>Capturing Enemy Soldiers.
>When in battle and an unit is routed, but has no where to flee to
>normally the unit is destoryed. I instead rule that the unit has
>surrendered or been captured by the enemy. This means that soldiers can
>be captured by the enemy and are considered prisoners of war.
>Also when a unit is attempting to flee the province, but can not do so
>they unit can be captured.
>These prisoners of war can then be put to work in labour camps or can be
>drafted into slave units.
>Ian Hoskins

Nice idea, but wasn't there a strong tradition of ransoming captured
soldiers in medieval and renaissance times, with pretty much standard
prices? Game masters could establish such a "ransom scale", and any ruler
who wouldn't accept to pay to get his soldiers out of prison camps would
look hearthless and/or broke to the other regents.
Perhaps the ransomed units could be mustered again at lower cost, since
they don't have to be trained again, although they would have to be given
new equipment.


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