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The following pages link to this file:
- Table 5-3: maximum number of regents
- Creature
- Create ley line
- Cast realm spell
- Religion
- Month
- Build
- Goddess
- Vani
- Table 5-13: Random monthly events
- Domain event
- Divestiture
- Table 1-16: material availability
- Cuiraécen
- Wilderness Savant
- Linked blood abilities
- Invulnerability
- Halaïa
- Table 5-7: Domain turn sequence
- Table 5-15: Income from Ply trade
- Battlewise
- Table 1-15: Item availability
- Corruption/Crime
- Table 5-5
- Train Troops
- Table 5-14: Event resolution check
- Table 5-6: effect of domain attitude
- Wiz
- Table 5-5: Court levels
- Monsters of Cerilia
- Sorceress
- Sabre
- Laerme
- Table 5-12: Domain round sequence
- Gift of Eloéle
- Domain action descriptions
- Table 5-4: asset maintenance costs
- Arcane magic
- Random event
- Cleric domains
- Great Leader
- Table 1-1: Cultural warrior arms, armor, and feats
- Bloodmark
- Vorynn bloodline
- Shadow Walker
- Direction Sense
- Chapter one/Character/Rjurik
- Cleric
- Narikja
- Leira
- Elven Artisan
- Religious
- Domain collections
- Character Reading
- Inscribe War Tattoo
- Domain turn
- Forest Walk
- Palace
- Goblins
- Cutlass
- Introduction
- Create Holding
- Table 1-13: Armor availability
- Pal
- Credits
- Dwarven Artisan
- Unit upkeep and Muster cost (Cry Havoc)
- Matter of Justice
- Halfling
- Intrigue
- War spear
- Table 2-2
- Ftr
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Giant, ice
- Bard
- Table 5-1
- Master Merchant
- Saber
- Plying Trade
- Shadow Form
- Table 6.2
- Great Heritage template
- Contest Holding
- Humans, Cerilian
- Domain action rounds
- Elyal
- Playing a Scion
- Magical Event
- Detect Lie
- Table 5-2: Maximum province level
- Table 5-16: Standard travel rates
- Charm Aura
- Create trade route
- Table 5-1: Province Level
- Table 1-11: Melee weapon availability
- Persuasion
- Ruornil
- Regent Focus
- Bld
- Holn
- Fighter
- Birthright Campaign Setting 3 5
- Bloodform
- Alenecht
- Mebhaighl Sense
- Magical tattoo
- Muster/Train troops
- Iraikhan
- The domain turn
- Cultural Rogue Training
- Cultural Weapon Focus
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Standard creatures
- Erik
- Éla
- Domain attitude
- Leadership
- Halflings
- Lirovka
- Rog
- maintenance cost
- Rule Holding
- God
- Orog
- Conqueror
- Chapter one/Character/Rogue
- Brd
- Courage
- Pld
- Home Hearkening
- Unrest or Rebellion
- Plainsrider
- Domain asset
- Rilni
- Bloodline Score
- Table 6-1i: common foes
- Training
- Karesha
- Rule Province
- Trade domain
- Master Administrator
- Lara
- Blood history
- Nbl
- Long Life
- Improved Shadow Guide
- Chapter four/Gods and religion
- Domain action round
- Muster troops
- Table 1-3: Cultural rogue skills
- Trade route
- Military Genius
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain action rounds
- Paladin
- Table 1-1
- Major Regeneration
- Chapter three/Magic/Arcane magic
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Kriesha
- Brb
- Table 6-1f: Common Dwarven units
- Marines
- Court action
- Cultural Arms Focus
- Table 1-8: Common feats by culture
- Mag
- Sor
- Chapter one/Character/Halflings, Cerilian
- Goblin, Cerilian
- Sidhelien
- Divine Sanctum
- Lana
- Bbn
- Table 6-1e: Common Vos units
- Highlander
- Elemental Control
- Table 5-17
- Wither Touch
- Elven Voice
- Giant, forest
- Spellsong Mastery
- Cold Rider
- Blood Abilities
- Bnb
- Blood ability descriptions
- Elven horse
- Kriesha
- Spell descriptions
- Clerical sphere
- Blood Focus
- Table 1-12: Ranged weapon availability
- Kirken
- Cerilian Elf
- Bloodtrait
- Blood score
- Major Resistance
- Income
- Contest trade route
- The Ghoul
- Spymaster
- Nesirie
- Blood mark
- Outside the lines
- Bloodbond (Spell)
- Berserker?s Blood
- Military unit
- Mnk
- Table 6-1a: Common Anuirean units
- Rebellion
- Cleric
- Table 4-1: Human deities by region
- Realm magic
- Sarimie
- Heightened ability
- Chapter two Blood and regency Usurpation
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Erik
- Ceremony
- Master Diplomat
- Table 4-5: Days of the week
- Chapter one/Character/Magician
- Spell domain
- Torazan
- Table 2-5
- Non-Cerilian settings
- Death Touch
- Battle Caster
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain action descriptions
