
Tag: head

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  1. Molevof.png

    Started by Witness3, 01-15-2024 03:22 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,557
    Last Post: 01-15-2024 03:22 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  2. Edarlaskyy.png

    Started by Witness3, 12-27-2023 12:12 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,298
    Last Post: 12-27-2023 12:12 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  3. banner_of_nyur_family.png

    Started by Witness3, 12-18-2023 02:42 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,457
    Last Post: 12-18-2023 02:42 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  4. banner_of_evuarr.png

    Started by Witness3, 12-06-2023 03:14 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,646
    Last Post: 12-06-2023 03:14 PM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  5. banner_of_duarlavka.png

    Started by Witness3, 12-02-2023 11:01 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 911
    Last Post: 12-02-2023 11:01 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  6. Grovnikken.png

    Started by Witness3, 11-24-2023 11:04 AM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,747
    Last Post: 11-24-2023 11:04 AM
    by Witness3  Go to last post


  7. Birthright using Godbound Rules

    Started by nickgreyden, 09-12-2016 01:49 PM
    3rd, birthright, combat, conversion, domain, fan, field, free, game, godbound, guys, head, land, mass, pages, pdf, recent, regency, rpg, rule, rules, run, running, sandbox, usurp, version
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 24,852
    Last Post: 09-27-2016 11:10 AM
    by nickgreyden  Go to last post
  8. Mor Drachen

    Started by Rond0017, 05-16-2016 04:38 PM
    champion, council, cousin, decade, drachen, dremmin, energy, faith, fourth, fresmund, gelda, head, head hunters, hunters, leader, lieutenant, minor, mor drachen, noble, recent, regent, rule, rulers, slyzky, soldat, veteran, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,170
    Last Post: 05-16-2016 04:38 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  9. Domain:Mors Head Hunters

    Started by Sorontar, 05-14-2016 04:56 AM
    adventure, category, character, domain, formation, game, guild, head, head hunters, holding, hunters, organization
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 10,859
    Last Post: 05-14-2016 04:56 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  10. Dremmin Slyzky

    Started by Rond0017, 05-12-2016 03:08 PM
    area, bring, drachen, dremmin, eastern, gnoll, guild, head, head hunters, hunters, leader, lieutenant, major, mercenaries, money, mor drachen, order, province, regent, slyzky, soldat, star
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 11,789
    Last Post: 05-12-2016 03:08 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  11. Llebruch

    Started by Rond0017, 05-11-2016 03:43 PM
    ancient, annwn, battle, cold, court, creatures, domain, elves, forest, gen, gnolls, head, head hunters, hunters, llebruch, loch, loyal, loyalty, nwn, orogs, plague, race, rumor
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,628
    Last Post: 05-11-2016 03:43 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  12. Gelda Fresmund

    Started by Rond0017, 05-11-2016 03:27 PM
    benefit, champion, cousin, dealing, dremmin, fresmund, gelda, head, head hunters, holdings, hunters, leader, leadership, nature, politics, slyzky, soldat, tai, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 8,880
    Last Post: 05-11-2016 03:27 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  13. Gelda Fresmond

    Started by Rond0017, 05-11-2016 03:20 PM
    benefit, cousin, dealing, fresmond, fresmund, gelda, head, head hunters, holdings, hunters, leader, leadership, nature, politics, redirect, tai, woman
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 6,000
    Last Post: 05-11-2016 03:20 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  14. Morjaegers

    Started by Rond0017, 05-02-2016 06:50 PM
    guild, head, head hunters, hunters, title
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,386
    Last Post: 05-02-2016 06:50 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  15. Mors Head Hunters

    Started by Rond0017, 05-02-2016 06:47 PM
    ancient, area, army, borders, company, dremmin, eastern, gnoll, guild, head, head hunters, hunters, king, klessberg, leader, mercenaries, mercenary, provinces, realm, regent, rulers, slyzky, soldat, state, times, true, woods
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 12,327
    Last Post: 05-02-2016 06:47 PM
    by Rond0017  Go to last post


  16. Governor

    Started by Sorontar, 08-02-2009 11:52 PM
    albiele, article, category, colonies, community, government, head, heir, level, province, realm, realms, regent, sovereign, state, town, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 27,413
    Last Post: 08-02-2009 11:52 PM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  17. Rhuobhe

