User:Mirviriam/BRCS SQL
Template:category:web play
Note: SQL database Notes - Please read
Reference Tables
===="province_status"====Still developing!
Live Database Tables
===="Route_Path"==== - which provinces the route passes through to get to destination, needed to reflect where raids are possible
===="works"==== - this is completed only
Note: This is the cross lists - M:M connections for unknown number of links to unknown number
Administrative Tables
Note: SQL database Notes - Please read
Reference Tables
- 1Reference tables
- 2Live Portion
- 2.1"persona" - character stats
- 2.2"persona_regency"
- 2.3"md_persona"
- 2.4"domains" - domain basics
- 2.5"province"
- 2.6"md_province"
- 2.7"holds" - decided to do all 4 types in one table
- 2.8"Trade_Routes" - who owns & where it starts/stops
- 2.9"Ley_lines" - setup to allow any of 7 variants on handling ley line connections
- 2.10"spy_Report_Provinces" - this is when a player had access to another province without being neighbor or having units near by
- 2.11"alliance"
- 2.12"works_Progress" - once completed a works is placed in other table
- 2.13"decrees"
- 2.14"x_domain_deity"
- 2.15"x_domain_holding"
- 2.16"x_domain_province"
- 2.17"x_domain_persona"
- 2.18"x_domain_Route_Path"
- 2.19"x_domain_lay_lines"
- 2.20"x_domain_works"
- 2.21"x_domain_works_progress"
- 2.22"x_province_holding"
- 2.23"x_neighbors"
- 2.24"x_province_region"
- 2.25"x_province_protects"
- 2.26"x_province_leyroute" - which provinces the route passes through to get to destination, needed for custom rules and use of disrupt dmn magic spells
- 2.27"x_province_works_progress"
- 2.28"x_province_works"
- 2.29"x_province_spyNetworks"
- 2.30"x_Provinces_status"
- 2.31"x_spy_Report_Alliance" - this reflects which courts have cracked or intercepted each other's diplomacy
- 2.32"presistantDomainSpell"
- 2.33"persona_identity"
- 2.34"personsa_classes"
- 2.35"personsa_dieties"
- 2.36"personsa_spells"
- 2.37"personsa_domain_Spells"
- 2.38"personsa_blood_Abilities"
- 2.39"personsa_feats"
- 2.40"personsa_skills"
- 2.41"class_skills_cross_class"
- 3administrative Portion
[top]Reference tables
In DB: No, Updated: 8-29-2010, Wiki Updated: 8-29-2010
In DB: Yes, Updated: 8-29-2010
- region_ID
- region_description
- region_Name
- continentID
- continent_ID
- continent_name
- template
- worksCost_ID
- woodBridge
- stoneBridge
- ferry
- fortificationP
- fortificationH
- highwayPlainSteppeScrub
- highwayDesertForestHill
- highwaySwampTundra
- highwayGlacierMountain
- palace
- seaport
- ship
- shipyard
- wondrous
- worksCost_ID
- woodBridge
- stoneBridge
- ferry
- fortificationP
- fortificationH
- highwayPlainSteppeScrub
- highwayDesertForestHill
- highwaySwampTundra
- highwayGlacierMountain
- palace
- seaport
- ship
- shipyard
- wondrous
- class_ID
- class_name
- hitDice
- startFeats
- startSkills
- skillperlevel
- gainSkillLastLevel
- FeatPerLevel
- gainFeatLastLevel
- description
- requiredAlignment
- officalClass
- banned
- class_ID
- skill_ID
- class_ID
- skill_ID
- feat_ID
- featlist_name
- featList_description
- officialFeat
- banned
- bloodAbility_id
- bloodAbilityListname
- powerRequired
- minStrengthAvailable
- maxStrengthAvailable
- derivations
- featList _description
- official
- banned
- spell_ID
- spell_level
- spellList_name
- school
- reqSorLevel
- reqDrdLevel
- reqClerLevel
- reqWizLevel
- targetType
- baseDuration
- durationLabel
- addDurRatio
- addDurLabel
- saveThrow
- spellResist
- spellRequires
- durationLabel
- additionalDurationRatio
- additionalDurationLabel
- saveThrow
