
Tag: resource

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  1. Site Hosting Issues?

    Started by EleeTadpole, 05-18-2020 02:43 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    assistance, birthright, brcs, brwiki, changed, common, concern, content, costs, damage, free, hosting, http, index, mail, modern, page, pages, resource, running, shoot, structure, system, title, version, wiki
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 11,561
    Last Post: 06-07-2020 10:36 AM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 29,482
    Last Post: 12-23-2019 01:14 AM
    by Mirviriam  Go to last post
  2. Website down

    Started by Arius Vistoon, 01-09-2016 10:25 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    access, anytime, art, birthright, community, dealing, display, fans, free, games, guys, minor, moment, origin, page, pesky, resource, run, running, spirit, wiki, world, worry
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 59,726
    Last Post: 03-14-2017 01:08 AM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  3. GM Tool for Birthright Campaign

    Started by Blaede, 08-13-2012 10:15 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    access, answer, app, application, browser, building, campaign, code, community, directory, dnd, download, early, form, game, guess, master, page, pages, project, projects, reach, resource, rule, screenshot, side, status, tool, version
    • Replies: 28
    • Views: 62,777
    Last Post: 03-12-2014 11:34 AM
    by Blaede  Go to last post
  4. Mhoried Map Preview

    Started by lucky, 07-24-2012 06:05 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    adventures, arts, campaign, cartographer, category, cities, content, experience, general, halfblogre, hex, map, mapping, maps, mundane, point, project, provinces, random, resource, swashbuckler, tools, torien, village
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 21,826
    Last Post: 06-14-2013 05:58 AM
    by lucky  Go to last post
  5. 2nd Edition Resources

    Started by Sinister, 11-12-2011 11:55 PM
    2nd, 2nd edition, domain, download, downloads, edition, game, income, resource, resources, section, tax, wondering
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 10,367
    Last Post: 11-13-2011 12:48 AM
    by Arjan  Go to last post
  6. Guild Products (was: - Alignmen

    Started by Mark A Vandermeulen, 02-24-1999 08:51 PM
    bonus, bor, born, campaign, city, color, cost, domain, domain action, game, guild, income, iron, medieval, merchandise, morg, pbem, province, regent, resource, seasonal, solmyr, stone, time, varsk, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,708
    Last Post: 02-24-1999 08:51 PM
    by Mark A Vandermeulen  Go to last post
  7. Romans same as Norse Gods

    Started by Kenneth Gauck, 02-26-1999 07:00 PM
    areas, attitude, barbarians, battle, changed, concerns, cults, day, deities, differences, evil, foreign, function, god, gods, nature, original, quest, religion, resource, social, sun, thunder, warrior, worship
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,997
    Last Post: 02-26-1999 07:00 PM
    by Kenneth Gauck  Go to last post
  8. URLs

    Started by, 04-13-1999 08:41 AM
    box, domain, player, prince, resource
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,811
    Last Post: 04-14-1999 03:26 AM
    by darkstar  Go to last post
  9. Salary of Lieutenants and Court

    Started by Kenneth Gauck, 01-25-1999 01:53 AM
    action, actions, armies, cash, court, crown, discipline, domain, domains, experience, games, government, lieutenants, money, player, realm, resource, save, side, standard, strategy, system, time, turn, war
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 8,234
    Last Post: 01-25-1999 09:20 AM
    by Pieter Sleijpen  Go to last post
  10. GB vs RP

    Started by Antonio Lopez, 08-15-1998 06:31 PM
    answer, art, bloodline, bloodline strength, castles, collect, collected, diplomacy, domain, game, gold, grand, guilder, investiture, money, point, power, raise, realm, resource, ring, rps, strength, turn, vassalage
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,697
    Last Post: 08-16-1998 07:26 PM
    by  Go to last post
  11. Apologies & Vos

    Started by morgramen, 08-09-1998 09:04 PM
    formation, pbem, plan, resource, seeking
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,047
    Last Post: 08-09-1998 09:04 PM
    by morgramen  Go to last post
  12. Character Postings

    Started by Sepsis, 05-31-1998 12:12 AM
    area, art, blood, character, death, province, resource, road, ruin, rule, state, sun, survival, tool, true, vault, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,892
    Last Post: 05-31-1998 12:12 AM
    by Sepsis  Go to last post
  13. (no subject)

