
Tag: retreat

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  1. Ghoere

    Started by Arjan, 07-21-2010 01:59 AM
    3rd, acquire, administrator, arlannis, artillery, battles, bhrier, bloodline, borders, born, bruider, campaign, character, class, commoners, completely, crown, days, grounds, grown, gweirlaen, holding, integrate, leader, loyalty, magic, outfitters, paladin, power, rare, realm, regent, reputation, retreat, shadow, siege, spear, stag, stone, sword, trade, tribes, trip, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 34,747
    Last Post: 07-21-2010 01:59 AM
    by Arjan  Go to last post


  2. Strategic warfare

    Started by Sorontar, 08-20-2009 01:16 PM
    actions, advancing, battles, building, campaign, cards, character, class, dangerous, deep, diplomacy, domain, guild, human, income, intelligence, land, level, magic, map, maximum, player, point, province, realm, regent, retreat, siege, trade, unit
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,160
    Last Post: 08-20-2009 01:16 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  3. Roesone

    Started by Arjan, 07-27-2009 06:23 PM
    agenda, artillery, asks, banner, bastard, beauty, bloodline, born, building, campaign, children, cliff, dangerous, days, deep, enforce, farming, grown, holding, iron, level, loyalty, magic, member, power, province, purpose, realm, request, retreat, return, shadow, stone, sword, throne, trade, tribes, unit, waters
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 41,671
    Last Post: 07-27-2009 06:23 PM
    by Arjan  Go to last post


  4. FearlessLeader/Anuirean emperors

    Started by Sorontar, 07-01-2009 12:29 AM
    allowed, ambitious, banner, bastard, bloodline, borders, campaign, chamberlain, children, city, diplomacy, edric, empire, future, generally, head, iron, major, member, power, raising, realm, rebellion, regent, retreat, settlement, shadow, shield, siege, strength, sword, throne, title, tribes, vassalage, vision
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,224
    Last Post: 07-01-2009 12:29 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  5. The Fortress

    Started by Sorontar, 06-29-2009 12:27 AM
    alignment, ambitious, atlas, attack, collection, completely, exotic, faith, gold, guard, history, holding, holy, iron, land, level, major, population, province, realm, regency, retreat, scion, temple, weapons, wiki, worship
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 39,752
    Last Post: 06-29-2009 12:27 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  6. PBEM:Rjurik Winds/Turn Four

    Started by AndrewTall, 06-27-2009 07:55 AM
    alliance, attack, blood, challenge, crown, dead, death, deep, diamond, divine, evil, forge, gold, guilder, mercantile, money, news, pbem, pillaging, power, province, realm, regent, request, retreat, seas, tighmaevril, trade
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,856
    Last Post: 06-27-2009 07:55 AM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  7. Legion of Blood

    Started by Sorontar, 06-13-2009 03:27 PM
    ability, actions, attack, battles, blood, bonus, campaign, character, class, death, diplomacy, domain, feats, generally, greed, housecarl, iron, level, plan, power, random, rare, realm, retreat, shot, spear, sword, throne, tribes, weapon
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,413
    Last Post: 06-13-2009 03:27 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  8. Tuarhievel timeline

    Started by Sorontar, 04-22-2009 05:20 AM
    accepted, advancing, azrai, bloodline, borders, building, children, class, domain, future, guild, holding, king, magic, point, province, race, realm, regent, retreat, return, revival, settlement, shadow, songs, strength, throne, timeline, title, trade, tribes, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,055
    Last Post: 04-22-2009 05:20 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  9. Karl Ritter

    Started by AndrewTall, 04-12-2009 04:37 PM
    allowed, anuirean, army, attack, city, claim, count, days, domain, fighting, friends, history, house, leader, major, pirate, point, project, province, ransom, regent, retreat, ruins, seek, spider, sword, time, title, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,581
    Last Post: 04-12-2009 04:37 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  10. History of Boeruine

    Started by BRadmin, 04-11-2009 08:06 PM
    ability, action, alliance, andu, Cerilia, chamberlain, city, community, domain, empire, enemy, festivals, god, investiture, king, land, magic, powerful, province, realm, rebellion, regency, retreat, running, settlement, shadow, shield, source, throne, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,243
    Last Post: 04-11-2009 08:06 PM
    by BRadmin  Go to last post


  11. Expanded Magician Spell List

    Started by Sorontar, 03-30-2009 06:00 AM
    3rd, actions, beauty, blood, bloodline, class, continual, crown, curse, dancing, deep, device, diplomacy, disable, domain, edition, feats, guardian, holding, human, intelligence, land, level, locate, monster, native, player, power, retreat, shadow, shield, shot, spectral, supernatural, weapon, weapons, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,407
    Last Post: 03-30-2009 06:00 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  12. Haelyn's Bastion of Truth

    Started by Sorontar, 03-19-2009 11:00 PM
    allowed, annual, blessed, cataclysm, champion, churches, city, class, crisis, crown, current, dynasty, empire, enforce, holding, James, level, magic, major, paladin, plague, point, power, purpose, raising, realm, rebellion, regency, regent, relic, retreat, source, stag, status, title, tribute, undiscovered, vision, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 32,564
    Last Post: 03-19-2009 11:00 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  13. Alamie

