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Thread: Drow?

  1. #21


    In a message dated 98-04-08 14:19:36 EDT, you write:

    > Though, I wonder, if elves would evolve
    > as fast as humans, through natural selection?

    The race of elves (driven underground during the elf-human wars many centuries
    ago) which I designed for my own campaign cast powerful magic upon themselves
    which bent their minds and enhanced their bodies in some...unusual ways.
    These modifications were done to themselves in order to enable them to better
    compete as a race in the underground world. I don't have my notes one this
    computer or I'd transmit them for the list, besides they're quite lengthy.
    Perhaps I'll just add them to my web page...

    - -DKE

  2. #22


    In a message dated 98-04-08 15:51:53 EDT, you write:


    Would elves tend to evolve in an underground habitat more toward the Rockseer
    Elves, or the Drow. I would imagine it would be the Rockseers. So your
    explanation would be best when considering the creation of drow.

  3. #23
    Gary V. Foss


    Kyle Foster wrote:

    > I personally like the fact that there are no drow in BIRTHRIGHT. I
    > think they have been over used of late and lost some of the terror they
    > once inspired in players. (This could just be because I ran a really
    > long FR game and got really sick of Drow and the like).
    > I think BIRTHRIGHT is closer to the Celtic and Norwegien concept of
    > Light and Dark , or Seelie(sp) and UnSeelie(sp) courts in some ways.
    > The Elven realm in the Vos guide comes pretty close to the unseelie
    > court in some ways.
    > I also prefer the fact my players can't tell a "good" elf from a "bad"
    > one. Though I think that an elven character could probably recognize an
    > elf who had truely embraced evil along the lines of the Fiest RIFTWAR
    > saga. No one else could recognize an "evil" elf by appearnce, but the
    > elves could instictivly recognize the wrongness and pain in the evil
    > elfs spirit.

    Hear, hear! I agree wholeheartedly. What's the point in having a
    campaign world if after it is released all of the generic game monsters
    introduced? That's why I don't much care for the introduction of drow,
    psionics, planar adventures or non-blooded ruler to the Birthright
    setting. It
    just makes it too much like all the other game worlds.

    - -Gary

  4. #24
    Jim Cooper


    Gary V. Foss wrote:
    > Hear, hear! I agree wholeheartedly. What's the point in having a
    > specialized
    > campaign world if after it is released all of the generic game monsters
    > are
    > introduced? That's why I don't much care for the introduction of drow,
    > gnomes,
    > psionics, planar adventures or non-blooded ruler to the Birthright
    > setting. It
    > just makes it too much like all the other game worlds.
    > -Gary

    Hmmm, what always attracted me to Birthright is the fact that you could
    play rulers and such, and there are game mechanics to govern this, not
    that you possessed a bloodline. I could still play Birthright without
    having bloodabilities, questing to eventually find my destiny (in being
    a Guildmaster, Emperor, ArchBishop, or whatever). But I don't think
    this milieu would ever have attracted me without the possibity of me
    being a ruler of a domain, or eventually becoming one. In short, I
    think what makes Birthright a unique campagin setting is because your a
    ruler and can effect the shape of the game world much more tangibly, not
    because you have some sort of 'divine right'.

    But, being a closet munchkin myself, I love being able to have all those
    juicy power abilities that bloodlines allow characters to have! :)

    heh heh

    Darren ('I can't understand why most of my players want to play
    unblooded lackeys of NPC rulers') Cooper :-D

  5. #25


    In a message dated 98-04-08 18:46:14 EDT, you write:

    Light and Dark , or Seelie(sp) and UnSeelie(sp) courts in some ways. >>

    This is 100% the concept of Birthright. The light vs. the dark.. And just as
    natural history illustrates, both the light and the good are plagued with
    traitors amongst the ranks (Boeruine for example).

  6. #26


    In a message dated 98-04-08 17:51:30 EDT, you write:

    > Would elves tend to evolve in an underground habitat more toward the
    > Rockseer
    > Elves, or the Drow. I would imagine it would be the Rockseers. So your
    > explanation would be best when considering the creation of drow.
    My point was that I was creating a new race, tailored for Birthright. These
    are not drow, nor are they quite Shadow Elves from Mystara.

    - -DKE

  7. #27


    On 09-Apr-98, Tremiere ( wrote about Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] -
    - ->In a message dated 98-04-08 18:46:14 EDT, you write:

    - -> > Light and Dark , or Seelie(sp) and UnSeelie(sp) courts in some ways. >>

    - ->This is 100% the concept of Birthright. The light vs. the dark.. And just
    - ->natural history illustrates, both the light and the good are plagued with
    - ->traitors amongst the ranks (Boeruine for example).

    When having "elven races" of which one is generally evil and the other good,
    why not do the same thing with humans, pale humans tends to evil while colored
    humans are good? (the choise of colors is based oon the standard meaning of

    //Trizt of Ward^RITE


  8. #28 (Benja


    On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 12:10:15 -0700 "Tim Nutting"
    >Tuar Annwn?
    >Is this in Vosgaard?
    >Tim Nutting

    Absolutely!! It is the youngest elven nation on Cerelia, and also the
    most isolated now. Nobody messes with 'em.

    Benjamin, Mr. Vosgaard

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  9. #29
    James Ruhland


    > Tuar Annwn?
    > Is this in Vosgaard?
    Yep: interesting realm. Synopsis: the Tuar Annwn elves were about to be
    pushed into the sea by a horde of Vos, one of the TA mages did something. .
    .creative. . .which resulted in forces from the Shadow World saving the
    elves' bacon, but one of the effects of their pyhrric victory was that TA
    now exists partway "between" the Shadow World & Aerbrynnis. And the elves
    are somewhat affected by this shadowy existance.
    They aint "evil" just kinda. . .different (even other Elves don't send
    their kids on spring break to TA.)

  10. #30


    - ----- Begin Included Message -----

    Tuar Annwn?

    Is this in Vosgaard?

    - ----- End Included Message -----

    Yes. It's partially in the Shadowworld for much the same reason as Seideth (sp?) if you have the Tuarhaveil sourcebook. The elves breached the barrier to the
    shadow to drive off the Vos and haven't been able to close it completly. This
    kingdom probably will be involved in the upcoming shadow world adventures/SBs.

    In my history of Vosgaard, written well before Tribes, Tuar Annwn used to be an
    empire in Northern Vosgaard. I treated it much like Melnibone. Gaunt, pale
    Elves with "evil" (vs humans) and sorceress tendencies. The addition of the
    shadow menace has only added to this cloak of mystery and fear. I changed the
    facts presented in Tribes slightly so the Melnibon.... er, Elves used the
    shadow weapon against both their revolting human vassels and their outside Vos
    allies. The elves of Mighty Tuar Annwn have cooperated with humans, ruled them
    and hunted them as animals. They now skulk in slendid dreamy isolation. In
    many descriptions of elven realms the following statement is paid lip service,
    but not enforced by DMs (elves- everybody's favorite PC ya know). In Tuar
    Annwn, it's certain death for any human to set foot in this part of the forest.


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