    Started by John, 11-30-1997 12:00 AM
    action, advice, art, born, coast, decree, diplomacy, heir, highlands, holding, law, law holding, level, loyal, loyalty, nations, pbem, player, province, random, rebellion, regent, resource, routes, running, super, tax, trade
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 3,909
    Last Post: 05-07-1998 04:21 AM
    by Ryan B. Caveney  Go to last post
  14. Sword of roele and Manslayer

    Started by Bronwyn & David Evans, 04-22-1998 10:37 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    aeric, anuirean, borders, city, darien, dwarf, elf, elves, fighting, forge, group, guide, guilder, leader, manslayer, plan, players, prince, purpose, race, ranger, resource, rhoubhe, strength, sword, territory, time, valid, war
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 12,158
    Last Post: 04-25-1998 03:06 AM
    by Drake90094  Go to last post
  15. OCP - Ideas on the district

    Started by Taras Guarhoth, 03-07-1998 05:31 AM
    adventure, adventures, city, completely, cooper, est, expansion, formal, free, guess, king, members, overpowered, players, random, realm, resource, rpga, scenario, section, series, version
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,473
    Last Post: 03-07-1998 04:13 PM
    by HSwiftfoot  Go to last post
  16. OCP - sign-up clarification and com

    Started by, 02-17-1998 01:56 AM
    areas, city, clarified, cover, group, guess, human, land, law, level, magic, major, member, miscellaneous, noble, powerful, project, resource, rule, section, time, title, tribute, type, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,255
    Last Post: 02-17-1998 01:56 AM
    by  Go to last post
  17. Books

    Started by John, 11-30-1997 12:00 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    anuirean, basil, building, couple, cultural, divination, dragon, empire, est, feudalism, game, katherine, law, level, magic, martin, mystery, novels, plot, power, resource, run, running, thrones, Tolkien, town, warfare, wealth, world
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 8,772
    Last Post: 02-11-1998 12:07 AM
    by E Gray  Go to last post
  18. online city

    Started by Ludovic LIEVRE, 01-29-1998 01:20 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    building, cartographer, chamberlain, character, city, couple, equality, formal, free, gem, haven, hosting, imperial, imperial city, inn, James, location, lord, major, order, pirate, place, plan, production, project, public, resource, shot, small, staff, super, time, trade, vote, votes, world
    • Replies: 24
    • Views: 16,462
    Last Post: 01-30-1998 01:36 AM
    by Colleen Simpson  Go to last post
  19. I am in charge

    Started by Akash Kanojia, 01-29-1998 07:31 AM
    2nd, areas, artist, cartographer, chaos, city, deal, formation, government, graphic, guild, holding, imperial, James, levels, mods, organization, project, resource, results, status, step, time, tribute, volunteer, vote, votes
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 7,148
    Last Post: 01-31-1998 09:23 PM
    by Glenn Robb  Go to last post
  20. Voting Update

    Started by Darkstar, 01-29-1998 04:11 PM
    2nd, areas, box, changed, city, collected, cooper, count, current, darkness, day, est, gold, imperial, influence, morning, page, pbem, resource, result, run, running, step, vote, votes, voting
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,646
    Last Post: 01-29-1998 07:39 PM
    by Akash Kanojia  Go to last post
  21. Coordination for Online City

    Started by Bryan Palmer, 01-29-1998 03:59 PM
    box, city, close, completely, control, count, deal, developed, experience, formation, general, pbem, resource, results, state, time, votes
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,363
    Last Post: 01-29-1998 03:59 PM
    by Bryan Palmer  Go to last post
  22. VOTING - Online City

    Started by Akash Kanojia, 01-29-1998 04:24 AM
    area, areas, building, campaigns, cities, city, control, fourth, future, game, guild, heir, holding, imperial, imperial city, law, pbem, plan, product, public, record, resource, source, temple, tribute, vote, votes, voting
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 3,782
    Last Post: 01-29-1998 03:46 PM
    by Mauricio Muñoz Lorenzo  Go to last post
  23. Level of power

    Started by Bearcat, 11-30-1997 12:00 AM
    army, campaign, campaigns, cast, characters, fighting, fourth, history, income, level, point, power, powerful, realm, regular, resource, royal, source, spell, subversion, true, turn, visit, wizards, world
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 3,282
    Last Post: 02-12-1998 03:47 PM
    by Neil Barnes  Go to last post
  24. On-line City

    Started by Jim Cooper, 01-29-1998 07:24 AM
    areas, art, campaigns, city, cooper, discussion, follow, group, heir, members, moderator, order, pbem, project, resource, step, supplement, time
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 2,524
    Last Post: 01-29-1998 03:52 PM
    by Mauricio Muñoz Lorenzo  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 123
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