
Tag: formation

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  1. Domain:Ruornils Silver Guard

    Started by Sorontar, 10-09-2024 12:37 PM
    adventure, category, character, domain, formation, game, guard, organization, realm, silver, temple
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,715
    Last Post: 10-09-2024 12:37 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  2. House:Ulfer

    Started by Sorontar, 04-08-2024 12:19 PM
    adventure, category, character, family, formation, game, house, houses, organization, ulfer
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,535
    Last Post: 04-08-2024 12:19 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  3. House:Rosloew-Ulfer

    Started by Sorontar, 04-08-2024 12:17 PM
    adventure, category, character, family, formation, game, house, houses, organization, rosloew, ulfer
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,739
    Last Post: 04-08-2024 12:17 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  4. Yusuf Khaled

    Started by Witness3, 01-01-2024 05:00 PM
    alignment, ancient, biography, city, cold, couple, death, dimas, diplomacy, domain, feats, formation, harold, history, khaled, lowstar, magician, member, realm, religion, search, ship, skills, spell, trade, ulfer, version, wand, weapon, wiki, yusuf
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,509
    Last Post: 01-01-2024 05:00 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  5. Alternative take on wizard domains from Baker

    Started by Witness3, 07-29-2023 11:29 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    areas, baker, boxed, community, control, core, deal, domain, empire, formation, holding, interview, law, level, powerful, primal, province, realm, ruins, ruins of empire, setting, temple, the wizard, time, wizard
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 5,740
    Last Post: 08-11-2023 04:54 PM
    by masterdaorin  Go to last post
  6. Imperial College of Bards the Harpers

    Started by wmwm7777, 03-27-2022 12:32 AM
    adventuring, background, bards, campaign, characters, college, domain, domain level, elf, empire, formation, friends, game, group, guide, harper, harpers, heir, history, imperial, level, players, queen, realms, ring, world
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 4,515
    Last Post: 04-15-2022 06:58 PM
    by Osprey  Go to last post
  7. Brechtur Domian information

    Started by wmwm7777, 03-24-2022 02:49 PM
    birthright, collected, compliments, cultures, domains, domian, expansion, family, folks, forge, formation, free, game, guess, location, minor, muden, nobility, pesky, place, players, players secrets, published, secrets, sheghlien, south, story
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 3,131
    Last Post: 03-25-2022 05:03 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  8. The Illusion Domain

    Started by masterdaorin, 11-21-2021 03:57 AM
    area, bow, cleric, community, deities, design, domain, domains, eloele, formation, guys, handbook, heir, illusion, level, major, minor, player, power, priests, project, spell, supplement, wondering, world
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 6,278
    Last Post: 11-27-2021 03:11 AM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 10,461
    Last Post: 08-04-2022 04:22 PM
    by Oqlanth  Go to last post
  9. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Twenty

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 10:20 PM
    arts, attack, change, concerns, current, dangerous, deal, death, discussion, evil, formation, mage, magic, mass, place, power, province, sea, settlement, shadow, source, spear, strange, sword, time, training, turn
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,074
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 10:20 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  10. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Seventeen

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 10:07 PM
    actions, area, asked, attack, bard, city, completed, day, events, formation, free, house, inn, magic, major, plan, plot, potential, shadow, shop, simple, skills, tea, time, trip, true, turn
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,638
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 10:07 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  11. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Sixteen

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 10:05 PM
    city, combat, concerns, crossbows, enhanced, features, formation, future, inn, iron, magic, minor, ordeal, power, province, ruins, servant, shadow, source, sword, temple, time, trade, training, turn, weapons
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,213
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 10:05 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  12. PnP:Liberation of Osoerde Turn Fourteen

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-24-2021 09:56 PM
    allowed, attack, attempting, battlefield, blood, blooded, day, death, flame, formation, god, holy, hound, mage, magic, master, news, plan, power, shadow, stronghold, time, training, turn, villain
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,687
    Last Post: 04-24-2021 09:56 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  13. Domain:Lands Protectorate

    Started by Sorontar, 05-02-2020 04:32 AM
    adventure, category, character, domain, formation, game, land, organization, protectorate, realm, temple, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,708
    Last Post: 05-02-2020 04:32 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  14. Spellcasting in the Shadow World?

