
Tag: mass

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  1. Battle of Lake Ladan

    Started by Witness3, 03-25-2024 06:28 PM
    army, battles, campaign, complete, dawn, days, dead, deal, death, heartless, history, influence, invasion, kaerevesk, kurth, lore, map, mass, plan, race, realm, resistance, roslöw, showing, strike, temple, territories, true, ulfer, winter
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,844
    Last Post: 03-25-2024 06:28 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  2. Dimas Lowstar

    Started by Witness3, 02-17-2024 02:04 PM
    alignment, army, biography, blood, bonus, challenge, chamber, combat, dimas, domain, enemy, feats, god, gold, lowstar, martial, mass, military, nature, nikoli, nobility, noble, realm, search, shield, skills, strength, weapon, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,712
    Last Post: 02-17-2024 02:04 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 10,321
    Last Post: 12-29-2023 10:12 AM
    by Delazar  Go to last post
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 12,655
    Last Post: 08-16-2022 03:28 PM
    by masterdaorin  Go to last post
  3. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Eleven

    Started by Sorontar, 04-25-2021 03:17 AM
    action, allowed, attack, blood, current, day, deep, divine, effect, evil, form, house, human, land, magic, mass, master, place, point, power, rising, shadow, time, trip, true, waters
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 14,045
    Last Post: 04-25-2021 03:17 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  4. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Twenty

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 10:20 PM
    arts, attack, change, concerns, current, dangerous, deal, death, discussion, evil, formation, mage, magic, mass, place, power, province, sea, settlement, shadow, source, spear, strange, sword, time, training, turn
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,413
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 10:20 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  5. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Nine

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 09:38 PM
    absence, attack, bow, change, control, curse, events, evil, group, identify, inn, magic, mass, melee, ordeal, place, point, powers, search, shadow, sneak, strange, tales, time, town, turn
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,455
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 09:38 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  6. Birthright in roll20

    Started by rdnsantos, 01-28-2021 06:29 PM
    alliance, battlefield, battles, birthright, campaign, cards, combat, domain, formula, graphic, guess, map, mass, music, players, roads, rules, run, skill, suggestion, tips, tool, trade
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 6,950
    Last Post: 01-29-2021 11:05 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post
  7. Sword Chronicle

    Started by Fizz, 08-05-2020 03:01 AM
    birthright, blog, character, chronicle, combat, fire, heir, house, mass, noble, roleplaying, ronin, rules, song, statistic, status, sword, system, version
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,204
    Last Post: 08-05-2020 03:01 AM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  8. Arcane realm spell

    Started by Sorontar, 06-05-2020 11:02 AM
    arcane, armor, arms, battle, cast, category, dead, death, game, legion, magic, mass, mebhaighl, plague, province, race, realm, realm magic, regent, scry, shadow, spell, stronghold, subversion, unit
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,832
    Last Post: 06-05-2020 11:02 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  9. Abstracted battle system

    Started by Galdred, 06-03-2019 09:04 PM
    abstracted, actions, army, battle, battles, campaign, campaigns, card, completely, computer, domains, heir, homebrew, influence, legion, level, mass, player, realm, rpg, rules, ruleset, simple, strategic, wargame, zodiac
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 26,206
    Last Post: 09-01-2019 08:20 PM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  10. Birthright 5e

    Started by Tahliat, 10-30-2018 03:07 PM
    abilities, battles, birthright, bloodline, bloodlines, campaign, collected, conversion, derivation, difference, edition, gunhouse, heir, houserules, magic, mass, mention, powers, realm, realm magic, rulebook, rules, run, running, section, versions
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 30,533
    Last Post: 07-03-2024 01:26 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  11. Original BR battlesystem question

    Started by Nakraal, 08-24-2018 08:06 PM
    2nd, 2nd edition, allowed, area, army, banner, battle, battles, battlesystem, campaigns, cards, couple, edition, enemy, general, guess, heir, homebrew, mass, multiple, original, path, ruleset, time, unit, units
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 26,500
    Last Post: 10-29-2018 02:12 PM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post
  12. Birthright Battles: Using Command and Colors

    Started by TheRedEpic, 08-20-2018 11:25 PM
    advice, battles, battlesystem, campaign, cards, color, combat, community, council, fun, homebrew, mass, miniatures, paint, place, regent, resources, run, skill, tactical, time, troop, types, warfare, wondering
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 25,089
    Last Post: 08-21-2018 06:20 PM
    by TheRedEpic  Go to last post
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 31,714
    Last Post: 12-23-2019 01:14 AM
    by Mirviriam  Go to last post
  13. Matt Coleville's Strongholds and Followers on Kickstarter.

