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  1. #1

    5E Mirkwood Campaign - Rules for Holding

    I haven't had a chance to look at this book, but I found myself in the 5E section looking at the new books and noticed the new Mirkwood Campaign book for Lord of the Rings. Well, I almost bypassed reading the back when I noticed it mentioned something about 'Rules for Holdings'. So, I am curious if anyone has this book and, if so, inform me if it is anything relevant to a Birthright Holding or anything of that sort.

  2. #2
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Knowing Mirkwood (from the original novels), it may have grapple rules for spider webs
    Last edited by Sorontar; 05-15-2018 at 01:41 AM.
    Information Communication ILLUMINATION!!

  3. #3
    From the sounds of the book, it is either some form of fort or, if I can believe it, something similar to Birthright... but until either a friend of mine purchases it or someone on here can confirm it, I'm hanging on hope. Either way, I hope it relates to Birthright or else this thread won't have a purpose.

  4. #4
    Site Moderator Sorontar's Avatar
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    Well, looking at reviews, it certainly seems relevant:

    "There are rules for personal holdings, so that your characters can own a real stake in the future of Middle-earth. Be they hunting grounds, an inn, or a silver mine, the Mirkwood Campaign gives you the tools to allow your players to develop an even deeper involvement in Wilderland."

    I have also found references to holdings in discussions about The One Ring RPG (obviously not D&D 5e):

    "The introduction offers new rules on Holdings, that allow Companions to establish their own places in the region - like farms, small commercial ventures, or similar. Such Holdings require attention and maintenance, but they help involve the character and support their drive for greater Standing and improved Wealth. They make for personal assets that invest the Company in the protection and prosperity of the region"

    "I don't have much experience with holdings, I've just only granted one to one companion in our group as a reward from Beorn. But I bet when the players realise holdings will help with upkeeping status which in turn helps with social encounters, they will be all looking to get them. :lol:

    But if you start with a holding, it's easier to raise your status within the community as well, or they might even have higher status from the start, which is something to consider? Depending of course, how rich the holding is."

  5. #5
    In relation to holdings, and upcoming rules, I know that Matt Colville's Strongholds project will be available for separate purchase once the book has finished publishing.

    That could be another opportunity to have 5e rules and re-work them for the needs of a Birthright campaign.

  6. #6
    Site Moderator Magian's Avatar
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    Matt Colville in his Birthright video:

    Has said that the holdings based on the 4 base classes is a design flaw. I am curious as to how his design is regarding this in his Strongholds project.
    One law, One court, One allied people, One coin, and one tax, is what I shall bring to Cerilia.

  7. #7
    This is taken from Matt Colville's Strongholds & Followers Kickstarter page:

    Keeps let you raise armies, and the rules include a new, basic version of my forthcoming Warfare rules.
    Towers let you conduct spell research.
    Temples let you buff armies and towns.
    Establishments generate revenue and gather intelligence on your neighbors.

    Seems pretty similar to BR to me...

    I also read in the FAQ of the KS that he was planning on publishing more advanced rules to be able to rule a kingdom and not just a Stronghold (going farther in BR direction I suppose). I tried to contact him because I am working on the same thing (my KS preview should be online next week) but got no answer so far.

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