
Tag: resistance

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  1. Birthright Adventures

    Started by Lord Eldred, 11-04-2001 02:02 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    2nd, 2nd edition, 3rd, 3rd edition, ability, Anuire, campaign, class, core, couple, d20, domain, emperor, generally, geography, holy, level, levels, magician, paladin, plan, point, product, purpose, realm, regent, resistance, ruler, rulers, songs, temple, turn, turns, type
    • Replies: 28
    • Views: 27,578
    Last Post: 04-06-2004 08:00 AM
    by geeman  Go to last post
  2. Regent Personalities & Behaviours

    Started by morgramen, 11-17-2001 10:49 PM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    ach, acquire, ambition, ambitious, ancient, Anuire, Avan, avanil, building, campaign, Cerilia, control, empire, family, game, girl, head, knight, leader, loyal, loyalty, martin, morg, orthodox, philosophy, plan, point, public, regent, reputation, resistance, rule, shade, ship, size, spear, staff, surprise, sword, tighmaevril, time, values, visit, war, weak
    • Replies: 43
    • Views: 23,710
    Last Post: 12-19-2003 10:04 PM
    by CypherPax  Go to last post
  3. Battle Magic Poll

    Started by morgramen, 11-23-2001 05:49 PM
    11 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 11
    ability, acquire, advancing, Anuire, application, army, artillery, asks, balance, balanced, battlefield, campaign, cast, church, cleric, edition, effect, effects, envision, fire, generally, Gorgon, group, guess, gun, guns, hail, intelligence, level, magic, miracle, niche, paladin, poll, proceed, production, public, purpose, rare, realm, realm magic, resistance, scarred, shot, skirmishers, spellcasting, stag, suitable, surprise, test, time, trip, unique, unit, valid
    • Replies: 108
    • Views: 33,853
    Last Post: 03-23-2002 11:27 PM
    by Mark_Aurel  Go to last post
  4. Non-Human Races of Aduria

    Started by Raesene Andu, 11-23-2001 10:21 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    Aduria, ancient, animal, animals, Anuire, attack, azrai, bloodline, cities, city, class, dangerous, design, ecl, empire, form, god, human, intelligence, introduction, legacy, magic, native, nature, nonhuman, power, race, ranger, resistance, search, trade, tribe, tribes, version, worship
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 30,799
    Last Post: 06-07-2003 11:24 PM
    by RaspK_FOG  Go to last post
  5. Help with the Gorgon Please

    Started by Magian, 12-02-2001 05:52 AM
    5 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 5
    blood, blood enemies, bloodability, borders, change, changed, completely, debate, description, developed, domain, entry, evil, fighter, forge, god, Gorgon, king, level, levels, mage, original, power, powers, purpose, raven, request, resistance, sheghlien, simple, spell, state, suitable, system, wizard, wizards
    • Replies: 43
    • Views: 32,330
    Last Post: 10-19-2020 05:17 PM
    by Kell  Go to last post
  6. The Raven vs. The Gorgon -- who would win?

    Started by Lawgiver, 12-08-2001 11:54 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    board, cast, character, characters, close, combat, dangerous, deal, dealing, death, fighter, forge, Gorgon, league, level, levels, lost, magic, mortal, point, power, powerful, raven, resistance, spell, spells, strike, vote, weapon, wizard, wizards
    • Replies: 15
    • Views: 5,933
    Last Post: 06-19-2002 01:36 AM
    by Peter Lubke  Go to last post
  7. Alternate Hit Point System

    Started by Lawgiver, 12-11-2001 04:16 AM
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 6
    2nd, 2nd edition, 3rd, 3rd edition, ability, armour, attack, attacks, bonus, bonuses, character, characters, class, combat, damage, damaged, death, divine, dnd, fighting, Goblin, goblins, heir, intelligence, original, place, point, points, resistance, retreat, score, size, skill, sword, system, time, vampire, war, weapon, weapons
    • Replies: 56
    • Views: 22,414
    Last Post: 03-15-2002 05:42 AM
    by Lawgiver  Go to last post
  8. More deep thoughts by Lawgiver...