    Started by nickgreyden, 02-12-2018 06:13 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    attention, birthright, blood, campaign, combat, component, domain, experience, faq, fields, fields of blood, folks, funded, games, goal, guys, intro, kickstarter, kingdom, major, mass, pdf, pirate, plan, projects, round, rpg, rules, ruling, setting, slightly, stronghold, strongholds, supplement, tai, typing, upcoming, version, war, witch
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 59,048
    Last Post: 12-15-2018 06:03 AM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post
  14. Rhuobhe Manslayer

    Started by Delazar, 04-01-2017 06:28 PM
    ability, anuirean, area, awnshegh, cold, creature, critical, day, dexterity, effect, fire, history, intelligence, level, manslayer, mass, melee, plan, point, shield, strength, terrain, throws, time, turn, vision, weapons
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 38,530
    Last Post: 06-04-2018 06:23 PM
    by Elton Robb  Go to last post
  15. Birthright using Godbound Rules

    Started by nickgreyden, 09-12-2016 01:49 PM
    3rd, birthright, combat, conversion, domain, fan, field, free, game, godbound, guys, head, land, mass, pages, pdf, recent, regency, rpg, rule, rules, run, running, sandbox, usurp, version
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 28,734
    Last Post: 09-27-2016 11:10 AM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post
  16. Sword and Crown

    Started by Rowan, 09-08-2016 02:36 AM
    action, actions, adventure, bonus, bring, chamberlain, crown, diplomacy, domain, emperor, events, festival, haven, hosting, major, mass, realm, search, setting, social, sword, tests, unit, votes, war, wiki
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 28,501
    Last Post: 09-08-2016 07:51 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 45,396
    Last Post: 09-07-2016 06:22 PM
    by Rowan  Go to last post
  17. The Ice Goddess

    Started by Rond0017, 05-18-2016 04:19 PM
    ancient, black, cleric, cliff, control, deity, island, mass, order, pirate, seas, spells, true, unknown, unusual, weather
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 14,077
    Last Post: 05-18-2016 04:19 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  18. Pathfinder's Ultimate Campaign's war rules

    Started by Lee, 03-23-2015 01:13 AM
    abilities, abstracted, armies, battle, battlefield, brcs, campaign, group, import, kingdom, kingmaker, level, mass, path, pathfinder, players, powerful, provinces, published, realm, rule, rules, ruleset, size, time, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 22,048
    Last Post: 03-23-2015 01:13 AM
    by Lee  Go to last post
  19. Pathfinder - Ultimate War from Legendary Games

    Started by JakobLiar, 01-23-2015 07:19 AM
    ability, anytime, birthright, campaign, combat, custom, expansion, game, games, gaming, havoc, kingmaker, legendary, lost, mass, mercenaries, money, months, pathfinder, race, rules, siege, supplement, ultimate, war
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 23,346
    Last Post: 02-01-2015 01:58 AM
    by JakobLiar  Go to last post
  20. the Icemarch

    Started by Marco Fossati, 12-12-2014 07:57 AM
    battle, city, climate, cold, completely, curse, eastern, goblins, houses, humans, land, legend, mass, nature, northern, powerful, provinces, realm, redirect, rules, southern, survival, torova, traveler, winter, wizard
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10
    Last Post: 12-12-2014 07:57 AM
    by Marco Fossati  Go to last post


  21. Birthright mentions in 5e books

    Started by ncs, 11-19-2014 09:01 AM
    balance, bloodlines, bor, combat, divine, domain, downloads, evil, fan, fantasy, future, god, handbook, horrible, mass, pdf, player, published, rulership, rules, scions, setting, wizards, worlds, wotc
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 18,171
    Last Post: 01-12-2015 04:27 AM
    by WesleyByrd  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 279
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