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  1. #11
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witness3 View Post
    Now that's cool! here is a dropbox link. I will upload here on downloads section when I feel confident it's done (The book is actually finished but I'm doing reviewing and editing). Have fun, waiting on some comments!
    Wow... that is quite a bit of work, way more than i have done. I guess i rely on the original 2nd Ed rules a lot. Heh. I'll send you a PM with some of my thoughts.


  2. #12
    Member Swashbuckler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fizz View Post
    I had always thought (or at least kiddingly assumed) that George RR Martin had stolen ideas from Birthright. But you are correct that the first of the SOIAF books came out in 1996, just one year after Birthright (though Martin had started writing years before). Still there are a lot of parallels (the Iron Throne, broken empire, geopolitical intrigue and war, limited magic and monsters). So definitely a good source.

    I recall from one of my recent visits to GaryCon or GameHoleCon, when we were sitting around and chatting with some of the old-school TSR folks, that G.R.R. Martin and Ed Stark were supposedly both in the same writer's forum back in the late 80's or early 90's, and were familiar with one another. Not sure if it was true or not, but the many comparisons between Birthright setting and the stories Martin crafted in his Westeros are awfully darned similar. Someone even made the claim that the character "Ned Stark" was a direct nod to Ed - again, no idea if it is true or not.
    "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
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  3. #13
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    Surprised no one has mentioned the movie Excalibur which depicts an on screen depiction of the connection between its ruler and the land.

  4. #14
    New entry for me, The Last Duel by R. Scott. Besides the movie's topic which I'm not going to argue here, the movie shows some aspects that are pivotal in Birthright, to me at least.

    First, there are some good ideas to make mass battles more than just glorified chess / skirmishes. What if something happens that forces player to do a risky tactic or fall into a trap? what if an ally flees, or worse, betrays you during a battle? What if your characters are forced to reach a spot in the battlefield and need to open their way though the enemies?

    Second, it show how (fantasy, in our case) politics but also social values such as honor or respectability may be a driving force for drama / adventures / motivations / diplomacy and move a character motivations. IMHO the characters are the quintessential lawful neutral/evil alignments in play.

    Marrying someone with a better bloodline could be an important factor in itself alone, heavy taxation can be read with more than just extra accounting, and be source for an animosity that can go beyond the "oh but I have enough law holdings so shut up" rule. What if your duke granted your baron friend a province that you see as yours...(drum roll) by right of birth?

    Third, it shows how holdings may be more than just a bureaucratic annoyance. What if the church starts meddling with your matters of the law random event? Or maybe a guild helps a guilty convict escape...

    Finally, it kinda makes me want to create a more complex juridical system just for blood matters. Suppose, in a fantasy world, that matters of blood , being divine in nature, respond to different laws, a bit more brutal in nature. Hiding or mimicking a bloodline via magic could be punished by death or blood theft, also, the Blood challenge event could be a formal duel requested and granted by the church, if the contestant is deemed right in his claims.

    I loved the "no magic items" rule in challenges at the begin of the movie, would have made so much sense in a d&d duel!

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Witness3 View Post
    Finally, it kinda makes me want to create a more complex juridical system just for blood matters. Suppose, in a fantasy world, that matters of blood , being divine in nature, respond to different laws, a bit more brutal in nature. Hiding or mimicking a bloodline via magic could be punished by death or blood theft, also, the Blood challenge event could be a formal duel requested and granted by the church, if the contestant is deemed right in his claims.

    I loved the "no magic items" rule in challenges at the begin of the movie, would have made so much sense in a d&d duel!
    This should definitely be addressed in any BR campaign, IMHO. I think this sort of thing gets far too little attention in games that I've been a part of as a player...

  6. #16
    Special Guest (Donor)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The incredible, edible Phil View Post
    Surprised no one has mentioned the movie Excalibur which depicts an on screen depiction of the connection between its ruler and the land.
    Yes that is a bit surprising. Maybe it was too obvious to be noticed. Lol. But you are absolutely correct, that is a good reference.


  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Witness3 View Post
    Of course I'm not talking about Rich Baker's Appendix N or the "real" birthright influences, but about everything birthright brings to mind fans.
    Does Mr. Baker have an Appendix N?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by unnatural 20 View Post
    Does Mr. Baker have an Appendix N?
    There is no official list, AFAIK. Maybe he has quoted some influence in some interview, but nothing I recall now.

  9. #19
    Shame! I’d love to find some good books on war, fiction and non fiction

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