
Tag: magician

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  1. House:Evuarr

    Started by Witness3, 03-07-2024 02:49 PM
    alignment, blood, category, class, current, days, dead, dimas, divine, duel, faith, family, friends, gregor, grid, house, kurth, lowstar, magician, markov, nature, noble, politics, realm, sea, size, skills, spear, title, weapon, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,540
    Last Post: 03-07-2024 02:49 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  2. Yusuf Khaled

    Started by Witness3, 01-01-2024 05:00 PM
    alignment, ancient, biography, city, cold, couple, death, dimas, diplomacy, domain, feats, formation, harold, history, khaled, lowstar, magician, member, realm, religion, search, ship, skills, spell, trade, ulfer, version, wand, weapon, wiki, yusuf
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,066
    Last Post: 01-01-2024 05:00 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  3. Nyurehv

    Started by Witness3, 12-21-2023 06:26 PM
    ancient, area, banner, castle, city, domain, eastern, evil, giant, gregor, magician, major, molev, population, province, regent, rivers, route, ruler, rumor, serving, showing, south, town, trade, tsarina, unit, wiki, winter
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,483
    Last Post: 12-21-2023 06:26 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  4. Birthright conversion for Castles & Crusades

    Started by Fizz, 12-08-2022 09:02 PM
    abilities, blood, class, conversion, cover, crusade, crusades, d20, document, domain, download, downloads, familiar, focus, game, guilder, magician, mechanic, players, priest, rpg, rules, specialty, spell, version
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,797
    Last Post: 12-19-2022 01:54 PM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  5. PnP:Shadows over the southern seas/Chapter 3

    Started by Witness3, 05-23-2022 10:47 AM
    allowed, attack, blood, borders, city, dead, duel, empire, evil, guild, guilder, holy, magic, magician, major, map, news, place, plague, point, power, province, religion, seas, spider, throne, title
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 17,101
    Last Post: 05-23-2022 10:47 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  6. PnP:Shadows over the southern seas/Chapter 1

    Started by Witness3, 05-23-2022 07:25 AM
    2nd, answer, area, arts, blood, borders, casting, chamberlain, city, crown, dead, death, glory, guild, house, human, magician, monster, place, province, seas, spell, sword, temple, title, unit, waters
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 12,285
    Last Post: 05-23-2022 07:25 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  7. New Birthright Campaign - Which conversion?

    Started by salz78, 05-14-2019 12:54 AM
    5th, 5th edition, adventure, art, balanced, birthright, campaign, complete, convention, conversion, document, edition, games, guilder, heir, magician, original, page, players, rules, run, setting, star, version, versions
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 25,193
    Last Post: 05-16-2019 08:21 PM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  8. Magician 5e

    Started by Tahliat, 10-30-2018 02:50 PM
    3rd, arcane, area, asks, bonuses, class, device, diviner, fields, goals, illusion, level, mage, magician, original, paladin, powers, race, set, shadow, spell, true, variant, version, wiki, wizard, world
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 28,112
    Last Post: 11-03-2018 10:09 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  9. Magician 5e

    Started by Tahliat, 10-30-2018 08:43 AM
    2nd, 3rd, attack, background, bonus, casting, change, count, d20, deal, future, gold, handbook, history, intelligence, magician, minor, missile, nature, plane, player, powers, setting, throws, time, turn
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 21,390
    Last Post: 10-30-2018 08:43 AM
    by Tahliat  Go to last post


  10. 5e Edition Magician

    Started by Tahliat, 10-30-2018 03:54 AM
    ability, diviner, edition, essentially, feedback, magician
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 16,654
    Last Post: 10-30-2018 03:54 AM
    by Tahliat  Go to last post
  11. Magician spells

    Started by Kaleph, 08-06-2017 12:16 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    birthright, brcs, campaign, cast, casting, change, chapter, class, conversion, days, device, future, general, guess, house, level, magician, paizo, place, realm, rule, spell, spells, title, useless, version
    • Replies: 25
    • Views: 35,744
    Last Post: 09-01-2022 11:24 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  12. Wizards and artifacts

    Started by Magian, 10-31-2012 08:20 PM
    answer, blooded, cast, chamber, class, college, current, description, holding, magic, magician, mix, nature, point, power, realm, realms, seek, shadow, shadow world, sorcery, source, spells, tainted, unblooded, wizard, world
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 13,187
    Last Post: 11-02-2012 07:11 PM
    by Jaleela  Go to last post
  13. General Question and first post!