- Mass Magic Weapons
- Great Captain
- Blood Sense
- Cerilian dragon
- Table 6-1c: Common Khinasi units
- Cultural Rogue Training (Feat)
- Sea Song
- Dwarven Artisan (Feat)
- Avanalae
- Great Captain/Heresy
- Detect Elven Influence
- State Religion
- Forest giant
- Shadow Guide
- Naval unit
- Research
- Blood form
- Poison Sense
- Moradin
- Forestdweller
- Sidhe
- Main-gauche
- Fury of Winter
- Table 1-2A: Paladin of Avani
- Discipline
- Bloodline ability
- Table 1-5: the noble
- Touch of Decay
- Scouts
- Table 1-1: Warrior arms, armor, and feats
- Forward
- Shadow Portal
- Aeric
- Daily Blessing
- Berserks
- Chapter one/Character/Paladin
- Religions
- No Event
- Favoured Region
- Table 5-6
- Unrest
- Character construction
- Warlord
- Table 1-1:Warrior arms armor and feats
- Clerical domain
- Detect Illusion
- Sera
- Chapter one/Character/Noble
- Chapter one/Feats/New feat descriptions
- Transport via Water
- Beserker's Blood
- Armies and warfare
- Armour
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Blood Hound
- Chapter nine/Creatures/The Gorgon
- Chapter seven/Realm magic
- Scout
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Varsk
- Ruling a domain
- Wolfrider
- Disguise Bloodline
- Pikemen
- Infantry
- Cultural Arms Training
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Belinik
- Berserkers Blood
- Trade Matter
- Table 2-2: Bloodline strength
- Avani
- Locate Bloodsilver
- Purity of Reason
- Domain expenses
- Know Origin
- Table 4-10: Ranks of a military order
- Divine Wrath
- Domain round
- Warlock
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Sera
- Deity
- Chapter one/Feats
- Chapter eight/Outside the lines/Non-Cerilian settings
- Brecht
- Table 1-4: The magician
- Chapter six/Armies and warfare
- Table 4-3: Human deities by class
- Domain magic
- Kriestal
- Coordinate
- Mask Bloodline
- Artillery
- Clr
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Monsters of Cerilia
- Table 1-1: Warrior arms, armor, and feats
- Finance
- Sidhelien Bow
- Sarma
- Muster value
- Chapter one/Character/Bard
- Vos warspear
- Forward
- Khirdai
- Arcane Sanctum
- Rogue
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Adjusting domain attitude
- Orogs
- Table 4-8: Non-human deities
- Chapter one/Equipment
- Table 5-9: key regent skills
- Drd
- BCRS:Web Play
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Usurpation
- Inspiring leader
- Cover page
- Cultural Elite Arms Training
- Lady Luck
- Challenge
- Archers
- Spell tattoo
- Fundamentals of Cerilian magic
- Fireform
- Table 1-4
- Night's Embrace
- Winter Wolves
- Chapter one/Character/Fighter
- Disband
- Wizard
- Misfortune
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Kartathok
- Table 6-1b: Common Brecht units
- Northerner
- Starry Sky
- Navy
- Khinasi Trader's Tongue
- Chapter one/Character/Brecht
- Table 2-3: Bloodline Score
- Moonbeam
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Cuiraécen
- Leadership (Feat)
- Cerilian halfling
- Move troops
- Diplomatic Matter
- Elven Artisan (Feat)
- Cultural Arms Focus (Feat)
- Monsters or Brigands
- Blood and regency
- Ranger
- Unreadable Thoughts
- Chapter one/Character/Druid
- Minstrel
- First Strike
- Blood hound
- Chapter nine/Creatures/The Ghoul
- Character creation
- Table 1-11
- Table 2-1: bloodline derivation
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Faiths of worship
- Magician Spells
- Ruornil's Gift
- Creatures
- Bard
- Bloodline Prodigy (Feat)
- Blooded Scion
- New feat descriptions
- Chapter one/Character/Khinasi
- Bloodbond
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/The domain turn
- Rgr
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain
- Belinik
- Table 5-17: Espionage DCs
- Lirorn
- Turn
- Natural Event
- Discipline (Feat)
- Magician
- Table 5-10
- Blood Focus (Feat)
- Goblin
- Battle Caster (Feat)
- Variant level-based RP collection system
- Creating magic items
- Table 6-1h: Common goblin units
- Inspire loyalty
- Derivation
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Playing a Scion
- Paladin
- Guilder
- Cosmology of Aebrynis
- Introduction
- Moon Domain
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Moradin
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Haelyn
- Conqueror (Feat)
- Blood Ability