    Started by Fizz, 02-17-2020 10:06 PM
    access, alter, arcane, cast, change, enhancement, entry, feat, formation, king, magic, mebhaighl, powers, setting, shadow, shadow world, skills, source, spell, spellcasting, spells, wiki, wizard, wizards, world
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 22,598
    Last Post: 02-25-2020 06:01 AM
    by Fizz  Go to last post
  15. Can Scions Sense One Another?

    Started by Will, 03-05-2019 06:40 PM
    ability, aubrae, awnshegh, blood, blooded, bloodline, bloodlines, brcs, canon, complete, effects, family, formation, general, guess, haven, mage, magic, nature, nobility, powers, rare, scions, title, wiki
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 30,091
    Last Post: 03-21-2019 09:40 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post
  16. little heads up...

    Started by Arjan, 12-23-2018 12:16 AM
    artist, auction, character, combat, early, features, formation, free, heads, improved, level, luck, posting, project, social, time
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 20,013
    Last Post: 12-25-2018 01:04 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post
  17. Modding Birthright: Gorgon's Alliance Adventures

    Started by kasrkraw, 08-02-2018 03:43 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    • Replies: 17
    • Views: 77,481
    Last Post: 10-25-2024 07:47 PM
    by Kami  Go to last post
  18. Roele

    Started by Fizz, 04-18-2018 02:11 AM
    anuirean, birthright, boxset, card, city, close, describe, effect, familiar, form, formation, group, history, http, languages, map, migration, nobility, roe, royal, rules, slightly, time, title, travel, wiki
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 34,114
    Last Post: 04-27-2018 05:40 PM
    by Arjan  Go to last post
  19. An ambitious map idea

    Started by nickgreyden, 04-30-2017 08:43 AM
    ambitious, anymore, attributes, birthright, borders, change, community, familiar, formation, fun, game, gauging, generation, holy, level, map, maps, place, player, realm, ruleset, scale, shaded, size, spell, time, world
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 28,079
    Last Post: 05-02-2017 11:01 PM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post
  20. Whos still active on BRnet?

    Started by Arjan, 04-27-2017 07:17 PM
    9 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 9
    absence, active, articles, banner, birthrightesque, change, changed, days, discussions, favourite, formation, game, gurps, heir, king, month, plan, posting, project, register, remain, return, run, running, small, state, time, variants, whos, wiki, wondering
    • Replies: 85
    • Views: 163,670
    Last Post: 08-16-2021 09:14 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post
  21. Domain:Mors Head Hunters

    Started by Sorontar, 05-14-2016 04:56 AM
    adventure, category, character, domain, formation, game, guild, head, head hunters, holding, hunters, organization
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,997
    Last Post: 05-14-2016 04:56 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  22. Talron Bluech

    Started by Rond0017, 05-11-2016 03:49 PM
    answer, bluech, court, dragon, formation, holding, klessberg, lieutenant, maps, minor, monsters, months, mystery, province, regent, soldat, source, talron
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,650
    Last Post: 05-11-2016 03:49 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  23. Detailed language rule for 5th edition

    Started by arpig2, 05-12-2015 08:36 PM
    5th edition, abilities, challenges, characters, common, edition, formation, game, handling, heir, language, magic, movie, point, powerful, rule, rules, series, useless
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 21,094
    Last Post: 05-13-2015 02:25 PM
    by Magian  Go to last post
  24. Sidhelien: After life?

    Started by InvictusRex, 04-06-2015 05:39 AM
    allowed, ancient, campaign, cast, current, days, dead, death, formation, history, immortal, priests, race, raise, raising, resurrection, roads, shadow, slightly, spell, spells, spirit, theory, time, world
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 24,435
    Last Post: 04-10-2015 08:42 PM
    by Lee  Go to last post
Results 1 to 25 of 1319
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