    Started by The Count of Muden, 01-26-2012 10:47 PM
    bloodline, class, count, domain, edition, features, folks, game, general, history, level, lost, mage, magic, magician, master, players, run, running, skills, time, trade, unblooded, wiki, wizard
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 8,975
    Last Post: 01-27-2012 05:04 PM
    by The Count of Muden  Go to last post
  14. Using Player Option Stuff

    Started by Sinister, 11-25-2011 06:47 PM
    article, cleric, clerics, curiceacen, dragon, dragon magazine, game, guys, level, magazine, magician, page, pages, player, players, points, powers, priest, shameless, skills, spells, title, wiki, wizards, wondering
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 11,242
    Last Post: 11-28-2011 09:21 PM
    by Sinister  Go to last post
  15. 4e

    Started by teloft, 11-13-2011 03:13 AM
    4th edition, active, adventure, bonus, brcs, character, conversion, domain, edition, empire, fan, feats, magician, mod, pbem, player, realm, ruins, rule, rules, time, version, wiki, wondering, wotc
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 23,709
    Last Post: 11-27-2012 02:36 AM
    by Blastin  Go to last post
  16. Azrai`s Boy

    Started by Jim Cooper, 03-03-1999 07:28 AM
    Aebrynis, ancient, atlas, azrai, boy, brotherhood, campaign, champion, city, domain, emperor, evil, game, god, handbook, investiture, magician, money, original, powerful, qadim, raven, rule, super, technology, tribes, type, upcoming, worship
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,427
    Last Post: 03-03-1999 07:28 AM
    by Jim Cooper  Go to last post
  17. Regency and Wizards (longish) w

    Started by, 02-17-1999 10:35 PM
    abstract, anuirean, asks, bloodlines, building, characters, cost, dream, holding, holdings, influence, land, magical, magician, mortals, points, power, province, purpose, regency, regent, reputation, rps, rules, source, spells, task, wizards
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 9,705
    Last Post: 02-18-1999 07:17 AM
    by  Go to last post
  18. New Race: the Khinasi Ogre

    Started by Solmyr, 01-28-1999 08:28 PM
    adventurers, alignment, anuirean, ariya, cities, fighter, free, generally, heir, limits, magician, ogre, origin, priest, qadim, race, ranger, solmyr, trade, tribes, wizard, worship
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 7,746
    Last Post: 01-29-1999 04:47 PM
    by Solmyr  Go to last post
  19. Mages and magicians on the battlefi

    Started by Jonathan Ingram, 11-04-1998 11:19 AM
    area, battlefield, battles, blooded, casting, changed, completely, cost, discussion, effects, enemy, group, level, mage, magic, magician, rare, realm, regent, story, time, tribute, true, unit, wizard
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,510
    Last Post: 11-04-1998 11:19 AM
    by Jonathan Ingram  Go to last post
  20. Mages and magicians on the batt

    Started by Kenneth Gauck, 11-04-1998 03:18 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, battlefield, battlespells, casting, combat, costs, enemy, favor, fun, hail, house, leader, level, locate, mage, mages, magic, magician, magicians, player, point, powerful, production, purpose, realm, regent, scene, shot, super, tribute, unit, warriors
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 10,197
    Last Post: 11-09-1998 04:42 AM
    by Jonathan Ingram  Go to last post
  21. Magicians and Other Worlds

    Started by, 12-03-1998 12:54 AM
    3rd, ability, casting, divination, follow, free, game, god, illusion, land, lose, mages, magician, magicians, minor, place, player, power, proficiencies, spells, standard, theory, wizards, world, worlds
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,215
    Last Post: 12-10-1998 06:22 PM
    by Mark A Vandermeulen  Go to last post
  22. The Chamberlain of the CoA (long)

    Started by Simon Graindorge, 10-23-1998 06:30 AM
    accepted, actions, attack, bloodline, box, card, chamberlain, city, current, domain, empire, future, game, gold, handling, income, iron, level, magician, major, map, plan, province, public, regent, reputation, running, throne, voting
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,343
    Last Post: 10-23-1998 06:30 AM
    by Simon Graindorge  Go to last post
  23. Rebellion and a Head Count

    Started by Gary V. Foss, 09-12-1998 11:52 PM
    adventure, campaign, count, fun, general, magical, magician, order, players, plot, project, rebellion, run, running, temple, travel, true, warriors, wizards
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 5,367
    Last Post: 09-13-1998 10:44 AM
    by MANTA  Go to last post
  24. Blooded Magicians

    Started by Gary V. Foss, 09-10-1998 11:48 AM
    adventure, ariya, blood, blooded, campaign, character, characters, class, group, guys, henchman, James, level, mages, magician, magicians, oaths, pilgrimage, players, proficiencies, regular, running, spell, temple, true, weapon, wizards
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 3,671
    Last Post: 09-15-1998 09:35 AM
    by Gary V. Foss  Go to last post
  25. Warding (was The elves shal

    Started by Caleb Chitwood, 07-01-1998 07:37 PM
    casting, character, days, dimension, direction, divination, druid, elves, familiar, level, lost, magical, magician, pbem, plane, powers, province, shot, skills, solmyr, solution, spell, tower, trait, travel, wizard
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 6,873
    Last Post: 07-02-1998 07:32 PM
    by  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 274
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