- Chapter one/Character/Dwarves, Cerilian
- Scion class
- Table 4-11: church summaries
- Table 1-2C: Paladin of Nesirie
- Web Play
- Historic origins
- Enhanced Sense
- Haelyn
- Table 5-10: regency collection
- Noble
- Bloodline derivation
- Table 1-14: Mount availability
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain expenses
- Dragon, Cerilian
- The Cold Rider
- Table 1-9: Birthright feats
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Cosmology of Aebrynis
- Chapter six/Armies and warfare/Military units
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Components of a domain
- Scion
- Unit morale check
- Half-elf
- Master of the Arcane
- Components of a domain
- Forestdweller (Feat)
- Table 5-11: income collection
- Seafarer
- Ayairda
- Neira
- Table 4-2: non-human deities
- Vos
- Decree
- Ice giant
- Day of the week
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Ruornil
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Time, seasons, and holidays
- Kartathok
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Nesirie
- Table 2-3
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Caracdír
- Table 1-10: new Weapons
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Laerme
- Table 4-4
- Kirche
- Adjusting domain attitude
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Bloodline score
- Table 4-6: Phases of the moon
- Table 6-2: Standard Naval units
- Main Page
- Ranger
- Table 1-2B:Paladin of Cuiraécen
- Rjurik
- Nasri
- Table 5-11
- Table 6-1g: Common elven units
- Resources
- Divine magic
- Chapter one/Character/Vos
- Chapter eight/Outside the lines
- Arcane Sanctum (Feat)
- Chapter one/Character/Sorcerer and Wizard
- Know Bloodline
- Chapter one/Character/Monk
- Table 4-4: Cycle of the year
- Khinasi
- Giant, ice
- Table 5-8: Adjusting domain attitude
- 4e conversion draft
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Giant, forest
- Cultural Arms Training (Feat)
- Orog
- Chapter one/Character/Half-Elves, Cerilian
- Table 4-9: Clerical ranks
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Torazan
- Wizard
- Druid
- Alter Appearance
- Barbarian
- Shadow Magic
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/The Cold Rider
- Chapter one/Character
- Sorcerer
- Blood Abilities
- Table 6-1d: Common Rjurik units
- New gods
- Chapter three/Magic/Fundamentals of Cerilian magic
- Chapter one/Skills
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Eloéle
- Chapter one/Character/Anuirean
- Chapter nine/Creatures
- Cultural Elite Arms Training (Feat)
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Elven horse
- Assassination
- Halfling
- Cavalry
- Chapter one/Character/Barbarian
- Agitate
- Armies
- Divine Sanctum (Feat)
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Historic origins
- Chapter one/Character/Elves, Cerilian
- Standard creatures
- Rogue
- Chapter three/Magic/Divine magic
- Chapter three/Magic/Cleric domains
- Chapter one/Character/Cleric
- Chapter three/Magic/Magician Spells
- Occupy province
- Bloodline Prodigy
- Eloéle
- Erik
- Chapter three/Magic/Creating magic items
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Blood abilities
- Favored region
- Table 1-12
- Fighter
- Chapter one/Character/Humans, Cerilian
- Chapter one/Character/Ranger
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Blood ability descriptions
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Goblin, Cerilian
- Light of Reason
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Bloodline strength
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Dragon, Cerilian
- Heresy
- Standard action
- Introduction/fr
- Skills
- Shadow sense
- Chapter five/Ruling a domain/Domain collections
- Chapter four/Gods and religion/Avani
- Detect Life
- Chapter two/Blood and regency
- Bloodline strength
- Archer
- Chapter three/Magic/Spell descriptions
- Presence
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/fr
- Errata
- Chapter nine/Creatures/Orog
- Divine Aura
- Ply trade
- Chapter three/Magic
- Hardiness
- Anuirean
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Blood ability
- Justice Domain
- Born to lead
- Main
- Blooded Scion (Feat)
- Table 4-7: Human deities
- Chapter two/Blood and regency/Bloodline derivation
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, 05-20-2007 at 02:12 PM