- spellResist
- spellRequires
- range
- components
- spellList_description
- official
- banned
- dmnSpell_ID
- domainSpell_level
- domainSpell_name
- school
- reqSorLevel
- reqDrdLevel
- reqClerLevel
- reqWizLevel
- targetType
- baseDuration
- durationLabel
- addDurRatio
- addDurLabel
- saveThrow
- spellResist
- spellRequires
- gpFormatType
- gpPerTarget
- gpTargetLabel
- rpFormatType
- rpPerTarget
- rpRatioDivisor
- rpTargetLabel
- domainSpell_description
- official
- banned
- class_ID
- divination
- enchantment
- abjuration
- evocation
- conjuration
- transmutation
- illusion
- necromancy
- elemental
- psionic
- diety_ID
- diety _name
- diety _title
- symbol
- patronRace
- diety _alias
- diety _alignment
- portfolio
- domains - probably needs it's own table since not all diety have same number of domains
- favoredWeapon
- diety _description
- dogma
- relationship
- diety _allies
- foes
- others
- official
- banned
===="province_status"====Still developing!
- province_Status_ID
- province_Status_name
- province_Status_shortDescription
- province_Status_description
- province_icon_id
- province_family_id - is it domain spell, seasonal, military type of status
- isEffectNegative
Live Database Tables
[top]Live Portion
[top]"persona" - character stats
Created: Yes, DB Updated: 8-29-2010
- persona_ID
- persona_name
- persona_abbreviation
- persona_title
- persona_description
- reputation
- persona_alignment
- persona_level_total
- HPMax
- HPCurrent
- strength
- dexterity
- constitution
- intelligence
- wisdom
- charisma
- regency_id
- deriviation
- bloodStrength
- bloodscore
- md_persona_id
- charLocation
- trainedThisRound
- isALieutenant
- lastaccessed
- template
- isAllowed
- rounds_carried_max_rp
- regencyPool - for variant rule for lieutenants to under go a ceremony to transfer rp to take actions
[top]"domains" - domain basics
In DB: Yes, Updated: 8-29-2010
- domain_ID
- domain_name
- courtLocation
- courtLevel
- courtType
- palaceLevel
- TreasuryGP
- attitude
- template
In DB: Yes, Updated: 8-29-2010
- province_ID
- province_name
- province_level
- province_source
- fortified
- province_attitude
- terraintype_ID
- tax_level
- province_description
- province_short_description
- caerbhaighlein - a number value representing it's max force
- currentCaerbahighlein - like hp it regains once disrupted
- template
- hasRiver
- hasLake
- hasCoastal
- bonusSource
- bonusPopulation
- ruledUpThisTurn
- usedGuild
- usedLaw
- UsedTemple
- usedSource
- sourceSpent
- divineSpent
- musterSpent
[top]"holds" - decided to do all 4 types in one table
- holdingID
- holds_level
- bastion_level - this reflects individual holding defenses
- protected - this reflects if the lawful regent of the province extends his protection to the holding in question
- visible - not hidden via any means
- contested
- holds_name
- holds_type
- ruledUpThisTurn
- typeSpecificVariable - source & temple's have a cap on how much RP can be used in some variants, guilds have cap on # of routes can be attached to it
- template
[top]"Trade_Routes" - who owns & where it starts/stops
- route_ID
- startGuild_ID
- endGuildID
- startProvince
- endProvince
===="Route_Path"==== - which provinces the route passes through to get to destination, needed to reflect where raids are possible
- route_ID
- province_ID
- template
[top]"Ley_lines" - setup to allow any of 7 variants on handling ley line connections
- lay_Line_ID
- start_Province_ID
- start_Source_ID
- end_Province_ID
- masked
- warded
