Post: 03-20-2024 02:15 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  4. House:Rosloew-Ulfer

    Started by Sorontar, 03-10-2024 12:34 AM
    action, alisse, ancestor, ancient, asked, battlefield, blood, class, count, couple, diplomatic, domain, evil, harold, history, house, karl, katherine, kurth, law, markov, military, miracle, noble, realm, richard, rosloew, roslow, roslöw, sisters, size, ulfer, war, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 21,309
    Last Post: 03-10-2024 12:34 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  5. House:Röslow-Ulfer

    Started by Witness3, 03-09-2024 01:50 PM
    action, ancestor, ancient, asked, battlefield, blood, class, count, couple, diplomatic, domain, evil, history, house, karl, law, military, miracle, noble, realm, richard, roslöw, röslow, sisters, size, ulfer, war, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 49
    Last Post: 03-09-2024 01:50 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  6. House:Nyur

    Started by Witness3, 03-07-2024 03:01 PM
    ancient, answer, barbarians, blood, class, clergy, divine, glory, gregor, house, invasion, lieutenant, magic, military, molev, noble, original, politics, population, province, ranger, size, skills, training, viktor, weapon, wiki, women
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,409
    Last Post: 03-07-2024 03:01 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  7. Dimas Lowstar

    Started by Witness3, 02-17-2024 02:04 PM
    alignment, army, biography, blood, bonus, challenge, chamber, combat, dimas, domain, enemy, feats, god, gold, lowstar, martial, mass, military, nature, nikoli, nobility, noble, realm, search, shield, skills, strength, weapon, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,950
    Last Post: 02-17-2024 02:04 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  8. battlebox

    Started by Witness3, 01-16-2024 12:34 PM
    armies, army, avanil, background, battlebox, battles, boilerplate, category, code, country, entry, events, future, general, grid, hotgb, location, military, pages, picture, place, simple, size, strength, units, usage, warfare
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,834
    Last Post: 01-16-2024 12:34 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  9. Duarlavka

    Started by Witness3, 12-02-2023 11:09 AM
    ancient, area, banner, brigitta, category, community, conquering, couple, domain, dwarfhame, elemental, grovnikken, guild, gulf, house, invasion, jarlsbane, level, military, miracle, news, pirate, place, realm, royal, town, trading, tsarina, weapons, western, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,015
    Last Post: 12-02-2023 11:09 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  10. Elven Longevity

    Started by masterdaorin, 05-16-2023 09:50 PM
    anuirean, areas, benefit, borders, change, chapter, count, day, doom, effect, elves, game, generation, king, land, longevity, military, month, occupy, population, provinces, races, remain, rules, side, source
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 10,815
    Last Post: 05-19-2023 05:24 PM
    by masterdaorin  Go to last post
  11. Mages in Birthright. Boring?

    Started by Blaede, 06-05-2018 09:33 AM
    actions, birthright, campaign, campaigns, character, experience, feedback, game, guilds, holdings, level, limited, mage, mages, military, muster, player, players, provinces, range, realms, sources, temples, units, wondering
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 27,449
    Last Post: 06-14-2018 06:19 AM
    by Blaede  Go to last post
  12. New tabletop campaign - asking for feedback

    Started by sperigny101, 02-21-2018 05:58 PM
    anuirean, campaign, character, complete, conflicts, count, crafting, empire, feedback, greed, level, military, minor, origin, pondering, power, province, ruins, secret, setting, skills, tabletop, tainted, turn, western
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 24,079
    Last Post: 02-27-2018 02:17 PM
    by sperigny101  Go to last post
  13. Armies

    Started by nickgreyden, 10-10-2015 09:04 PM
    armies, military, redirect, units, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 44
    Last Post: 10-10-2015 09:04 PM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post


  14. Fortifications

    Started by nickgreyden, 10-10-2015 05:53 AM
    assets, fortification, fortifications, military, redirect, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 15
    Last Post: 10-10-2015 05:53 AM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post


  15. China's Leaders Must Be Birthright Fans

    Started by Nicholas Harrison, 05-27-2015 04:27 PM
    aerele, article, attitude, birthright, building, coast, defense, fan, http, islands, military, news, player, random, strategy
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 16,109
    Last Post: 05-28-2015 12:28 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  16. Hammers of Moradin

    Started by Marco Fossati, 11-22-2014 11:03 AM
    ancient, dragon, dwarven, elite, forge, group, hammer, military, order, orog, temples, ultimate
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,272
    Last Post: 11-22-2014 11:03 AM
    by Marco Fossati  Go to last post


    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 22,522
    Last Post: 01-15-2014 05:08 PM
    by arpig2  Go to last post
  17. Pirates in Aebrynis

    Started by Sorontar, 09-19-2013 12:00 AM
    campaign, campaigns, character, count, days, domains, haven, heir, human, king, law, lawful, map, military, pirate, plunder, power, province, realm, regent, rival, routes, rule, seas, shadow, trade
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 19,801
    Last Post: 09-23-2013 05:17 PM
    by Jaleela  Go to last post
  18. Software tool for Birthright GM

    Started by Blaede, 01-25-2013 11:04 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    app, application, birthright, computer, diplomatic, domain, download, expense, general, gold, gold bar, guide, history, holdings, income, military, player, players, points, provinces, regency, search, section, tool, units, version
    • Replies: 22
    • Views: 38,045
    Last Post: 10-27-2021 08:18 AM
    by JasonKing  Go to last post
  19. Haelyns Bastion of Truth Dhoesone plots

    Started by AndrewTall, 01-19-2013 04:57 PM
    ability, actions, baroness, blood, churches, crown, deal, domain, faith, influence, James, legendary, lost, magic, martial, military, nobility, paladin, plague, point, raising, realm, return, strange, temple, weapons, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,382
    Last Post: 01-19-2013 04:57 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 13,914
    Last Post: 01-11-2013 06:22 PM
    by Arentak  Go to last post
  20. AOC Dylana Krinston

    Started by AndrewTall, 09-23-2012 10:29 PM
    anuirean, avanil, biography, bloodline, changed, children, critical, damage, death, feats, girl, group, holy, knight, major, melee, military, nobility, paladin, powers, skills, speed, time, training, weapon, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 11,394
    Last Post: 09-23-2012 10:29 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  21. Vjelthelma

    Started by Marco Fossati, 05-30-2012 07:04 AM
    armies, count, crown, druid, emerald, generally, heir, history, holding, military, minor, permanent, province, realm, tradition
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,674
    Last Post: 05-30-2012 07:04 AM
    by Marco Fossati  Go to last post


  22. Gweirlaen

    Started by Marco Fossati, 01-17-2012 04:45 PM
    developed, economy, fashion, focus, growth, gweirlaen, military, population, recent, serve, services, small, town
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,275
    Last Post: 01-17-2012 04:45 PM
    by Marco Fossati  Go to last post


  23. metric system

    Started by Ben, 02-26-1999 09:28 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    action, America, army, art, Australia, box, building, cost, country, culture, field, league, mile, military, money, movie, original, players, policy, public, road, run, sea, sign, system, throw, world
    • Replies: 33
    • Views: 32,327
    Last Post: 03-11-1999 12:22 PM
    by the Falcon  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 451
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