    Started by Sorontar, 08-28-2009 04:55 AM
    administration, administrator, aloroine, ambition, beauty, bloodline, borders, campaign, care, cataclysm, children, class, commoners, completely, crown, days, grown, halmied, holding, human, lawgiver, loyalty, magic, member, native, outfitters, pirate, plan, power, present, production, public, realm, rebellion, retreat, return, seek, settlement, shadow, siege, storage, suitable, title, trade, tribes, vassalage, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 39,933
    Last Post: 08-28-2009 04:55 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  14. Chapter six/Armies and warfare/Military units

    Started by Sorontar, 09-01-2009 01:50 AM
    actions, advancing, allowed, artillery, brcs, class, commoners, d20, dangerous, domain, human, intelligence, king, level, loyalty, major, map, maximum, mobile, native, professional, purpose, race, regency, regent, retreat, shield, shot, siege, skirmishers, spear, strength, sword, trade, unit, wastes, weapons
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 126,880
    Last Post: 10-20-2010 12:05 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  15. Dhoesone campaign example

    Started by Sorontar, 07-17-2010 08:24 PM
    ancient, anuirean, area, asks, attack, beauty, blessed, born, boy, building, campaign, captured, claim, crown, diplomacy, domain, duraend, empire, evil, guild, imperial, invasion, James, land, law, leader, level, minor, mix, nobility, plan, random, regent, reputation, request, retreat, return, siege, source, stone, suitable, surprise, temple, vision, wiki
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 9,111
    Last Post: 05-27-2012 02:23 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  16. Urga-Zai

    Started by Sorontar, 03-02-2010 12:09 AM
    accepted, Aebrynis, alignment, atlas, azrai, blood, history, holding, introduction, king, kings, level, mix, money, population, powers, realm, regency, retreat, ship, status, temple, time, tribute, war, wiki, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 18,730
    Last Post: 03-02-2010 12:09 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  17. Kitch/Bersia House Rules

    Started by Kitch, 02-18-2010 03:12 PM
    3rd, blood, board, brcs, building, campaign, cataclysm, class, contest, crown, d20, diplomacy, dungeons, edition, guild, handling, land, loyalty, member, offspring, pbem, player, point, power, purpose, retreat, rule, siege, staff, stone, sword, trade, unit, war
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,336
    Last Post: 02-18-2010 03:12 PM
    by Kitch  Go to last post


  18. Karamhul tips

    Started by AndrewTall, 02-06-2010 01:33 PM
    actions, azrai, blood, born, children, community, contest, continual, conversion, days, deep, domain, dungeons, edition, generally, guild, holding, human, land, magic, mobile, player, point, realm, regency, reputation, retreat, shield, shot, source, stone, tribes, valid, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,892
    Last Post: 02-06-2010 01:33 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  19. Vos tips

    Started by AndrewTall, 01-21-2010 08:12 PM
    abomination, azrai, blood, born, building, campaign, character, children, class, collection, commoners, crown, curse, deep, device, generally, generation, head, mix, pesky, plan, point, power, province, regent, retreat, rule, shadow, slave, storage, surprise, trade, tribes, village, waters, women, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,091
    Last Post: 01-21-2010 08:12 PM
    by AndrewTall  Go to last post


  20. Create Trade Route action

    Started by Sorontar, 01-04-2010 09:10 AM
    bonus, brcs, campaign, city, cover, guild, holder, holding, human, import, income, iron, level, map, maximum, point, power, product, rare, regency, regent, retreat, return, rule, search, source, storage, tax, trade, variants
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,960
    Last Post: 01-04-2010 09:10 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  21. Iain Broweleit

    Started by Sorontar, 12-13-2009 12:04 PM
    action, army, attack, bastard, biography, bloodline, combat, domain, experience, feats, guilder, house, law, leadership, masterwork, military, nobility, noble, power, retreat, rule, shield, skills, speed, sword, title, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 4,846
    Last Post: 12-13-2009 12:04 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  22. Chapter one/Character/Paladin

    Started by Sorontar, 09-14-2009 02:29 AM
    3rd, abomination, actions, artist, bonus, brcs, casting, character, class, continual, curse, d20, device, diplomacy, feats, level, locate, magic, maximum, multiclass, paladin, player, point, power, rare, retreat, source, substitute, supernatural, weapon
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 28,345
    Last Post: 09-14-2009 02:29 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post
  23. Dragon of Vstaive Peak

    Started by Sorontar, 09-12-2009 11:34 AM
    allowed, azrai, battles, blessed, borders, born, campaign, class, completely, custom, damaged, dangerous, deep, heartless, holding, intelligence, land, magic, maximum, millen, point, power, raven, realm, regent, retreat, return, rule, spear, stone, tribes, tribute, visit, wastes, weapon, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 19,409
    Last Post: 09-12-2009 11:34 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  24. The Gorgon

    Started by Sorontar, 09-09-2009 02:43 AM
    azrai, bastard, bloodline, born, brcs, champion, children, crown, curse, diplomacy, disable, domain, dynasty, enhancement, feats, future, intelligence, iron, land, level, magic, offspring, plan, power, raising, rare, realm, regent, retreat, return, rule, scarred, shield, sword, title, trip, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 28,419
    Last Post: 09-09-2009 02:43 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  25. Tarazin the Gray

    Started by BRadmin, 09-02-2009 03:36 PM
    allowed, asks, azrai, beauty, blood, borders, campaign, class, completely, dangerous, days, deep, duel, edition, generally, human, iron, level, loyalty, point, province, request, retreat, return, seek, shot, songs, source, spear, stone, sword, waters, weapon, weapons, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 13,023
    Last Post: 09-02-2009 03:36 PM
    by BRadmin  Go to last post


Results 1 to 25 of 215
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