- sunderContested - name is meaningless, looking to represent how many times attacked & how close to gone the line is either bool or int reflecting # of hits it's taken
[top]"spy_Report_Provinces" - this is when a player had access to another province without being neighbor or having units near by
- spy_report_id
- domain_ID
- province_ID
- report_Turn
- report_Round
- alliance_ID
- domain_ID
- domain_ID2
- type
- permanent_Envoy
- vassal
- gold_Tribute
- regency_Tribute
- visible
- objective
- announcement
===="works"==== - this is completed only
- works_ID
- works_level
- works_type
- works_name
- works_description
- upkeep
[top]"works_Progress" - once completed a works is placed in other table
- works_progress_ID
- works_Progress_level
- worksType
- works_Progress_Name
- works_Progress_description
- GP_Spent
- GP_Goal
- decree_ID
- domain_ID
- scope
- turn
- round
- messenger
- message
- alliance_ID
- war_ID
Note: This is the cross lists - M:M connections for unknown number of links to unknown number
- deity_id
- domain_id
- domain_id
- holding_id
- domain_id
- province_id
- domain_id
- persona_id
- route_ID
- domain_ID
- lay_Line_ID
- domain_id
- works_id
- domain_id
- works_progess_id
- domain_id
- province_id
- holding_id
- provinceID
- provinceID
- province_id
- region_id
- province_id
- holding_id
[top]"x_province_leyroute" - which provinces the route passes through to get to destination, needed for custom rules and use of disrupt dmn magic spells
- ley_Line_ID
- province_ID
- province_id
- works_progress_id
- province_id
- works_id
- province_ID
- domain_ID
- status_ID
- province_ID
[top]"x_spy_Report_Alliance" - this reflects which courts have cracked or intercepted each other's diplomacy
- domain_ID
- allianceID
- domain_Spell_Instance_ID
- instance_Owner_ID
- province_ID
- targetted_Province_ID
- domain_Spell_ID
- Difficult_yChecked
- intial_Duration_Turn
- intial_Duration_Round
- end_Turn
- end_Round
- persona_id
- identity_id
- persona_ID
- class_ID
- domain_ID
- personsa_ID
- spell_ID
- persona_ID
- persona_ID
- domainSpell_ID
- persona_ID
- bloodAbility_ID
- persona_ID
- feat_ID
- persona_ID
- skill_ID
- class_id
- skill_id
Administrative Tables
[top]administrative Portion
In Database: Yes, Update: 8-16-2010
- campaign_ID
- charTrainingFrequency
- onlyOfficial
- multiClasses
- MCRegency
- 1stRdInvesture
- 1stRoundContest
- 1stRoundNewholding
- visibleLieutanentcy
- basicSieges
- alliedSharedInformationDefault
- standardWorksCost
- opposedScoutChecks
- goldTransfersRaided
- seasonalWarfare
- notPayTributeRegencyOption
- notPayTributeGoldOption
[top]"variants" - these could probably be in mechanic's table but are vanilla house rules for BCRS
- campaign_ID
- mustering
- tribalUnits
- reownedUnits
- taxModifers
- ruleByCouncil
- regencySpellMax
- freeLuietenant
- freeHeirLooms
- earlyLeadership
- exp4DmnAction
- limitedMagicalTransport
- sourceReclaims
- campaign_ID
- identity
[top]"campaigns" - seperate table from dmList since many dm's run same game
- campaign_ID
- campaign_Name
This is region's allowed in a DM's campaign
- region_ID
- campaign_ID
- campaign_ID
- persona_ID
- identity - I looked at the number of joins to make these 5 tables work together & putting id here saved us alot of cpu power
- identity
- login
- ppassword
- CreationIP
- sessionIP
- timesFailedPassword
- lastAccessed
- identitiy
- date
- time
- IP
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Created by Last edited by , 11-04-2016 at 03:13 PM 0 Comments, 15,750 Views |
, 09-06-2010 at 07:35 PM
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