    Started by Lawgiver, 12-13-2001 04:52 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    3rd edition, ability, accept, advance, answer, art, asks, attack, attacking, battle, campaign, care, cast, deep, defence, defensive, familiar, guard, haven, lawgiver, level, lord, magic, nature, point, poll, resistance, rule, spell, spells, surprise, theory, time, type, vote
    • Replies: 24
    • Views: 8,396
    Last Post: 02-10-2002 06:27 PM
    by Lord Eldred  Go to last post
  9. Dark Elves-Awnsidhelien

    Started by Bryon, 12-29-2001 06:35 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    ability, azrai, battle, battles, beauty, bloodline, bonus, bonuses, campaign, Cerilia, cold, dexterity, empire, grim, human, land, level, magic, major, nature, place, race, resistance, return, rule, ruling, scene, settlement, source, surprise, sword, tribe, tribes, war, woman, women, world, worship
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 7,453
    Last Post: 07-01-2002 01:56 PM
    by Lord Eldred  Go to last post
  10. New prestige class

    Started by Protheus, 12-31-2001 07:11 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, answer, awnshegh, azrai, blood, bloodline, bloodtheft, character, class, combat, enemy, event, events, evil, heir, land, lord, power, prestige class, range, regent, resistance, rulers, scion, scions, search, strange, sword, tainted, war, wars
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 5,608
    Last Post: 01-14-2002 01:27 PM
    by Arch-Sorcerer Gargamel  Go to last post
  11. Magician Spells

    Started by Raedwald, 01-13-2002 02:37 PM
    astrology, bonus, class, close, continual, cover, creature, creatures, dangerous, description, descriptions, divination, flame, formation, hide, level, levels, magician, minor, negate, resistance, round, shadow, shadows, spell, spells, throw, time
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 8,013
    Last Post: 01-16-2002 02:48 PM
    by Raedwald  Go to last post
  12. The Swordhawk

    Started by Arch-Sorcerer Gargamel, 01-29-2002 04:13 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    ambidexterity, asks, awnshegh, azrai, blessed, blood, blood enemies, campaign, campaigns, chaos, class, focus, god, Gorgon, guild, guy, guys, level, levels, magic, minor, modification, modifier, monster, NPC, pbem, plan, regent, resistance, ruler, save, statistics, stats, surprise, time, weapon, weapons
    • Replies: 23
    • Views: 18,626
    Last Post: 03-15-2002 03:00 AM
    by Arch-Sorcerer Gargamel  Go to last post
  13. Battle magic poll

    Started by Green Knight, 02-20-2002 10:57 AM
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 7
    ability, acquire, application, artillery, balance, balanced, battle, category, character, class, classes, cleric, clerics, decent, domain, domains, edition, fighting, general, grounds, handling, intelligence, land, leader, magic, niche, plan, point, points, poll, power, powerful, public, purpose, realm, realm magic, regular, resistance, rule, school, shot, staff, super, throw, throws, useless, valid, village, wizard
    • Replies: 68
    • Views: 32,276
    Last Post: 03-23-2002 11:00 PM
    by Mark_Aurel  Go to last post
  14. Dwarves, Cerilian

    Started by Green Knight, 03-02-2002 11:03 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    3rd, 3rd edition, ability, attribute, attributes, balance, beauty, blood, bonus, change, craft, dexterity, dwarf, dwarven, energy, friend, general, greed, guild, heir, honour, knight, power, powers, resistance, score, scores, skill, skills, solution, super, supernatural, system, wizards, woman, women, world
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 5,513
    Last Post: 03-18-2002 12:55 PM
    by Baragos  Go to last post
  15. Bloodtheft

    Started by gav, 03-06-2002 12:25 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    ability, bastard, blood, bloodline, character, commoner, commoners, conversion, convert, dead, dirty, generally, Gorgon, group, head, order, pesky, place, player, pour, power, regency, regent, resistance, rule, scene, scion, scions, score, slay, system, times, travis, usurp, usurpation, version
    • Replies: 19
    • Views: 7,506
    Last Post: 03-09-2002 12:40 AM
    by blitzmacher  Go to last post
  16. Conversion - What about the Gorgon?

