Rjurik Highlands » Wild Lands » Urga-Zai

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Mixture of goblins and other humanoids


Status: Not available for PCs.
The wilderness of Urga-Zai is home to savage goblin tribes and their humanoid allies, all under the chaotic ruler-ship of the self-styled ?King? Dargal.

[top]Life and Society

Urga-Zai is a crazy quilt of various goblin realms, most containing a substantial number of other humanoids such as ogres, fhoimoriens, gnolls, trolls, etc. These creatures live together in a semblance of unity, periodically going to war against each other, but all acknowledging the unifying value of their king. The king?s role appears to be in persuading his bickering subjects to set aside their differences and remain together long enough for yet-one-more raid into Lluabraight, reconnaissance-in-force into Danigau, or scouting/foraging into Hjolvar or Kvigmar. Despite their differences, all Urga-Zai acknowledge and even (in their own goblinish way) love their king.

[top]The Land















Urga-Zai has been a retreat for most of the humanoids in the Highlands. As the Rjurik settled in their new homeland fleeing Azrai, they pushed the goblins, gnolls, ogres and trolls farther north most fled to what are now Urga-Zai, the Giantdowns, and the Blood Skull Barony. Eventually a large number settled to the lands east of Lluabraight. The goblins that had lived in this land gladly accepted the newcomers as they arrived as long as they paid tribute to the goblin ?kings?.


The law is controlled by the individual warlords, though for unity?s sake (and to avoid his wrath) most lords acknowledge Dargal?s primacy. The provinces that are largely goblin report to Dargal through their chieftains though Dargal does control the law.

[top]Important Figures

The gnoll, Gladdishk, controls Khul-Na and Urtha. The largest concentration of fhoimoriens in the highlands live in Nulthan and are ruled by Mfullik. The troll, Nybwyl, rules his people in Urik-Na. Ogres follow their chief, Zhourgg, in Idzar and Vulzin.

Followers of Kartathok (a.k.a. ?The Big Boss?) control several temples in Urga-Zai. Dargal boasts that his realm contains several ?true? goblin shamans who wield what he considers awesome powers. He often insists that they join his forces on raids. Though much of their time is taken up with the intricate and often incomprehensible rituals of Kartathok, the goblin shamans usually co-operate, since ?it?s what the Big Boss would want?.

[top]Rumors, Secrets and Plots

Dargal has sent his sights on the young human nation of Hjolvar as a way to bring his people together and expand their territory.
Erik Danig, ruler of Danigau, has defeated the Urga-Zai goblins every time they have entered his domain. Dargal has placed a large sum on money for his head.

Currently, Dargal is considering war against the relatively new human nation of Hjolvar as an easy way to improve his people's unity and fighting skills, and as a way to expand their territory.

[top]Domain Holding Table

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Urga-Zai domain table


Draga-Zai (2/7)
Da (2)
SK (2)
Horthan (0/9)
Da (0)
Hovrimm (1/7)
Da (1)
SK (0)
Idzar (0/9)
Zh (0)
SK (0)
Kazal-Zar (0/5)
Da (0)
Khul-Na (1/7)
Gl (1)
SK (0)
Nulthan (2/7)
Mf (1)
SK (1)
Raka-Zai (0/9)
Urika-Na (1/4)
Ny (1)
SK (1)
Urtha (1/7)
Gl (0)
Vulzin (1/7)
Zh (1)
SK (0)
Zaruul (1/7)
Zeph-Na (2/6)
Da (1)
SK (1)
Abbreviations: Da = Dargal (Urga-Zai) Gl = Gladdishk Mf = Mfullik Ny = Nybwyl SK = Swords of Kartathok Zh = Zhourgg

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