    Started by Agelmore, 08-06-2009 08:24 PM
    action, aux, azrai, blood, borders, children, deal, diplomacy, essence, evil, guild, head, holding, human, land, level, magic, major, original, plan, pour, province, realm, regency, regent, ruannoch, source, traveler, war, world, worship
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 25,833
    Last Post: 08-06-2009 08:24 PM
    by Agelmore  Go to last post


  18. Rhuimach Taeline

    Started by Sorontar, 08-12-2009 12:01 AM
    accepted, army, beauty, biography, calendar, critical, deep, domain, feats, guild, guilder, head, house, nature, nobility, noble, prince, ranger, realm, recent, scion, seek, skills, time, unblooded, war, weapon, wiki
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,373
    Last Post: 08-12-2009 12:01 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  19. History of Rohrmarch

    Started by Sorontar, 08-14-2009 02:49 AM
    allowed, ansen, azrai, battles, bloodline, borders, chamberlain, city, crown, death, domain, empire, faith, gregor, Grevesmühl, guild, head, henchman, holy, iron, land, magic, masse, pirate, province, regent, settlement, shadow, siege, sword, throne, women, world, worship
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 7,379
    Last Post: 08-14-2009 02:49 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  20. Isilviere Castle

    Started by Sorontar, 12-08-2009 01:38 AM
    ability, acquire, administration, ambition, background, bloodline, bonus, campaign, combat, core, current, day, dead, diplomacy, domain, goals, head, history, house, intelligence, magic, member, politics, power, realm, section, skills, women, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,299
    Last Post: 12-08-2009 01:38 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  21. The Imperial City

    Started by Sorontar, 12-11-2009 02:58 AM
    accepted, actions, ansen, application, azrai, battles, born, building, campaign, chamberlain, class, colbaer, crown, days, diplomacy, duraend, future, gavinhorne, grounds, guild, halmied, head, holding, iron, jahan, karitina, level, loyalty, magic, migration, mix, nina, orinthar, outfitters, professional, province, ravensblood, regency, regent, reputation, request, return, soeran, stone, sword, talien, throne, treven, tribes, tureem, vaesil, valid, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 50,829
    Last Post: 12-11-2009 02:58 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  22. Seeking Bloodsilver

    Started by Sorontar, 12-11-2009 09:07 AM
    acquire, actions, advancing, ambition, ambitious, annual, asks, banner, bloodline, borders, box, building, campaign, chambers, champion, character, class, completely, contest, copper, criminal, crossover, d20, days, deep, diplomacy, domain, edition, gargoyle, guardian, hammer, head, henchman, holding, intelligence, iron, loyalty, map, paladin, plan, purpose, realm, rebellion, regent, reputation, request, return, scarred, shield, shot, siege, spear, spectral, storage, suitable, sword, trade, tribute, trip, unlock, usurp, vault, visit
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 15,827
    Last Post: 12-11-2009 09:07 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  23. Raesene/Empires of Blood

    Started by Sorontar, 01-12-2010 12:34 AM
    ambitious, ancients, azrai, battles, blood, borders, box, building, city, cover, dangerous, death, harold, head, human, land, major, plan, power, protectorate, province, race, ruins, search, seas, settlement, shadow, slave, stone, strength, suitable, trade, tribes, war, wastes, weapons, women
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 9,147
    Last Post: 01-12-2010 12:34 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  24. Heartlands

    Started by Sorontar, 07-31-2009 11:34 AM
    abomination, battles, blood, borders, city, completely, current, death, domain, empire, generally, gold, guardian, head, historic, human, interplay, iron, land, map, outfitters, power, province, realm, ruins, source, sword, throne, version, war, waters
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 26,801
    Last Post: 07-31-2009 11:34 AM
    by Sorontar  Go to last post


  25. Osoerde

    Started by BRadmin, 07-24-2009 02:10 PM
    allowed, borders, boy, churches, city, crown, days, death, empire, farming, fencing, guild, gulfport, head, human, iron, land, leader, level, plan, province, purpose, raising, realm, rebellion, regency, reputation, source, stone, strength, throne, title, trade, vassalage, women, world
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 29,884
    Last Post: 07-24-2009 02:10 PM
    by BRadmin  Go to last post


Results 1 to 25 of 316
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