    Started by Green Knight, 03-12-2002 11:16 AM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    Anuire, anuirean, asks, Avani, azrai, bloodline, convert, couple, deity, divine, divinity, empire, epic, experience, god, Gorgon, handling, human, iron, niche, place, point, power, powerful, resistance, rise, rising, series, serpent, staff, status, throne, time, trip, true, vision, world
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 11,548
    Last Post: 09-03-2002 05:41 PM
    by Trithemius  Go to last post
  17. Mebhaighl

    Started by blitzmacher, 03-23-2002 08:48 PM
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    Aebrynis, allowed, answer, application, blessed, bloodline, bloodlines, borders, building, calls, cataclysm, century, current, effect, effects, elf, elves, land, lawgiver, locate, magic, mebhaighl, nature, power, powerful, purpose, realm, realm magic, regular, resistance, result, results, spell, spells, staff, standard, state, the wizard, time, wizards
    • Replies: 37
    • Views: 10,393
    Last Post: 04-16-2002 07:49 PM
    by Arch-Sorcerer Gargamel  Go to last post
  18. Craft Magic

    Started by kgauck, 05-12-2002 03:39 AM
    3rd, 3rd edition, beauty, benefit, benefits, bonus, cast, combat, copper, craft, creature, divine, effect, effects, group, kgauck, level, levels, lost, magic, minor, quality, resistance, result, results, Sera, ship, silver, skill, skills, speed, spell, spellcasting, spells, task, time, wizards
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,241
    Last Post: 05-12-2002 03:39 AM
    by kgauck  Go to last post
  19. Oriental Adventures on Aebrynis

    Started by geeman, 05-12-2002 03:39 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    Aebrynis, America, area, areas, artist, arts, azrai, blooded, born, combat, cute, dragon, east, eastern, Europe, fighting, formation, general, hierarchy, king, level, map, martial, migration, native, nature, offspring, oriental, realm, regency, resistance, rise, rising, run, running, seas, setting, skill, south
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 7,570
    Last Post: 05-16-2002 08:45 PM
    by Bryon  Go to last post
  20. Biography of Mheallie Bireon (pt 1)

    Started by kgauck, 05-12-2002 04:24 AM
    action, alliance, allowed, biography, blood, born, change, city, count, cover, deal, formation, guilder, house, land, law, lost, military, money, nature, power, powers, raise, raising, realm, resistance, return, rise, rising, run, running, surprise, time, weapon
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,836
    Last Post: 05-13-2002 08:28 PM
    by Lee  Go to last post
  21. Rules concerning Trade Routes

    Started by Bronto, 05-15-2002 07:53 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    campaign, claim, class, deserve, experiencing, faq, guild, heir, holder, holding, income, level, levels, order, player, players, province, realm, realms, regent, resistance, route, routes, rule, rules, ruling, run, running, search, source, tax, taxation, trade, trade route
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 18,429
    Last Post: 05-27-2002 08:21 AM
    by Peter Lubke  Go to last post
  22. Origins

    Started by Peter Lubke, 05-17-2002 01:49 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    action, actions, America, andu, answer, barbarian, barbarians, clan, cold, crown, empire, feature, features, game, god, history, iron, magic, mix, nature, nobility, origin, place, point, power, powers, resistance, rulebook, size, sun, theory, true, valid, verification, world, worship
    • Replies: 14
    • Views: 6,096
    Last Post: 05-18-2002 01:25 AM
    by Trithemius  Go to last post
  23. The D&D/Anime Connection

    Started by Ben Harrison, 06-11-2002 12:15 PM
    ability, ambidexterity, artist, bonus, city, copy, craft, d&d or anime, day, days, dead, diplomacy, equipment, feat, feats, human, major, member, minor, monster, point, power, resistance, retreat, run, running, search, shadow, shield, shot, skill, skills, sneak, supplement
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,744
    Last Post: 06-11-2002 12:15 PM
    by Ben Harrison  Go to last post
  24. "Masterwork" animals.

    Started by geeman, 06-28-2002 01:07 PM
    animal, animals, asks, bonus, bonuses, character, characters, creature, creatures, day, days, discussion, energy, feat, feats, formation, general, guy, guys, handling, king, masterwork, original, product, resistance, savvy, seek, skill, skills, standard, time, train, training, type, types, wizards
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 3,804
    Last Post: 06-29-2002 04:26 AM
    by kgauck  Go to last post
  25. Special Power for some clerics

    Started by kgauck, 07-21-2002 09:33 AM
    2nd, 2nd edition, ability, alter, attack, attacks, character, class, cleric, clerics, cold, damage, deity, edition, effect, feat, feats, fire, god, heir, kgauck, level, paladin, paladins, power, prestige class, resistance, save, super, supernatural, throw, type, types, version, wizards
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,915
    Last Post: 07-26-2002 11:02 AM
    by Ariadne  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 981
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